Healthcare Sources for your Essay

Workarounds in Healthcare Facilities

A workaround can, therefore, be termed as an at-risk behavior that does not yield concrete long-term solutions to existing problems. Therefore, "workarounds perceived as necessary by the user for patient care, efficiency or safety, may be beneficial, neutral, or dangerous for patients' safety" (Koppel, Wetterneck, Telles & Karsh, 2008, p

Workarounds in Healthcare Facilities

Mitigation involves enacting policies, and structures aimed addressing workarounds. Control involves addressing the factors that are likely to trigger workarounds within an organization (Merrill, 2009)

Increasing Healthcare and Drug Costs Affect on the Socioeconomic Drag in the U.S.

Huge increases in healthcare costs have ad such a negative impact, the people have prompted the federal government to step in and intervene. Here, the research suggests that "global trends in healthcare reform" have led to initiatives in the United States to "cover all citizens at lower standardized price points (Baumgartner, 2011)

Increasing Healthcare and Drug Costs Affect on the Socioeconomic Drag in the U.S.

The United States spends about 2.5 trillion dollars a year just on health care (Johnson, 2009)

Healthcare Patient Protection and Affordable

Workers can opt out and as an alternative obtain coverage from their state's insurance exchange. The PPACA standards will considerably affect industries that employ part-time, provisional, seasonal and float-pool workers at length (Clarke, Keckley & Kraus, 2012)

Leadership Style in Community-Based Healthcare

). For an ENTJ personality, leadership should direct and mobile followers to perform a particular set task where talents dictates success of the strategies put in place (Berens, 2001)

Leadership Style in Community-Based Healthcare

Therefore, in respect to this, we look at leadership skills and qualities in respect to an ENTJ personality as it is the association of a particular personality and leadership that helps one understand his/her leadership style. With an ENTJ personality, the leader is out to direct and mobilize others to undertake a certain task where their talents will determine the policies necessary for development, putting down the required plans and enabling an unbroken series of any associated undertakings in the efforts to implement the strategies in place (Sperry, 2002)

Leadership Style in Community-Based Healthcare

¶ … Leadership Style in Community-Based Healthcare This paper discusses about finding a leadership style that is applicable in community-based healthcare provisions with more emphasis on the qualities of leadership and skills required in this field especially for a person with ENTJ personality. As the paper illustrates, leadership will incorporate the relevant processes to enable others perform a given task with either a formal or an informal influence depending whether it applies in leadership perspective, a managerial perspective, or a combination of the two (Wiseman, & Guy, n, d

Healthcare Shifts

Brand advocates drive 33% more sales and 18% more traffic than regular customers." (Morris, 2013) This is showing how marketing can be improved by taking a different approach utilizing other platforms that are more popular

Healthcare Shifts

The POS system installation would likely decrease income before taxes by approximately $5 million for the year, or 8 cents per share." (Thorn, 2014) This is showing how higher expenses is one of the critical challenges impacting their profit margins

Healthcare Environment, Palese Et Al. (2011) Argue

While the patient's satisfaction has been linked with nurses' caring behaviors, however, there is no empirical evidence to support "the effect of caring on patient's satisfaction." (Palese, Tomietto, Suhonen et al

Healthcare Environment, Palese Et Al. (2011) Argue

Yes, the problem is relevant to nursing profession because nurses need to understand the relationship between nursing caring behavior and patient's satisfaction to enhance effectiveness of nursing profession. (Burston, & Stichler, 2010)

Healthcare Information Management Systems Why

Develop an organizational policy on data security, including actions to be taken when there is a security breach. The most critical aspect of any organizational policy on data security is the need for aligning it to the governance and strategic initiatives of the healthcare provider first (Dwyer, Reiner, Siegel, 2004)

Healthcare Information Management Systems Why

There are many allegories between patient-centric management systems and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems throughout manufacturing and services companies. CRM systems typically experience a 70% failure rate due to resistance to change (Foss, Stone, Ekinci, 2008)

Healthcare Information Management Systems Why

In many respects, nurses, physicians and the staffs of clinics are also exhibiting the same rejection of new systems by not allowing them to change their jobs, even if there is the potential to increase their performance as a result (Tan, Payton, 2010). As any new change to how information is used in a healthcare organization will also bring a change in status, every person who relies on the information included is clearly cautious (Hickman, Smaltz, 2008)

Healthcare Information Management Systems Why

Healthcare Information Management Systems Why is user resistance -- particularly from nurses and physicians -- often considered the greatest obstacle to successfully implementing patient-centric management systems? Resistance to change is by far the most costly and commonly cited reason for all systems within a hospital to not attain their fullest potential. The lack of adoption for patient-centric management systems can be attributed to resistance to change and fear of what the new systems will do to re-align or change job priorities and status (Tan, Payton, 2010)

Healthcare Reform Review of Literature:

283) took up a great deal of space and required a great deal of time on the part of the provider to review and stay abreast when providing patient care. (Kahnamoui, 2004, pp

Healthcare Reform Review of Literature:

Though it must also be made clear, that any form of public payer system would likely be highly resisted, as many within the current delivery system have been indoctrinated to believe that it will do everything from decrease wages in health care to create an unsafe low quality system. (Kant Patel, 2006, pp

Healthcare Reform Review of Literature:

As a result, hospital executives now must respond to an increasing number of active and powerful stakeholder groups who influence issues ranging from hospital governance to financial management to quality of patient services. (Kumar & Subramanian, 1998, p

Healthcare Reform Review of Literature:

The command and control model, again in the public sector according to LeGrand, requires a great deal of administrative oversight and regulations and can be very efficient in delivery but that it is only a good short-term model as in the long run it can create; "…the demoralization and demotivation of those on the front line of service delivery -- especially if they are professionals who are not used to receiving orders and have been trained to believe that they will have substantial autonomy and independence in their work." (LeGrand, 2009, p