Homosexuality Sources for your Essay

Homosexuality in Shakespeare\'s Tragedies Elements of Sexuality

The real question is, are these tendencies always heterosexual in nature or can they in fact be considered homosexual? Many have written on the idea of the prevalence of homosexual emotions in Shakespeare's works, and commented openly about their considerations. "If there is veritas in vino, there is surely veritas in coitu," says Wendy Doniger in her 1996 article entitled Sex, Lies, and Tall Tales" (Doniger 1)

Homosexuality in Shakespeare\'s Tragedies Elements of Sexuality

John Lord Hall explores the world of homosexuality as relevant to Shakespeare's tragedies in his work, "Othello, A Guide to the Play." He asks outright, "Where do Iago's sexual proclivities lie?" (Hall, 80)

Homosexuality in Shakespeare\'s Tragedies Elements of Sexuality

External Url: http://ww12.beaconlc.org

Rather, it was seen as something that everyone randomly did, something that shouldn't be taken too seriously or out of context. (Kirkland)

Homosexuality Understanding the Psychology of

Homosexuality and psychology have a long history together, both condemning and aiding one another. Traditionally, psychology was employed in order to help classify homosexuality in a person, just like any other disease would be diagnosed and to treat that behavior that many were beginning to call "unnatural" (Herek, 2009, para

Homosexuality Understanding the Psychology of

Professors like Sutton have attempted to teach this view in their psychology college classrooms. Teaching at a Catholic university, Sutton found his students to be "open to and sympathetic with the material on reparative therapy of homosexuality" (Sutton, 2008, para

Old Testament Homosexuality in the

their blood shall be upon them" (Leviticus, 20:13) (Strauss, 2005). Deuteronomy also condemns homosexuality (Hanigan, 1998)

Old Testament Homosexuality in the

Natural institutions are those which include responsible actions which ensure the proper "social ordering of family life to serve the common good of society" as well as the "well being of its next generation of citizens" (Hanigan, 54). Anything unnatural is that in violation of the "obvious, divinely created, social nature of sexuality and the natural end of sexual intercourse" which was of course human creation (Hays, 184; Hanigan, 54)

Old Testament Homosexuality in the

These include Presbyterian works including Marion Soards' Scripture and Homosexuality" which also conclude as Paul did that homosexuality is "outside of God's creative intention" (Murchison, 1998). Martin Luther, founder of Protestantism, suggested that homosexuality was "idolatrous distortion instilled by the devil" (Isaak, 71)

Old Testament Homosexuality in the

Human sexuality was created for the "well being of the human species" (Hanigan, 54). Anything unnatural and contrary to nature during Paul's time is that which does not promote the social good and continuing existence of mankind; it is anything that might dissolve marriage or create conditions that would harm a stable family, proper birthing and "rearing of children" (Jung & Smith, 207)

Old Testament Homosexuality in the

There are other texts that might shed light on what Paul knew about sexuality during his time. These include Presbyterian works including Marion Soards' Scripture and Homosexuality" which also conclude as Paul did that homosexuality is "outside of God's creative intention" (Murchison, 1998)

Old Testament Homosexuality in the

There are some even in biblical times who may have believed that homosexuality was an inborn condition. The Hebrew Bible is one of the first to prohibit non-marital sex, though this prohibition could not occur without the existence of homosexual relationships to begin with (Prager, 1993)

Old Testament Homosexuality in the

Old Testament Homosexuality in the New Testament: Review of the Literature There are many relevant texts, which speak of homosexuality both in the New Testament and Old, though for purposes of this paper the focus will remain predominately on texts in the New Testament. Romans 1 is full of alliteration to "homosexuality and deviant sexual practices" (Strauss, 2005)

Behavior Therapy for Homosexuality

Year : 1971

Consenting Adults: A Study of Homosexuality

Year : 1967

Homosexuality and Its Problems

Year : 1977

A Look at Homosexuality in OFD

Year : 2008

Michele and Marcus Bachmann on Homosexuality

Year : 2011

Rick Perry on Homosexuality

Year : 2014

The Pink Triangle and the Nazi Cure for Homosexuality

Year : 2014