Lobbying Sources for your Essay

Lobbying in the American Government

Senator Lloyd Bentsen of Texas first coined the term "astroturf" in the 1970s, when corporations began to hire public relations firms like Davies Communications to set up bogus grassroots campaigns. A bear hug "serves as a signal-jamming device that prevents the interest group from signaling the intensity of its views," and is especially effective with groups that have limited funds and high lobbying expenses (Lyon and Maxwell, 2004, p

Lobbying in the American Government

Lobbyists spent over a billion dollars a year at the federal level, which was more than money spent on campaign contributions. In 2009, the energy industry spent $450 million lobbying Congress and the finance, real estate and insurance industry $475 million (Wiener 2011)

Abbott Labs Lobbying Recommendations Lobbying Recommendations for

This bill will have a direct impact on rising prescription costs to consumers, as pharmaceutical companies attempt to make up the shortfall. Therefore, a grassroots effort should be established to gain public support for the lobbying goals (Keenan, 2012)

Lobbying of the Government by

Although health insurance companies "would not have been able to charge people more because of their health conditions…they could have charged higher rates based on age. In exchange, Congress would have required employers to offer insurance to their workers; this would have guaranteed that insurers would have a broader population among which to spread costs" as even healthy individuals would have had to buy coverage from insurance companies (Adams 2009, p

Lobbying of the Government by

Private insurers have effectively engaged in rationing, so they're doing the dirty work" rather than government (Hilzenrath 2009,p.1) America remains unique amongst all of the industrialized democracies in that it allows healthcare to be a commodity (Andre & Velasquez 2010)

Lobbying of the Government by

Harry and Louise are HIAA's creation, the fictional protagonists of a $14 million advertising campaign orchestrated by the health insurance lobbying group to rally public as well as Congressional support against President Clinton's attempt to reform the nation's health system (Tarbell 2009). Today, administrative health insurance costs represent 10-20 cents of every dollar spent on healthcare in the United States (Hilzenrath 2009, p

Lobbying of the Government by

The umbrella organization represents insurance companies that provide coverage for more than 200 million Americans. The conglomerate organization is now known America's Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) (Pisano 2003)

Lobbying of the Government by

Health Insurance Association of America HIAA: Lobbying efforts Health Insurance Association of America HIAA: Lobbying efforts Economic interests of the Health Insurance Association of America (HIAA) Ordinary citizens may not be familiar with the Health Insurance Association of America (HIAA) but they are familiar with Harry and Louise. Harry and Louise are HIAA's creation, the fictional protagonists of a $14 million advertising campaign orchestrated by the health insurance lobbying group to rally public as well as Congressional support against President Clinton's attempt to reform the nation's health system (Tarbell 2009)

Federal Lobbying Reform This Is

For fundraising. (Bogardus, 2009) New bundling disclosure rules were passed by Congress in 2007

Federal Lobbying Reform This Is

In most cases, the bills also expand the information given to the public about communications between lobbyists and their senators and members of Congress. And they name names as far as those who give large contributions to Congressional reelection campaigns (Chaddock, 2007)

Federal Lobbying Reform This Is

External Url: http://nclobbyreform.org

In addition, PACs connected to lobbyists are prohibited from contributing to lawmakers during a legislative session, so the day before the legislature opens, guess what happens? Parties are organized by Republicans and Democrats, and lobbyists make the rounds, donating to the PACs or to the political party itself, which is legal. Now, let's guess in whose pocket the money ends up (Johnson, 2007)

Federal Lobbying Reform This Is

The reforms the Abramoff scandal spurred were largely unnecessary -- what Abramoff did was already illegal. Instead of more rules, the government needed to enforce those laws that already existed" (Matthias, 2009, para

Federal Lobbying Reform This Is

Abuses June 23, 2009. "House GOP asks Justice to investigate GM and Chrysler for illegal lobbying on climate" (Milloy, 2009)

Federal Lobbying Reform This Is

. Any new rules will likewise fail without an independent Congressional enforcement office an Office of Public Integrity, or an equivalent office in the Congress, independent of whichever party happens to be in the leadership at any moment" (Potter, 2006, para

Federal Lobbying Reform This Is

Charitable contributions have also entered the picture as a lobbyist tool to disguise contributions to legislators. Federal law does limit the amount an individual or group can give to a congressional campaign, but there are no restrictions on donations to lawmakers' favorite causes, charities, and institutions (Roth & Knott, 2009, para

Federal Lobbying Reform This Is

It also established new penalties for violations. Examples of these new rules: (Urwitz, 2007, para

Congressional Ethics Lobbying Has Been

The K. Street Project is a 1995 Republican initiative which "identifies loyal Republican lobbyists and campaign contributors and then encourages lawmakers to welcome them into their offices to the exclusion of others" (Birnbaum, 2004)

Lobbying Re: Chief Lobbyist for

Anyone on a healthy diet would read labels anyway and figure out for themselves what foods are good and what foods they should eat in moderation. National Pizza's next step is to coalition with many diet agencies (Berry, 1999), offering a lower fat version of the product that can be incorporated into many popular diet programs especially those using points systems like Weight Watchers

Lobbying Re: Chief Lobbyist for

The motion to promote labeling of high fat products is not an efficient tool for monitoring consumer's purchases or health. Citizens are more likely now than ever before to challenge labeling (Danaher & Mark 2003) and other bills or rules initiated by the FDA, because they want choices

Lobbying Re: Chief Lobbyist for

If they are also presented with petitions from consumers, they are likely to back off or fail to support measures taken by the FDA to promote labeling of high fat products. National Pizza must also realize that roughly 15% of economic activity (Ramsay