Juvenile Delinquency Sources for your Essay

Genetics and Juvenile Delinquency

For example, a study by researchers from the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill identified three genetic polymorphisms that that lead to delinquent behavior, but only under specific environmental conditions. Their study involved 1,100 males in grades 7 through 12, and found that family, peer and school influences could mitigate the effects of the genetic variables, while in their absence the tendency to engage in violent, delinquent behavior notably increased (Genetics, social factors tied to male delinquency, 2008, U

Genetics and Juvenile Delinquency

According to a study of 2,482 sibling pairs, children who engage in asocial behavior during childhood and adolescence, based upon parent conduct reports, seem to be influenced by one set of genetic factors vs. children who engage in delinquent behavior after puberty (Van Hulle 2009)

Juvenile Delinquency Date (Day, Month,

Shaw and McKay studied the rough neighborhoods of Chicago in the 1930s, which at that time were inhabited primarily by working class immigrants from Poland, Ireland, and other parts of Europe. Using data on rates of juvenile delinquency occurrences, Shaw and McKay mapped out specific hot spots of crime and showed how these areas in three time periods: 1900 -- 1906, 1917 -- 1923, and 1927 -- 1933, remained high-crime areas despite the changing ethnic and racial make up of its inhabitants (Shaw 1939)

Juvenile Delinquency Date (Day, Month,

Shaw and McKay studied the rough neighborhoods of Chicago in the 1930s, which at that time were inhabited primarily by working class immigrants from Poland, Ireland, and other parts of Europe. Using data on rates of juvenile delinquency occurrences, Shaw and McKay mapped out specific hot spots of crime and showed how these areas in three time periods: 1900 -- 1906, 1917 -- 1923, and 1927 -- 1933, remained high-crime areas despite the changing ethnic and racial make up of its inhabitants (Shaw 1939)

Juvenile Delinquency Date (Day, Month,

Thirdly, as an area undergoes radical changes, it is more neglected and becomes rundown and less desirable. Finally, as an area becomes less desirable, its residents care less about the place and it becomes more vulnerable to the development of criminal and traditions (Shoemaker, 1996)

Juvenile Delinquency Date (Day, Month,

Using data on rates of juvenile delinquency occurrences, Shaw and McKay mapped out specific hot spots of crime and showed how these areas in three time periods: 1900 -- 1906, 1917 -- 1923, and 1927 -- 1933, remained high-crime areas despite the changing ethnic and racial make up of its inhabitants (Shaw 1939). In fact, the University of Chicago sociologists pointed out that the transient nature of these areas was a contributing factor in the high juvenile delinquency rate (Wong, 2001-2009)

Biological Factors and Juvenile Delinquency

Biological as well as social factors can impact an adolescent's propensity to become addicted to illicit substances. According to the research study, "Youth substance use and body composition: Does risk in one area predict risk in the other?" from the Journal of Youth and Adolescence, a positive association has been found in numerous studies between high adolescent BMI and alcohol, cigarette and marijuana use (Pasch et al

Attribution Theory Juvenile Delinquency and

Also helping to focus the study is Siegel & Welsh's work (2008), which suggests that juvenile delinquency is greatly influenced by external community influences. And indeed, the authors cite research to considerably substantiate this viewpoint (Siegel & Welsh, 2008, p

Attribution Theory Juvenile Delinquency and

In addition, she also addresses the issue of emotion, as well as how guilt and anger influence various perceptions of criminal activity and liability. Specifically, locus is referred to as the first causal dimension, and ascribes behavior to either an internal or external cause (Wiener, 2009, p

Causes of Juvenile Delinquency

The causes of crime are primarily related to: Economic Situation, Social Environment, Family Structures. (Ali, 2008, 2) There is some consensus, then, that juvenile delinquency occurs less frequently in homes that are stable, loving, and fairly normative

Causes of Juvenile Delinquency

At present, juvenile delinquency is one of the:important social problems in the world that varies country to country. (Chowdry et al

Causes of Juvenile Delinquency

being tried as an adult. (Loeber, 1990) This is a pervasive issue that nearly every country in the world combats

Criminal Justice System Juvenile Delinquency

Gender-specific, rehabilitative programming is valid in the sense that it is based on the common risk factors and causes of female delinquency, childhood abuse, neglect, poverty, and disadvantage. (Hawkins, et al

Broad Judicial Discretion Regarding Juvenile Delinquency With Focus on the Future of Juvenile Justice

Indeed, nearly a third of African-American youths consider rap stars with criminal records for drug dealing and other criminal conduct as being appropriate role models worthy of emulation (Brown, 2005). Moreover, these images are becoming increasing pervasive throughout American society, but they are especially pronounced among African-American youth whose families may be comprised of high percentage of criminals (Boyd, 2002)

Broad Judicial Discretion Regarding Juvenile Delinquency With Focus on the Future of Juvenile Justice

This "get-tough-on-juvenile-crime" movement came during a period when growing numbers of youthful offenders were becoming involved with the juvenile justice system each year. These trends were also occurring during a period when the juvenile justice system had fewer supports to work with, including community-based resources designed specifically for children and families (Brookins & Hirsch, 2004)

Broad Judicial Discretion Regarding Juvenile Delinquency With Focus on the Future of Juvenile Justice

The hip-hop culture that tolerates and even celebrates the so-called "gangsta" lifestyle has created a mindset among many youthful offenders today, black and white, that drug trafficking is a legitimate path to achieving the American dream when other alternatives are denied them (Aldridge, 2005). Indeed, nearly a third of African-American youths consider rap stars with criminal records for drug dealing and other criminal conduct as being appropriate role models worthy of emulation (Brown, 2005)

Broad Judicial Discretion Regarding Juvenile Delinquency With Focus on the Future of Juvenile Justice

The goal of the juvenile justice system during the early part of the 20th century was to help young offenders rather than punish them. In the majority of cases, juvenile proceedings were not criminal trials but were rather informal hearings (Creeden, 2004)

Broad Judicial Discretion Regarding Juvenile Delinquency With Focus on the Future of Juvenile Justice

867). During the early era of the juvenile justice system, youthful offenders were regarded as being so many "little adults" who were subjected to the same types of harsh punishments that were meted out to adult offenders (Pasko, 2010)

Broad Judicial Discretion Regarding Juvenile Delinquency With Focus on the Future of Juvenile Justice

984). These observations suggest that crime and a criminal lifestyle are being glamorized in hip-hop culture, and run-ins with the juvenile justice system may be regarded as badges of honor and rites of passage rather than the beginning of a life of crime (Quinn, 2005)

Broad Judicial Discretion Regarding Juvenile Delinquency With Focus on the Future of Juvenile Justice

138). Finally, other authorities suggest that rather than going back and forth between "treatment" versus "punishment," a more balanced approach to solving the core problem is therefore in order; consequently, this means targeting accountability to crime victims, increasing competency in offenders, and enhancing community safety (Weisheit, p