Immigration Reform Sources for your Essay

Amnesty: The Real Solution to Immigration Reform

permanently. (Finnegan qutoe) 5th Paragraph: explain the critical function illegals play in U

Amnesty: The Real Solution to Immigration Reform

This country is 11 Trillion dollars indebt and the current government is running a 1.5 trillion dollar budget deficit (Herszenhorn, 2011)

Amnesty: The Real Solution to Immigration Reform

If one finds the function they serve to be a tenuous reason for keeping them here and giving them legal rights, then one should consider the cost-prohibitive measures it would take to deport them. According to a cost estimate by Immigrations and Customs, it would cost roughly 94 billion dollars to detain and deport 12 million illegals (Nizza, 2007)

Immigration Reform the Bush Administration

America is a welcoming country, but citizenship must not be the automatic reward for violating the laws of America." While the Constitution at first glance seems to oppose immigration reform, in fact it facilitates reform and even mandates it (Masugi, 2005)

Public Administration: Ethical Issues in Immigration Reforms

Effective public administration strategies New strategies that address the ethical issues in immigration reforms are imperative as the debate on immigration continues. In light of the public management skills that have been identified, effective strategies that may be applied include (Balanoff and Warren, 2010): Policy integration There are numerous policies that have been proposed to deal with the issues of legal and illegal immigrants

Public Administration: Ethical Issues in Immigration Reforms

In fact, approximately 11 million immigrants living in the U.S. do not have official authorization (Carens, 2013)

Public Administration: Ethical Issues in Immigration Reforms

Ethnic and racial discrimination For a long time debates on immigration have always brought up a racist side of the nation. For instance, in the late 19th century, the influx of Chinese immigrants caused so much racial anxiety that there were numerous anti-Chinese campaigns (Wood, 2015)

Immigration Reform: A Difficult Bill to Pass

The vote was 68 to 32, with 14 Republicans joining the majority. The participation by Republicans is significant because Republican leaders vowed on the very day Obama was inaugurated that the GOP leadership would present "…united and unyielding opposition to the president's economic policies" (Beinart, 2014)

Immigration Reform: A Difficult Bill to Pass

The Center for American Progress suggests that deporting most undocumented immigrants would drain $2.5 trillion" from the American economy over ten years (Burns, et al

Immigration Reform: A Difficult Bill to Pass

Why did Boehner decide not to bring the bill up for a vote (even though polls showed it would likely pass easily)? Was it because he just didn't want to give Obama a victory? That's possible since Republicans generally have opposed nearly every effort Obama has put forward (including raising the minimum wage and making gun buyers submit to a background check at gun shows, which up to 95% of voters polled agreed with). Scott Clement writes that Boehner is greatly influenced by the Tea Party caucus in the House, and that the "pockets of opposition to immigration legislation are concentrated within the Republican party" (Clement, 2014)

Immigration Reform: A Difficult Bill to Pass

Bush issued 291 executive orders; Obama so far has issued 193. Is Obama within his Constitutional Authority? If the President issues an executive order to "…grant work authorization to any unauthorized immigrant" he is legally using his Constitution authority; the Immigration and Nationality Act passed in 1986 and signed by President Reagan allows for this (Costa)

Immigration Reform: A Difficult Bill to Pass

S. is "increased by a small, but clearly positive amount, because of immigration" (Davidson, 2013)

Immigration Reform: A Difficult Bill to Pass

Hence, the executive orders he issues will likely include specific acts (like slowing down the deportation of illegals or allowing work permits for certain immigrants) rather than the entire bundle of benefits that would have come into play had the House passed the reform bill in 2013. Who are the political players and what is their position? The incoming majority leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker John Boehner have "warned Obama that his acting alone on immigration would spoil chances for bipartisan agreement on other issues in the new GOP-controlled Congress" (O'Keefe, 2014)

Immigration reform - Wikipedia

Immigration reform is a term used in political discussion regarding changes to current immigration policy of a country. In its strict definition, reform ...

Immigration Reform

The Immigration Reform is primarily focusing on the number of immigrants, both legal and illegal currently in the United States. America needs to secure our borders ...

Forms | USCIS

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IMMIGRATION REFORM - The Huffington Post

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Immigration reform | Hillary for America

We need comprehensive immigration reform with a pathway to full and equal citizenship. If we claim we are for family, then we have to pull together and resolve the ...

Immigration Reform | American Immigration Council

While updating our immigration system has been a slow process, over the last decade, there have been efforts to pass comprehensive immigration reform legislation and ... | Official Blog of FAIR by Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) | 25 Massachusetts Ave NW Washington, DC | 202-328-7004.