Homelessness Sources for your Essay

Homelessness Due to Unemployment Today\'s

People have been out of jobs for months, even more than a year even, and they find it extremely frustrating to constantly receive letters of refusal from the few interviewing companies. And sadly enough, the economists foresee no real improvements in the near future (Simon, 2003)

Homelessness and Mental Illness Are Inextricably Intertwined.

In fact, mental illness may be one of the most significant risk factors for homelessness. Of people with serious mental illness seen by California's public mental health system, approximately 15% of them experienced at least one bout of homelessness in a one-year period (Folsom et al

Homelessness and Mental Illness Are Inextricably Intertwined.

In addition, county mental health centers, which are designed to aid those who lack other ways to attain health care, are overcrowded an unable to serve the entire population of those in need. For people with serious mental illness, who need regular access to health care in order to preserve or obtain mental health, this lack of access can be even more detrimental than to the average population, because even those who access mental health care have higher treatment dropout rates than mentally ill people who are not among the homeless (Salavera et al

Causes of Homelessness Among Women. While There

According to a number of Canadian studies, women make up about 30% of the homeless population, making their circumstances less visible than those for men. Nevertheless, studies have shown that a large percentage of homeless women have been victims of sexual and physical violence, that women are more likely than men to experience violence while homeless, and frequently, their living on the street is a consequence of fleeing family violence (Casavant)

Causes of Homelessness Among Women. While There

There is evidence that such factors as pregnancy or recent childbirth, domestic violence and lack of stability make women who are already in uncertain housing and financial conditions even more vulnerable to becoming homeless. Moreover, the increase in female-headed households correlates with an increase in women who are vulnerable to recession and housing issues connected to homelessness (Metraux and Culhane 372)

Causes of Homelessness Among Women. While There

Casavant supports this view, arguing that women's greater poverty, in conjunction with sexism, serves to worsen their vulnerability when it comes to securing housing. As quoted by Novac, Brown, and Bourbonnais: Several researchers have stressed the feminization of poverty as a causal factor in women's homelessness… Women-headed households in advanced industrial countries are more likely to have serious housing problems…, and, internationally, women face problems of attaining shelter that are directly related to their gender…(Novac, Brown, and Bourbonnais 17)

Causes of Homelessness Among Women. While There

3% of the reasons women gave for coming to the shelter. Prevention programs designed to help homeless women need to not only provide affordable housing, but should also address societal and individual risk factors as well that push women into homelessness (Richter et al

Homelessness in Eduador the Objective

urged local, national and international action to enhance capabilities in disaster prevention, mitigation and preparedness; and the Draft Declaration on Cities and other Human Settlements in the New Millennium." (Ofori, nd) the Draft Declaration states: "

Homelessness in Eduador the Objective

In the last years, a Guadua revival seems to have occurred and improved building techniques together with other commercial applications are slowly getting momentum." (Cleuren and Henkemans, 2003) However, it is noted that this sector in the country of Ecuador is "

Homelessness in Eduador the Objective

Tungurahua." (Tobin and Whiteford, 2002) This volcano "has been active on many occasions

Homelessness in Eduador the Objective

Meanwhile, with neoliberal measures steadily diminishing the State's role in the economy as well as its ability to maintain any kind of social welfare infrastructure, and with the government dedicating roughly half of the nation's resources to keeping up with interest payments on its USD 12 billion external debt, Ecuador has been unable to count on the State to act as a benefactor." (Conner, 2007) I

Homelessness in Canada Is Considered

" (2008) Findings show that of single women who are homeless seventy-five percent have some type of mental illness. (Pollack, 2008; paraphrased) Homelessness results in psychological problems because homelessness "divorces the individual from the patterns of day-to-day life

Homelessness in Canada Is Considered

housing insecurity is a national concern, an issue that affects a broad portion of Canada's population and reflects major trends in income distribution." (Laird, 2007) the fact is that one out of every seven households in Canada, totaling 1

Homelessness in the United States

com/100/337.html" William Wordsworth (1770-1850) (Bartlett, 2000) Snapshots" of Homelessness During the '50s, a "snapshot" feature published in USA Today listed the five primary concerns parents and teachers reported regarding children: talking out of turn, chewing gum in class, doing homework, stepping out of line, cleaning their a rooms

Homelessness in the United States

The benefits of shelter placement, including being made eligible for subsidized housing programs, may also increase the perceived value of shelter admission by families and/or case workers." (Culhane, et al

Homelessness in the United States

Integrity v Despair Mature Age 50+, old age, grandparents The following table (3) portrays another perception of Erikson's eight psychosocial crisis stages. Table 2: Summary Chart of Erikson's Eight Psychosocial Crisis Stages (Cramer, Flynn & LaFave, 1997) Stage Ages Basic Conflict Important Event Summary Oral-Sensory Birth to 12 to 18 months Trust vs

Homelessness in the United States

gov/ERICWebPortal/custom/portlets/recordDetails/detailmini.jsp?_nb=true&_&ERICExtSearch_SearchValue_0=EJ727353&ERICExtSearch_SearchType0=no&accno=EJ727353 Erik Erikson (Krementz

Homelessness in the United States

Thus we become wedded to what within ourselves we know is a false story." (Gilligan, 2006) Gilligan (2006) contends a number of reasons contribute to homeless families potentially being "particularly susceptible to involvement with child welfare agencies, and why families involved with child welfare services might likewise be more likely to be admitted to homeless shelters

Homelessness in the United States

Thus we become wedded to what within ourselves we know is a false story." (Gilligan, 2006) Gilligan (2006) contends a number of reasons contribute to homeless families potentially being "particularly susceptible to involvement with child welfare agencies, and why families involved with child welfare services might likewise be more likely to be admitted to homeless shelters

Homelessness in the United States

S. (POVERTY & HOMELESSNESS, 2007) Facts about homelessness in the United States What is the definition of homelessness? Different definitions of homelessness are used in different contexts