Legalizing Marijuana Sources for your Essay

The Benefits of Legalizing Marijuana Outweigh the Implied Dangers

In the 2014/15 fiscal year, the tax generated was set aside to Building Excellent Schools Today (BEST) grant program. With the need for better after-school programs, states will ensure that young children are enlightened, and knowledge is passed to them on the pros and cons of marijuana (Morgan, 2010)

The Benefits of Legalizing Marijuana Outweigh the Implied Dangers

These arrangements make sense considering the board is experienced in maintaining tightfisted control over a liquid drug that cause far more deaths yearly than marijuana. The benefit associated to marijuana sell in terms of revenue collection is high due to the hefty taxes imposed on these products (Nordrum, 2015)

The Benefits of Legalizing Marijuana Outweigh the Implied Dangers

The Scientific evidence argues that younger patients with mental health issues such as bipolar disorder or anxiety often smoke marijuana to calm their symptoms. Therefore, accessibility of marijuana is easy attainable (Ramful & Zhao, 2009)

The Benefits of Legalizing Marijuana Outweigh the Implied Dangers

For thousands of years, Hindu and Buddhist have used marijuana for religious purposes. During holiday periods, some men in the higher-caste from the Hindu religion are required to drink bhang because it brings them closer to Shiva (Rosenthal, Kubby & Newhart, 2003, p

The Benefits of Legalizing Marijuana Outweigh the Implied Dangers

The wastage is also related to the withholding of the medical benefits of the plant. Besides, it has missed numerous amounts of money if only they would regulate it like cannabis and tobacco; then they would gain (Van Ours, 2006)

Legalizing Marijuana Arguments Abound

There are also some definite economic benefits that legalizing marijuana could produce. Were it legalized, it could provide a readily available means of people to make money through the growing and the selling of this plant (De Avila)

Legalizing Marijuana Arguments Abound

Marijuana is prescribed for a number of medical conditions. It helps to calm people and to sooth individuals who otherwise might have tendencies to get nervous or overexcited; it helps with seizures (Klas)

Legalizing Marijuana Arguments Abound

The perception behind such a viewpoint is that marijuana can intoxicate people, drastically altering their perception of reality. The implications are that people who are intoxicated on marijuana are dangerous and could possibly menace society There are links between drug abuse and criminal activity (Klein)

The Pros and Cons of Legalizing Marijuana

Some controversial studies have questioned this, including one which suggested that individuals with a genetic predisposition to develop schizophrenia may increase their risk through early cannabis use. The study indicated "genes that increase the risk of a person developing schizophrenia may also increase the chance they will use cannabis" but the "association may be due to common genes and might not be a causal relationship where cannabis use leads to increased schizophrenia risk" (Kelland)

The Pros and Cons of Legalizing Marijuana

"The number of crimes that are committed that have some sort of alcohol component related to them are massive -- hundreds of thousands a year," according to many estimates, and even the idea that marijuana use is a gateway drug to other substances is not supported by current evidence as "research shows us that about 9% of people who experiment with pot will become dependent or abuse it. The percent that later become dependent or abuse alcohol is greater than 20%" ("Which is worse," 2015)