Heart Failure Sources for your Essay

Community Awareness Congestive Heart Failure Awareness Creating

It is a chronic condition of the inability of heart functionality to deliver blood to other necessitated parts of the body. It has been conjoined to conditions of hypertension, arteriosclerosis, cardiac arrests, myocarditis, toxins, endocarditis and cardiomyopathy (Quinn, 2006, pg 4)

Heart Failure Guidelines the 2009 Revision of

Heart Failure Guidelines The 2009 revision of the ACC/AHA Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Heart Failure in Adults contains a number of evidence-based updates, revised text, and a new section called "hospitalized patient" (Hunt et al

Congestive Heart Failure

The goal of all treatment is to reduce the work load on the heart, improve the ability of the heart to pump and to remove the excess fluid within the body, that is both a symptom and a cause for further problems due to heart failure. (Adult Health Advisor 2002) Medications, which could be prescribed, alone or in combination, are well Known to the medical community and they include: ACE inhibitor drugs, to dilate the arteries and allow a more effective blood flow Beta blockers to reduce the effects of high adrenaline in the body, caused by the heart failure

Congestive Heart Failure

NYHA functional class of surviving pts after partial left ventriculectomy improved although there was no significant postoperative increase in left ventricular ejection fraction. (Claus M, Beling M, Grohmann A, Konertz W, Baumann G

Congestive Heart Failure

2 (Alabama). (CDC 1994) One leading expert on CHF states that: "Congestive heart failure is a sequel to various heart diseases and is often the end stage of cardiac disease," (Little 2002) a demonstration of a multifaceted cause and effect disease that often ends with morbidity in its victims

Congestive Heart Failure

2 billion." (National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute 2002) The challenges of treating this disease are many and varied but new technology for both treatment and diagnosis are changing the outcomes for both patients and clinicians

Congestive Heart Failure

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Polymorphic variations in these receptors that increase the release of norepinephrine could result in more forceful heart contractions over a period of years, leading to more heart failure. (Phelps 2003) Additionally the distribution of the disease across the United States varies greatly by state: In 1990, age-adjusted CHF death rates varied substantially among the states and ranged from 3

Congestive Heart Failure

I believe the more balanced view is to say that it is a compromise, exchanging one set of problems (those of heart failure) with another set of problems (those of heart transplantation). (Silver, Stevenson & Silver 2000) The research and development associated with CHF will continue exponentially as the disease and the elderly population grows

Is Alzheimer\'s Disease Responsible for Congestive Heart Failure?

The heart tries to make up for this weakening by enlarging and by forcing itself to pump faster to move more blood through the body. There are many potential causes of congestive heart failure (Coats, 1997)

Is Alzheimer\'s Disease Responsible for Congestive Heart Failure?

¶ … Alzheimer's (Dementia) Disease Responsible for Congestive Heart Failure? Approximately four million Americans have been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. The disease affects nearly one out of ten Americans over the age of 65 and nearly half of those over 85 (Davis, 1997)

Is Alzheimer\'s Disease Responsible for Congestive Heart Failure?

allele, one of the highest genetic risk factors for the disease. Additional studies suggest that hypertension is a risk factor for Alzheimer's disease (Cluff, 1990)

Congestive Heart Failure: Case Management

III. BIOPSYCHOLOGY AND CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE The congestive heart failure patient should be actively managed because the way that the person feels and thinks about his condition can have a serious effect on the person's overall health (Jones, Edwards, and Gifford, 2002)

Management: Congestive Heart Failure Congestive

¶ … Management: Congestive Heart Failure Congestive heart failure is a serious condition which prevents the heart from pumping enough blood to the rest of the body. In the United States, congestive heart failure accounts for more than 30,000 deaths and over 700,000 cases of hospitalization annually (Blinderman, et al

Management: Congestive Heart Failure Congestive

The case manager has a high concern for the congestive heart failure patients because this group has a high rate of admission and readmission to hospitals. Not only should a healthcare plan be recommended, but the patient's overall welfare should be taken into consideration because studies have shown that various social factors are related to the patient being readmitted to the hospital such as: low income status, being single, depression and lack of support (Hamner and Ellison, 2005)

Management: Congestive Heart Failure Congestive

By working with the patient in areas such as managed care, the case manager can closely monitor the patient's health to make sure he is following the guidelines to keep himself healthy and out of the hospital. The case manager can also recommend home health care so that that the patient can be discharged early to cut down on rising healthcare costs (Markle, 2004)

Managing of Heart Failure Is Complex as

Mattera, (2011) often claim that adherence to self-care behaviors related to heart failure patients is not always successful through education (Mattera, 2011). Thus experts often describe self-efficacy as the belief in one's ability to achieve a desired result and changes only happen when the education of self-efficacy is able to influence the health choices and behaviors of the patients with heart failure (Bandura, 1977)

Managing of Heart Failure Is Complex as

Mattera, (2011) often claim that adherence to self-care behaviors related to heart failure patients is not always successful through education (Mattera, 2011). Thus experts often describe self-efficacy as the belief in one's ability to achieve a desired result and changes only happen when the education of self-efficacy is able to influence the health choices and behaviors of the patients with heart failure (Bandura, 1977)

Managing of Heart Failure Is Complex as

One of the key elements in heart failure care is self-care behaviors that are essentially required to be learnt for patients through self-participation. According to Britz and Dunn, (2010), there are certain self-efficacy norms that need to be followed by heart failure patient rat include regimens like weighing themselves or a regular basis, adhering to the a diet with low sodium, monitoring symptoms for worsening of the hearth conditions, adhering to a regimen that entails restricted fluid consumption and participating in physical activity either alone or in groups (Britz & Dunn, 2010)

Managing of Heart Failure Is Complex as

Dunagan et al. (2005) suggests that heart failure patients should be educated at least weekly over two weeks (Dunagan et al

Managing of Heart Failure Is Complex as

For example according to Flynn et al. (2005) provided, a good health education program efficacy needs to be conducted for ninety minutes of educational sessions for over twelve months (Flynn et al