Hamas Sources for your Essay

Hamas a History From Within

In order to create a lasting peace and show that the intention is not based on the desire for more power, the Israeli government has even dissolved certain pockets of population in Gaza and other areas under dispute. Originally, the perception was that erection of the Security Barrier was indicative of failure in former Prime Minister of Israel Ariel Sharon to bring conflicts with Palestine to a peaceful conclusion (Avineri 2005,-page 72)

Hamas a History From Within

The fence, although controversial, is nothing new in the nation of Israel. The country has built similar barriers between Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan (Bard 2007)

Hamas a History From Within

The idea being that the two groups are so different from political viewpoints that there is no hope of ever living cohesively in the same area. Leaders Yitzhak Rabin and Ehud Barak are the primary supporter of "hard separation" and Shimon Peres is the primary proponent of the first viewpoint of "political separation with wide ranging cooperation, particularly in economic relations and economic development" (Baskin 2002,-page 7)

Hamas a History From Within

During the second Intifada, terrorist attacks coming from the Palestinian side of the country went on a campaign of violence against Israeli citizens. This led to pressure on the Israeli leaders from its citizens who demanded something be done to protect them (Ben-Eliezer 2006,-page 172)

Hamas a History From Within

After the Six Day War of 1967, Israelis learned that in order to defend themselves from violent enemies, they must be willing to sacrifice greatly. Since their enemies would not hesitate to perform acts of violence against Israel, Israel must not hesitate to respond in kind (Cohen 2005,-page 738)

Hamas a History From Within

China is working on a similar erection to separate neighbor North Korea. Pakistan is working on a barrier between itself and Oman (Ehrman 2007,-page 41)

Hamas a History From Within

However, this is also an untrue claim. In reality, the Security Barrier separates the two landscapes and will actually provide more opportunity for Palestine to gain autonomy (Gavrilis 2004,-page 9)

Hamas a History From Within

"In its Charter, Hamas states that peace initiatives and international conferences are 'in contradiction to the principles of the Islamic Resistance Movement.' With its refusal to recognize, and calls for destruction of, the State of Israel, Hamas (Islamic Resistance Movement) in effect legitimized Israel's decision to pursue unilateralism" (Jacoby 2007,-page 24)

Hamas a History From Within

Since the Palestinians began the aggressive actions towards Israel, that puts the latter in the position of defendant and in their defense, they are allowed to seize land from their enemies. The International Court did rule that some of Israel's purposed wall location were beyond jurisdiction and that those areas would have to be rerouted (Jones 2009)

Hamas a History From Within

This has not been done, although many opportunities have presented themselves. In 2006, the state of Palestine elected a Hamas government (Litvak 2005,-page 41)

Hamas a History From Within

In fact, in the case of Mara'abe v. The Prime Minister of Israel, the Israeli Supreme Court ruled that a portion of intended fence in the northern West Bank violated international humanitarian law and ordered the government to reroute the section (Watson 2006,-page 895)

Women of Hamas

Year : 2010

Inside Hamas

Year : 2011

Dr. Gar el Hamas flugt

Year : 1912

Humus for Hamas

Year : 2005