Liability Sources for your Essay

Validity & Reliability in Research

And since it would be difficult to determine whether indeed, a source is credible -- in fact, the concept of credibility is difficult to conceptualize and qualify -- triangulation is the best tool to use to test for validity and reliability in qualitative data. In triangulation, analysis of data/information from qualitative methods are triangulated by verifying it against quantitative research findings of similar topic or issue, whether this quantitative study is done in parallel to the qualitative study or not (Golafshani, 2003:603)

Validity & Reliability in Research

the construct being measured." Lastly, construct validity ensures that the construct measured in the study is accurately defined and the definition is mutually exclusive for that concept only (Smith, 1988:48)

Strict Liability Offenses

He would also been made aware of the reasons for his father's departure. According to most criminologists and forensic psychologists, many children who are raised in a violent home will eventually commit violence themselves (Jones 2005)

Strict Liability Offenses

J. Lane who perpetrated a school shooting at Chardon High School in Ohio where he fired ten shots which injured half a dozen students which took place on the 27th of February (Tavernise 2012)

Defenses to Criminal Liability Explain

Excuses to criminal liability are as varied and numerous as may be created by imagination, but the law allows only a few excuses, such as infancy (minors are not liable), insanity (see description below), settled insanity (drug induced insanity) and automatism, such as when someone commits a criminal act when they are not in control of their body in an epileptic or hypoglycemic seizure or in some cases, are drunk. (Finkelstein 326) Explain why "insanity" is a legal concept and not a medical term

Defenses to Criminal Liability Explain

She quotes George Fletcher as saying "[if] a bank teller opens a safe and turns money over to a stranger, we can infer that he is dishonest. But if he does all this at gunpoint, we cannot infer anything one way or another about his honesty" (Fletcher 800)

Defenses to Criminal Liability Explain

C., most of the American public felt that "justice had not been done," according to an ABC News poll the next day (Hans, 202)

Defenses to Criminal Liability Explain

Park Elliott Dietz, the government witness, determined that Hinckley on March 30, 1981, knew what he was going to do and was doing, but "did not lack substantial capacity to conform his conduct to the requirement of the law," and therfore was sane, according to legal standards. In other words, Hinckley knew that his conduct was illegal and immoral, but decided to plan and carry out a criminal act anyway (Linder, Transcripts)

Defenses to Criminal Liability Explain

When does insanity excuse criminal liability? A defendant has an excuse for liability, says Paul Robinson, in his book Criminal Law Defenses, when he or she is acting involuntarily and their own disability causes him or her to mistakenly or unknowingly violate a criminal prohibition. This person does not know whether his or her behavior is wrong or criminal (Robinson 222)

Defenses to Criminal Liability Explain

The insanity defense is based on forensic professionals' evaluations that the defendant was incapable of telling right from wrong when the offense was committed. According to a history of insanity defenses, the M'Naghten Rules state "it must be clearly proved that, at the time of the committing of the act, the party accused was labouring under such a defect of reason, from disease of the mind, as not to know the nature and quality of the act he was doing; or, if he did know it, that he did not know he was doing what was wrong" (Walker 4)

Reliability and Validity in Social

Number of individuals spending time in homeless shelters (nominal): "Roughly 170,000 families spent at least one night in a shelter in 2009" according to the Department of Housing and Urban Development. While reliable statistics on homelessness can be difficult to obtain, the number of individuals who seek refuge in shelters is one indication of the extent of the problem (Morales 2010) 7

Product Liability and Vaccines This Study Examines

Product Liability and Vaccines Introduction Biotechnology is reported as a new technology "capable of much good for humankind." (Traynor and Cunningham, 1989, p

Validity vs. Reliability When One

Reliability When one is discussing experimental results, two terms become very important: validity and reliability. Validity refers to "the extent to which a test measures what it claims to measure" (Cherry, 2011, Validity)

Validity vs. Reliability When One

Reliability When one is discussing experimental results, two terms become very important: validity and reliability. Validity refers to "the extent to which a test measures what it claims to measure" (Cherry, 2011, Validity)

Vicarious Liability Case This Present Study Is

In tort the action is brought in the court by the victim of the tort and the wrong doer has to compensate him while in corporate criminal cases the proceedings are conducted by the state counsel and when the accused if found guilty he/she is punished accordingly. Corporate criminal liability can be presumed to be tool for regulating corporations while vicarious liability can be presumed a tool for making the employer accountable for the actions of his or her employees (Geraghty, 2002, and Laski, 2006)

Vicarious Liability Case This Present Study Is

The employer through his agent only becomes vicariously liable when the contractor harms another party to whom the agent or employer owes duty of care which is non-delegable. Such cases are in scenarios where the employer or agent is a school manager and he owes students in his school duty of care such that if an independent contractor working in the school causes any harm to the students the school manager will be held vicariously liable (Gobert, 1994)

Vicarious Liability Case This Present Study Is

Also under apparent agency if a principal conducts himself leading another to believe that someone is his agent he is then stopped from denying this fact. For example if a person allows another to order goods on his behalf and always pay for them he will be stopped from denying the authority to a third person who relied on the appearance of the aforesaid agent (Wells, 1993)

Employee Privacy Avoid Liability Invasion Privacy Essay

Even lifestyle habits may be restricted, based upon the additional healthcare costs they can incur employers. Weight restrictions may be allowed if maintaining a certain weight is a safety hazard at some jobs, which is why "49 states allow weight standards that do not violate the ADA" (Bennett-Alexander & Hartman 2009: 682)

Employee Privacy Avoid Liability Invasion Privacy Essay

Of course, many of these privacy-related restrictions are extremely controversial and are not without limits. Federal law dictates that employers can raise (or lower) a health insurance premium by up to 20% due to a "health factor" and may be able to raise it as high as 30% in 2014 (Goldberg 2012)

Employee Privacy Avoid Liability Invasion Privacy Essay

The nature of the employment will always be a subjective determinant of the reasonability of privacy restrictions. For instance, a NJ Superior Court judge held that Atlantic City's Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa was within its rights to suspend cocktail waitresses if they gained more than 7% of their initial weight because of the nation of the women's work as 'Borgata Babes': the judge also noted that only one state bars discrimination on weight in the nation (Michigan, not New Jersey), giving employers further leeway to set limitations upon employee's private, weight-related behavior as a condition of employment (Sanburn 2013)