Hpv Sources for your Essay

HPV Is the Number One Sexually Transmitted

Primarily because it would place an undue psychological and economic burden on families. (Brewer & Fazekas, 2007) and Secondarily because there is simply not enough long-term data regarding its efficacy and potential risks

HPV Is the Number One Sexually Transmitted

Especially considering that the first legislation associated with mandating the vaccination was introduced in Michigan only 3 months after the FDA approved the drug. (Colgrove, 2006, p

HPV Is the Number One Sexually Transmitted

(Young MD MPH, 2008) Though some argue that many of these issues would be solved by legislation mandating the immunization the need for a longer post approval period is essential to creating valid data on efficacy and safety as well as to resolve some of the ethical dilemmas regarding an expensive unfunded mandate that applies only to girls. (Kim & Goldie, 2008) Conclusion Historically, the mandating of immunizations has served several purposes, initially the mandate allows the immunization rates to increase exponentially among the at risk population

HPV Is the Number One Sexually Transmitted

Another ethical and moral dilemma, despite the reported efficacy of the HPV vaccination, is that it is gender specific as only girls suffer from the potential risks of cervical cancer from HPV infection. (Saslow, et al

HPV Is the Number One Sexually Transmitted

Because HPV is primarily a sexually transmitted disease this means giving the vaccination to young girls prior to their first sexual experience. (Young MD MPH, 2008) "HPV infects approximately 20 million people in the United States with 6

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine for Young Women.

For this reason, health departments and organizations have routinely approved the vaccines around the world, and they are in use in many other countries. Two other writers note, "Globally, the picture is grim as more than 250,000 women die annually from cervical cancer, making it the second most common cause of cancer death in women" (Daley & McDermott, 2007)

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine for Young Women.

They mean it primarily for young women, to prevent cervical cancer from occurring. Women between the ages of 9 and 26 are primary candidates for the vaccine, according to the FDA (Vamos, McDermott & Daley, 2008)

HPV Vaccine in Decision Scenario

103). The major moral issue at hand here is not that this vaccine is condoning sex before marriage, but that the young girl is not having a say in something that is going to directly affect her body (Richardson)

HPV Vaccine in Decision Scenario

There should not be a law mandating what someone might not feel comfortable doing. In this particular case (Munson, p

Someone You Love: The HPV Epidemic

Year : 2014


Year : 2010