Jung Sources for your Essay

The Analysis of Dreams From a Jungian Perspective

The other aspects taken into consideration are the characters within the dream, and the emotional content of the dream. This encompasses the mood that defines whether the dream was pleasant or scary, and how it shifts in the course of the dream (Benedetto, 2009)

The Analysis of Dreams From a Jungian Perspective

Both of these aspects are depicted by imageries, which show themselves as representations of the outside world, and are consequently employed by the consciousness to outline the inner world. Symbolic Quest can be perceived as the action of seeking an inspiring source and a moral imperative in an individual; the quest of pursuing sense and meaning (Bright, 2012)

The Analysis of Dreams From a Jungian Perspective

The archetypal images are essential and profound creations, which are fashioned through the act of archetypes, upon the collective involvement of the individual psyche. They differ from the other images of complexes as they are more widespread and have a general meaning that is frequently associated with the mystical sentimental quality (Hall, 1983)

The Analysis of Dreams From a Jungian Perspective

Jung constantly relates the complex to a feeling that is toned and complex. He defines it as a set of links and relations organized to encircle a certain distinctive archetype in the psyche of a given person (Krieger, 2014)

Jil Jung Juk

Year : 2016

Meri Jung

Year : 1985

Daulat Ki Jung

Year : 1992


Year : 1995


Year : 2000


Year : 1996

Blutsschwestern - Jung, magisch, tödlich

Year : 2013

Jang Ok-jung, Living by Love

Year : 2013

Jeuk ngau jai foo dik Jung Kwai

Year : 1991

Jung (War) in the Land of the Mujaheddin

Year : 2001