Health Care Sources for your Essay

Healthcare Legal Aspects of Health Care Administration

Using this doctrine the courts may hold a parent organization financially responsible for one of the employee's actions if the employee was acting within the scope of their job. Courts have traditionally relied on the doctrine of respondeat superior to impose liability on an employer when another party suffered injuries caused by the actions of its employees; if the employee's act is negligent or wrongful and causes injury, liability is placed upon the employer and an injured third party may sue both the employer and the employee (Freeman, 2004) Next please research the 2 cases below and answers the questions as shown below: CASES (Federal Case) 1

Healthcare Legal Aspects of Health Care Administration

(Note: Pages 430 to 433 in Pozgar's textbook will provide some background on the issue). In modern medical practice the meaning of euthanasia is an action that assists dying in someone who has requested it and countries such as Belgium, where it is a legal practice, require that the person must be older than 18 years, be in unbearable physical or psychological pain that is medically permanent and without hope of recovery, the request must be made by his or her own self-will, and the person must have thought about it and made the request several times (Gulsah, Gursel, & Nazan, 2007)

Healthcare Legal Aspects of Health Care Administration

Following a reversal by the court of appeal, the California Supreme Court, in a unanimous decision written by Justice Mosk, concluded that there was insufficient evidence to support a verdict that Dr. Grant had been negligent in deciding to operate or in performing the surgery (Novack, 1973) Facts: What is the major set of facts of the case? Ralph Cobbs, troubled by a duodenal ulcer, consulted his family physician, Dr

Role of Religion in Health Care

However, defining spirituality in general terms can be difficult because it would manifest and be defined differently from person to person including PTSD sufferers and clinicians. Regardless, the news is encouraging and shows that an increase amount of spiritual well-being can have a positive effect on mental health disorders and challenges as it is seen as a way to assist in coping and acclimating to a post-trauma environment (Bormann et al

Role of Religion in Health Care

Further, experiencing a traumatic event can actually lead to a loss in faith and this includes war veterans and non-veterans alike. Anywhere from ten to fifteen percent of PTSD sufferers experience a loss of faith after a negative or traumatic event (Currier et al

Role of Religion in Health Care

Further, experiencing a traumatic event can actually lead to a loss in faith and this includes war veterans and non-veterans alike. Anywhere from ten to fifteen percent of PTSD sufferers experience a loss of faith after a negative or traumatic event (Currier et al

Role of Religion in Health Care

They engage in less denial and are usually more religious in nature and thought. This stands in contrast to the more common tactics and reactions of PTSD patients including avoidance and inability to cope with trauma in general and this is especially true of event or situations that remind the patient of the original trauma or traumas that caused the PTSD to surface in the first place (Gerber et al

Role of Religion in Health Care

A regression analysis reflected that spirituality showed a correlation with psychological co-morbidity while PTSD showed the same thing but also with aggravated PTSD symptoms. Further, they found that people that were able to forgive themselves did not see any long-term benefits as a result as compared to people that could not bring themselves to forgive their own actions (Langman & Chung, 2013)

Role of Religion in Health Care

Even indigenous peoples can gain assistance and consolation from religion during times of crisis and/or mental health challenges so as to cope and assist in their own disorder rather than relying only on other means of assistance. Even less developed areas of China proves this in spades as that culture has a strong bond between the faith and spirituality frameworks of their culture and that of the families that live amongst it (Ren, 2012)

Role of Religion in Health Care

Prior, it has been referred to as shell shock, operational exhaustion and even battle fatigue. However, all three of those would seem to indicate that PTSD can only be caused by traumatic experiences in battle and that is absolutely not the case as abused children and other non-military adults are verifiably diagnosed with PTSD all the time (Schiraldi, 2009)

Role of Religion in Health Care

The patient may be indifferent in their time of struggle and need but religious values can be very strident and strong. If someone is atheist or agnostic, then the use of religion and spirituality should be nil (Sigmund, 2003; Currier, 2014)

Role of Religion in Health Care

Unfortunately, this common and tolerant mindset sometimes does not stop some from asserting that PTSD-stricken veterans "need" to be fostered and ministered to. While it may seem like a divine directive, there are times and places where scripture and proselytizing should not be brought up or allowed to occur, respectively (Tick, 2013)

Role of Religion in Health Care

Further, they found that people that were able to forgive themselves did not see any long-term benefits as a result as compared to people that could not bring themselves to forgive their own actions (Langman & Chung, 2013). On a more positive note, a different study found that there is a strong link between spirituality and PTSD relief because the ability to better cope with struggle is strongly linked to spirituality and that is a key part to addressing and combating PTSD and the ravages it inflicts on the people that have it (Wortmann et al

Christian Worldview Nursing Health Care in the

In Judith Anne Shelly's book Called to Care, she defines nursing as distinct from medicine, even though the two occupy domains that are close together. She defines it in a way that I find very familiar and similar to my own which is that nursing is the care for the human who is made in the image of God (Shelly & Miller, 2006, 16)

Smokers Should Not Pay for Their Own Health Care Costs Incurred From Related Diseases

Secondly, he deals with the philosophical issue of whether or not it is moral for the federal, state and local governments to make a product legal (and an addictive at that) and then to punish and vilify its users with special, discriminatory smoking excise taxes on that product. Based upon his study, there is simply no difference between the health costs coming from normal medical maladies and those that have been caused by the smoking habit (Auld, 2011)

Smokers Should Not Pay for Their Own Health Care Costs Incurred From Related Diseases

This is the most prevalent among the teenage population. For every 10% increase in the purchase price of a pack of cigarettes, the youth smoking rates overall dropped about 7% (Peterson et

Smokers Should Not Pay for Their Own Health Care Costs Incurred From Related Diseases

The study found that this included the subpopulations with the highest smoking rates as well. It was shown in the article that smoking rates among pregnant women are responsive to tax hikes (Ringel, & Evans, 2001, 1855)

Smokers Should Not Pay for Their Own Health Care Costs Incurred From Related Diseases

These estimates were largely based upon the figures that went back two decades that were developed by analysts working for the states that comprising estimates of state-specific costs for use at trial or in settlement discussions. The medical costs of smoking in the United States equal and may also well exceed the most commonly referenced figure of 6 -- 8% of the general population in the country at large (Warner, Hodgson & Carroll, 1999, 290-291)

Health Care Reform

10) Medical Homes, called "Accountable Care Organizations" in the new ObamaCare Law, will manage sick patients in a comprehensive fashion, complete with an ethics panel to avoid unnecessary and costly surgical procedures, as well as the ability to decide if plan managers have provided inadequate, or poor care to their patients. Finally, "if it is effective at saving money for a given patient/disease state, it will receive bonuses from Uncle Sam; if not, it will get less money" (Dorin, 2012) Not only does ObamaCare seem to implement the recommendation, it is doing so in an effective and economically logical manner

Health Care Reform

Brian Gould, stated "as long as physicians control the determination of the 'medical necessity' of care and what is considered 'appropriate care' is community based, they will continue to be the controlling players." (Gould, 2009) It is the fear of losing control over their care of their patients that doctors fear more than a restriction of the payment they will receive, and ObamaCare leaves the important decisions in the hands of Primary Care Physicians