Italian Renaissance Sources for your Essay

Italian Renaissance Artist and One Piece of His Artwork

Botticelli was known for his commissions for major churches in Florence, as well as his famed wall frescos on the Sistine Chapel of the Vatican in Rome. He painted a number of famed religious paintings, including "The Adoration of the Magi," "Madonna of the Pomegranate," "The Cestello Annunciation," as well as a number of paintings that depicted Roman and Greek legends, including "Primavera," "The Birth of Venus," "Mars and Venus" (WebMuseum)

Italian Renaissance

Accordingly, Wind observes that "the scientist acts on a hunch, for which the scientific evidence is incomplete; and his decision to act on that hunch, at the risk of being disappointed, is as certainly an act of the will as is the contrary, and more common decision, namely, not to risk that disappointment, and hence to forego the chance of making a discovery." (Wind, p

Italian Renaissance

Soon, to be acquainted with the works of important artists, indeed, to be acquainted with them became a status symbol in the society and considered to be the mark of an educated person. (Barnes, Encarta article) Michelangelo produced numerous sculptures and paintings during his life time -- all of them being truly monumental in scope and execution

Italian Renaissance

The new found wealth generated by the trading activity as well as the declining influence of the Church due to the jockeying for power between the papacy and the Holy Roman Emperor towards the end of the Middle Ages resulted in conditions that were ripe for 'Renaissance' in the Italian city-states, particularly Florence. (Hooker) Italian Renaissance and its Emphasis on Art group of Italian scholars in the 14th century started to believe that they lived in an era that resembled the great Greek and Roman civilizations of the past because there was an unusual amount of focus on artistic achievement in the period

Italian Renaissance

He later denied that Ghirlandaio had any influence on him, but he is believed to have learned the basic technique of fresco painting from his master. (Jeffery) It was customary at the time for rich and influential art patrons to commission notable artists

Italian Renaissance

For example, as depicted in one of his early paintings "The Adoration of the Magi" introduced a new approach to composition, in which the main figures are grouped in the foreground, while the background consists of distant views of imaginary ruins and battle scenes. (Magurn, para on "Paintings") In the "Last Supper" that shows the 12 apostles painted in dynamic compositional groups of three with Christ himself isolated in the center of the painting -- representing a clam nucleus -- Leonardo has re-introduced the style pioneered earlier by Masaccio, considered to be the father of Florentine painting

Italian Renaissance

It is considered to be a masterpiece in the portrayal of the artistic ideals of the Renaissance as well as the importance of classical studies to literary and cultural achievements of the era. (Pioch) After enjoying unprecedented fame for three centuries as a painter of the highest order, Raphael has gone somewhat out of favor during the past century

Italian Renaissance

His grace, modesty and excellence of character contrasted sharply with the eccentricity, outlandishness and even a touch of madness often associated with artists preceding him. (Vasari) He brings a touch of serenity to the paintings of the Renaissance era besides furthering the beauty of the art of realistic depiction of the human form

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