Humanitarian Intervention Sources for your Essay

Humanitarian Intervention One of the

111). In 1989, in Mozambique, human suffering and need was at the forefront of world attention as the members of the United Nations Security Council debated on how to address that human suffering (Barnes, Sam, 1998, p

Humanitarian Intervention One of the

Rather, that responsibility should be placed upon a different organization, and one that does not come under the management or control of the United Nations. Article 2, of the United Nations Charter, states that all nations must settle disputes through peaceful negotiation (Cohn, Marjorie, 2002, p

Humanitarian Intervention One of the

Also, following the events occurring in the United States in 2001, equally violent acts were perpetrated against civilian populations in the UK and in Spain by terrorists. The terrorism in the UK and in Spain was following the events in the United States in 2001, and following the passage by the United Nations its Resolution 1373, which put legal obligations on its 191 members to cause them to help stop in their tracks the perpetrators of terrorism by cutting off funding, travel, and information networks that helped the terrorists succeed in their destructive and deadly missions (Cortright, David, 2005, p

Humanitarian Intervention One of the

62). Foreign financial aid does not prevent terrorism (Graham, Carol, 2002, p

Humanitarian Intervention One of the

The idea was sound in its objective for delivering humanitarian relief and aid, but the reality of conflict, politics and vying for power in third world nations would prove to be a greater challenge than the organization could possibly deal with. The DHA and the United Nations peacekeeping forces that accompanied it in 1994, in Rwanda, proved ineffective and unable to pursue its mission of humanitarian aid when civil war broke in that country, which ended in genocide of minorities in that country (Welsh, Jennifer, 2004, p

Humanitarian Intervention One of the

Using NATO as a mechanism to deter, combat, and pursue terrorism might be more complicated than most people realize. However, where until 2001, perhaps, there were those politicos who questioned the need for a continued NATO organization, 2001 solidified in the minds of most world leaders the continued need for NATO (Moens, Alexander, Cohen, Leonard J

Humanitarian Intervention One of the

5). Or the Irish Republican Army's (IRA) decision to turn to terrorism as a tool against the United Kingdom in seeking change and control in Northern Ireland up until the early 1990s (Smith, M

Humanitarian Intervention the Arab Spring

The United Nations builds its philosophy loosely around the idea of deontology, with the belief that there is something approaching a universal right and wrong. The norms regarding the application of such a view to the concept of humanitarian intervention are, however, in a state of gradual but steady change (Finnemore, 2002)

Humanitarian Intervention the Arab Spring

There is an argument to make that the supremacy of sovereignty must also include an asterisk -- democracy is a requirement. When the modern concept of sovereignty was being developed in Europe, democracy soon followed and it is that model that has spread around the world (Philpott, 2008)

Humanitarian Intervention the Arab Spring

It is estimated that there are 2.5 million people inside Syria who need humanitarian aid today, and there could be as many as 4 million by early 2013 (Weaver, 2012)

Humanitarian Intervention Is Morally and Legally Justified

Yet to this point, no foreign government or body has been willing to intervene. The legitimacy of humanitarian intervention at the expense of national sovereignty has been an issue for over a century (Kahler, 2011)

Authorizing Humanitarian Intervention \"The Clinton

Given that the use of force is designated for humanitarian purposes in specific instances, what kind of formal authorization is necessary for the use of force? Is the United Nations the only place a state can turn to in order to receive a bona fide green light to go ahead and invade a sovereign nation when human lives are on the line? Author Cristina G. Badescu explores this question thoroughly in her learned essay (Badescu, 2007, p

Authorizing Humanitarian Intervention \"The Clinton

Even the killing fields of Cambodia and Bosnia "pale before the gruesome, awful depravity of massacres in Rwanda," Dallaire continues. Dallaire recounts receiving a fax from the Security Council on April 22, 1994, that contained Resolution 912 that authorized the reduction of the United Nation forces "to a skeleton force" (Berdal, p

Authorizing Humanitarian Intervention \"The Clinton

opposition to expanding the mission" along with the pullout of Belgian troops, his efforts went for naught. Interestingly, though Badescu does not mention the background into America's unwillingness to help in Rwanda, an article in the journal Current points out that "The Clinton Administration's refusal to respond to the genocide in Rwanda…was due in part to its retreat from Somalia" (Clarke, et al

Authorizing Humanitarian Intervention \"The Clinton

At that time the Hutu militias were strategizing their upcoming vicious attack on the Tutsi community. A few weeks into the "unfolding genocide" Dallaire was shocked when the UN Security Council made the decision to "significantly reduce" the number of troops under his command (Dallaire, 2010, p

Authorizing Humanitarian Intervention \"The Clinton

At that time the Hutu militias were strategizing their upcoming vicious attack on the Tutsi community. A few weeks into the "unfolding genocide" Dallaire was shocked when the UN Security Council made the decision to "significantly reduce" the number of troops under his command (Dallaire, 2010, p

Authorizing Humanitarian Intervention \"The Clinton

president, even a conservative president, would seek to appoint a man with such a shrill, ostentatiously hostile attitude about the institution he was appointed to serve. In his critique of Bolton's book (Surrender is not an Option), Richard Gowan (associate director for policy at the Center on International Cooperation at New York University) notes that Bolton famously stated: "The United Nations to this day remains the UN of UNICEF trick-or-treating on Halloween…" (Gowan, 2008, p

Authorizing Humanitarian Intervention \"The Clinton

And the UN. American taxpayers, who pay for such interventions, are the ones who ultimately lose…" (Gray, 1998, p

UN Humanitarian Intervention in Somalia

The UN withdrew Operation United Shield in "http: 1995, having suffered significant casualties, and with the rule of government still not restored. (Boulden, 2001) Many other conflicts and tribal rivalries took place and in 2006 there was a declaration of regional autonomy by the state of Jubaland

UN Humanitarian Intervention in Somalia

It is often the case, as many contemporary studies posit, that the internal dimensions and facets of the county have been the main cause for the lack of progression towards stability and peace in the region. (Briefing of SRSG a. Ould-Abdallah to the United Nations Security Council, UN Somalia)