Job Satisfaction Sources for your Essay

Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment Many People

There are many other companies where a person can work doing many of the same duties, so it would be logical that he or she would leave if there was a high degree of job dissatisfaction. However, many people who work for Starbucks are very committed to the company and the culture that surrounds it (Behar & Goldstein, 2007)

Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment Many People

In some cases, one of the facets of the job that is producing unhappiness or dissatisfaction may be a very large part of the job, which can make the dissatisfaction very significant. Organizational commitment, however, is based on how psychologically attached the person is to a particular organization (Meyer & Allen, 2007)

Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment Many People

They are two different sides to the same coin. Job satisfaction is based on the contentedness level a person experiences with his or her particular job or career (Spector, 1997)

Job Satisfaction for Police Officers

The task at this stage is to grasp the natives' point-of-view, to realize their vision of the world." (Stringer, 1999, p

Job Satisfaction According to (Hulin & Judge,

The recognition that follows through income rises, promotion, and attainment of related goals add to the job satisfaction. (Armstrong, 2006)presents his definition of job satisfaction as the feeling and attitude people have about their work

Job Satisfaction According to (Hulin & Judge,

The opposite of this shows dissatisfaction with the job. To complement this definitions (George & Jones, 2008)defines job satisfaction as a collection of feeling and beliefs that people poses in regards to their current jobs

Job Satisfaction According to (Hulin & Judge,

According to (George & Jones, 2008) satisfaction can range from extreme satisfaction to extreme dissatisfaction. Organizational Socialization and Job Satisfaction Organizational socialization is the measure that an individual makes sense of the surrounding at work place understanding the values, methods and beliefs (Gruman et al

Job Satisfaction According to (Hulin & Judge,

Job Satisfaction According to (Hulin & Judge, 2003), job satisfaction is viewed a multidimensional psychological response one has towards a their job

Job Satisfaction According to (Hulin & Judge,

To some extent, it has been argued that job satisfaction is related to the extent that an employee's expectations are met by the job (Mullins, 2005)Job satisfaction counts for a sense of achievement that an employee perceives in relation to their productivity in the job as-well-as their personal well-being. (Kaliski, 2007) argues that Job satisfaction is the enthusiasm and happiness one has in undertaking a task

Job Satisfaction According to (Hulin & Judge,

A widely accepted definition of job satisfaction is one by Spector who acknowledges job satisfaction to be the feeling people have considering the respective aspects of their job. According to the Spector it has to do with how people dislike of like their job (Mullins, 2005)

Job Satisfaction According to (Hulin & Judge,

Organizational Socialization contributes to a wide variety of outcomes within an organization especially so in the early stages of employment. According to (Shaemi, Ali, Asghari, & Jhila, 2010) organizational socialization has a part to play in influencing possible job satisfaction

Job Satisfaction According to (Hulin & Judge,

There is however no clear agreement of what job satisfaction stands for given the wide usage of the term. Vroom in his definition focuses on employee's role in the work place defining job satisfaction as the effective orientation of the employee towards their roles in current employment position (Vroom, 1964)

Faculty Commitment Faculty Job Satisfaction Specifically for Online Faculty

Online Faculty Research How satisfied are faculty members that teach online courses? How has the emergence of distance education affected the faculty members that teach online? How committed are faculty members whose instruction is strictly from an online perspective? These questions will be approached in this paper using the available literature and research. Job Satisfaction -- Survey of 102 Faculty that taught Online Courses A peer-reviewed article in the journal Distance Education (Bolliger, et al

Faculty Commitment Faculty Job Satisfaction Specifically for Online Faculty

It is logical to assume that job satisfaction leads professors to be more motivated to perform their teaching responsibilities; but also, job satisfaction when teaching online courses also is of "extreme importance regarding student persistence and retention" (McLawhon, 344). Faculty Satisfaction - Communication Beyond the Lecture Room A research paper published by the Journal of Sustainable Development (Dzamtoska-Zdravkovska, et al

Faculty Commitment Faculty Job Satisfaction Specifically for Online Faculty

4% of the faculty respondents indicated they have a "higher workload" when they are engaged with an online course (Bolliger, 113). Faculty Commitment Depends in part on Instructional Support In the peer-reviewed British Journal of Educational Technology the author explains that while many (if not most) faculty are positive about using distance teaching, they are more committed when the institution they are working for when they receive instructional support (Lee, 2001)

Faculty Commitment Faculty Job Satisfaction Specifically for Online Faculty

The study presented in the peer-reviewed journal Educational Technology & Society referenced research conducted by Elizabeth Pollicino in 1996. Her research concluded that "…to the extent that faculty perceive institutional support for their professional activities they will likely derive satisfaction from their work and manifest loyalty to their employing institution" (McLawhon, et al

ICU Job Satisfaction Burnout Rate

This study will focus on the determinants that lead to job satisfaction, focusing particularly on burnout rate among nurses in healthcare institutions / organizations. Burnout rate as a determinant of job satisfaction was found to be critical among nurses, as they have identified factors relevant and critical to workload management and work environment, such as: "supportive work colleagues, a manageable workload with time to listen and talk to patients, and a pleasant working environment" (Ablett & Jones, 2007:737)

ICU Job Satisfaction Burnout Rate

Review of Related Literature In understanding the occurrence of burnout and job satisfaction among nurses, it is essential to look first into these concepts as defined by the current literature. Burnout is a concept explored in relation to workload management, specifically related to factors such as emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and personal accomplishment, which were factors identified by the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) as critical to determining burnout rate (Browning et

ICU Job Satisfaction Burnout Rate

For data interpretation and presentation, a quadrant analysis will be used to illustrate in a two-dimensional map the attitude and perception statements critical to burnout and reported job satisfaction among ICU nurses. This quadrant analysis will use as its basis for interpretation Frederick Hrezberg's Theory of Motivators and Hygiene factors, illustrated by the linkage between presence or absence of factors critical to assessment of burnout, and determination of the relationship between these factors and job satisfaction (Gawel, 1999)

Education, Job Satisfaction, and Personal

The uneducated Alyssa, in this case, did not have choices that allowed her to have job satisfaction or personal happiness. She becomes frustrated with a job that does not pay her enough to purchase from her own place of employment and unhappy that she cannot provide for herself (Ehrenreich 169)