Lion Sources for your Essay

Lion in the White House: A Life

"Roosevelt aimed to restore the old virtues and programs of the earliest Republicans. He staked out his philosophy of government, and his political tactics were aggressive and energetic" (Donald 38)

Kronstadt Rebellion at the Beginning

Military struggles are only politics in a hothouse, and individual lives often become subordinate to the torrential waves of historic social change. And this is why Kronstadt symbolized not only tragedy, but also absolute necessity (Baken, 2007)

Kronstadt Rebellion at the Beginning

Despite the fact that Zinoviev kept in constant telephonic communication with the presiding officer of the Kronstadt Soviet, and was assured by the latter that all was quiet in Kronstadt and that the sailors were busy only with preparations for the re-elections, the Petrograd radio station was kept hard at work sending messages to the world announcing a counter-revolutionary conspiracy and a white-guard uprising in Kronstadt. At the same time Zinoviev, Kalinin and their aides succeeded in persuading the Petrograd Soviet to pass a resolution which was an ultimatum to Kronstadt to surrender immediately, on pain of complete annihilation in case of refusal (Berkman, 2008)

Kronstadt Rebellion at the Beginning

Despite the fact that Zinoviev kept in constant telephonic communication with the presiding officer of the Kronstadt Soviet, and was assured by the latter that all was quiet in Kronstadt and that the sailors were busy only with preparations for the re-elections, the Petrograd radio station was kept hard at work sending messages to the world announcing a counter-revolutionary conspiracy and a white-guard uprising in Kronstadt. At the same time Zinoviev, Kalinin and their aides succeeded in persuading the Petrograd Soviet to pass a resolution which was an ultimatum to Kronstadt to surrender immediately, on pain of complete annihilation in case of refusal (Berkman, 2008)

Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by

Another author quotes his as quite certain of what he hoped to accomplish with his book. John Goldthwaite states, "Supposing,' wrote Lewis when explaining how he meant to story matters of faith, 'supposing that by casting all these things into an imaginary world, stripping them of their stained-glass and Sunday School associations, one could make them for the first time [sic] appear in their real potency?'" (Goldthwaite 220)

Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by

Another critic confirms that Lewis himself saw the story as a question posed to make people think about the Messiah returning to Earth. He writes, "He [Lewis] preferred to describe The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe as a story that runs parallel to the gospel, as if in the story it were being asked, 'What if the Messiah were to come in another world?'" (Guroian 137)

Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by

On her first visit, she meets a Faun named Tumnus, and the tone of the book is immediately set. The Faun hesitantly asks Lucy, "Excuse me -- I don't want to be inquisitive -- but should I be right in thinking that you are a daughter of Eve?'" (Lewis 11)

Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by

One critic notes that the first three books in the chronicles, deal with a certain aspect of Christianity and spirituality. He writes, The first three-- The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, Prince Caspian, and The Voyage of the Dawn Trader -deal with the role of Joy in sanctification and the achievement of a balanced way of life" (Myers xiii)

Business the Management Practices of Business Billionaires

Trump starts by stating that he only works with the best. Trump goes on to say that "if you are careful when finding employees, management becomes a lot easier" (Trump 3)

Revolutionary America Describe Shay\'s Rebellion

These taxes would be a cause of contention because Americans hated taxes, particularly direct taxes. In fact, taxation was one of the leading causes of the American Revolution" (Brainard, 2005)

Revolutionary America Describe Shay\'s Rebellion

The main causes of the rebellion were in fact related to the issue of taxes and the historical background of the post revolutionary situation. More precisely, after the independence from Great Britain the colonies had to adapt to a different economic system which was clearly not dependent on the British mercantile system (Jenkins, 1997)

Revolutionary America Describe Shay\'s Rebellion

In this sense, the French had established themselves as an important presence especially in the North of the United States and exercised a growing pressure on the British. It was "a European war" (Middlekauff, 1985)

Revolutionary America Describe Shay\'s Rebellion

France, they perceived, would determine the outcome: it was disposed to help, although not to enter the contest. "We must cultivate her good disposition, draw from her all that we can, and in the end their [the French] private aid must assist us to establish peace or inevitably draw them in as parties to the war" (Toth, 1989, 183)

Obesity Affects Millions of People

15 Bariatric surgical treatments, such as gastric bypass, can induce long-term weight loss, but are appropriate only for selected patients with a body-mass index of at least 40 or a body-mass index of at least 35 along with obesity-related medical conditions.6 Losing weight is difficult for most obese persons, yet long-term maintenance of a reduced weight is even more challenging" (Yanovski and Yanovski 2002)

Obesity Affects Millions of People

There are no data that indicate (a) that such efforts are likely to be effective (in fact, more than 90% of those who lose weight gain it back), (b) that a person's overall health would be improved by losing weight, or - that the effort to lose weight won't in fact turn out to have lasting harmful effects on one's appetite, metabolism, and self-esteem. Our assumptions about the desirability of thinness are so deeply ingrained that scientists find it next to impossible to align their recommendations with their findings; apparently they cannot bring themselves to say that since body size is largely a result of one's genetic makeup it's best to get on with the business of learning to live in the body you have, whatever its size (Worley)

Poverty Approximately 37 Million Americans,

In April 1968, Dr. King was assassinated, but the PPC went forward and built a shantytown on the Washington Mall (called "Resurrection City"); "several thousand poor people" of diverse ethnic backgrounds camped (Baptist, et al

Poverty Approximately 37 Million Americans,

The authors of the book that Chambers reviews, who were welfare activists in the 1960s, believe any movement to mobilize poor families "to demand relief for which they were eligible" but had not yet registered for that relief, would give them "direct aid" in the short run. However, in the long run, Piven and Cloward posit, the sudden sign-ups and demands for relief from abject poverty would "provoke such an acute fiscal crisis that government would be forced to initiate a national system of family income maintenance" (Chambers 1977)

Poverty Approximately 37 Million Americans,

. [but] we do show how it can be done, and we do signify the political will to do it" (Payne)

Million People in This Country

ST segment elevations with tall T. waves will usually be the first changes (Docherty, 2003)

Million People in This Country

4 mg repeated every 5 minutes for up to three doses. If pain persists after the third dose, suspicion for MI should be high (Harvey, 2004)