Genocide Sources for your Essay

Genocides in Rwanda and Darfur

"The dead of Rwanda accumulated at nearly three times the rate of Jewish dead during the Holocaust. It was the most efficient mass killing since the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki," (Gourevitch, 1999, p

Genocide Discussing Genocide Genocide. The

Former President Bill Clinton "stood by" while what Power calls "the fastest, most efficient killing spree of the twentieth century" ravaged families in Africa. In 1998, he would issue an apology for the inactivity (Power)

Prevention of Genocide Humankind Has

The word has its roots in 1944 when Raphael Lemkin, a Polish scholar of international law and a secular Jew, first presented it in his book "Axis Rule in Occupied Europe: Laws of Occupation, Analysis of Government, Proposals for Redress." (Heidenrich) Genocide comes from the combination of the Greek prefix "genos" and the Latin suffix "cide

Prevention of Genocide Humankind Has

Lemkin had been truly in favor of creating a law that would prohibit genocide world wide in order to help the minorities and to denounce any person that would be responsible of genocide. (Hirsch) His intentions appeared to be idealistic for the members of the U

Prevention of Genocide Humankind Has

Approximately 750,000 Serbian people have been killed by the Croats during the Holocaust because of their religion. (Mathuna) Hitler's regime directly mass murdered an estimated 17 million human beings before and during World War II -- and caused millions more to perish through wanton neglect

Prevention of Genocide Humankind Has

Had these factors been taken into account earlier, some genocides could have been easily prevented from happening. (Oberschall) The act of genocide is denied in most cases by the perpetrators by covering all the evidence which would lead to their conviction

Racial Genocide

In 1946, the United Nations General Assembly adopted this term and defended it as "a denial of the right of existence of entire human groups" (Genocide pp). Twenty-one years after Christopher Columbus first landed on the Caribbean island he named Hispaniola, some eight million native people, he chose to call Indians, had been killed (Stannard pp)

Tuskegee Syphilis Study Genocide in

Secretary Tommy Thompson of the Health and Human Services said that the Center symbolized those who suffered injustice for the sake of science and medical advancement (Hammer). A study was conducted on the sufficiency of minorities in medical research and published in the November 2006 issue of the Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved (Claudio 2007)

Tuskegee Syphilis Study Genocide in

It was organized in 1999 from funds from the Center for Disease Control Prevention, partly in response to the legacy of the Tuskegee study in Macon County. Secretary Tommy Thompson of the Health and Human Services said that the Center symbolized those who suffered injustice for the sake of science and medical advancement (Hammer)

Tuskegee Syphilis Study Genocide in

It was still ongoing when the scandal broke out on the front pages of the newspapers throughout the country (WorldNow). The study intended to discover the effects of syphilis on the body and to track down these effects (Washington 1997)

Genocide the Second Most Studied Instance of

The new country's founding narrative placed a strong emphasis that the Turkish military preserved the unity and the sovereignty of Turkish territory for the creation of the new Republic, particularly the land in eastern Anatolia. An admission that the genocide of Armenians was an intentional act to eliminate them could serve to undermine the narrative of Turkish national victimhood, Turkish trauma, and then a national salvation by the military (Akcam, 2004)

Genocide the Second Most Studied Instance of

Genocide The second most studied instance of genocide is the methodical killing of the Armenian population that lived in the Ottoman Empire during and following the First World War. However, there were also other ethnic groups that were targeted by the Ottoman Empire during the same period such as Greeks and Assyrians murdered in a broader context of killing non-Muslims (Dixon, 2010)

Genocide the Second Most Studied Instance of

This is a prime example of how nationalistic attitudes shape the memories of historical events in favor of the ruling class. The policy from the 1950s through the 1970s was that high school students in Turkey were not exposed to anything concerning the existence of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire and certainly did not learn anything concerning the deportation during WWI (Holthouse, 2008)

Genocide the Second Most Studied Instance of

The deportations and associated massacres were organized and ordered the Committee of Union and Progress (CUP), the governing body of the Ottoman Empire during that time period. The Armenian genocide took place under the motivation for an extensive ethnic cleansing of the Christian minorities that lived within the Ottoman Empire by the Turks (Mazian, 1990)

Genocide the Second Most Studied Instance of

Kemal was no different regarding references to Armenians other outside influences. The result was to portray Armenians as hostile to Turkish interests and the genocide as a conflict between the Turks and a potential oppressor in which both sides suffered casualties (Ulgen, 2010)

Kurdish Genocide

Kurdish Genocide What countries were responsible for the genocide against the Kurdish people in northern Iraq? This paper focuses on that question, and the clear answer will be presented; to wit, both Iraq and Turkey had hands in these evil deeds against innocent people, albeit the most draconian and inhumane aggression against the Kurds was committed by Saddam Hussein. Hussein's Attack and the Aftermath According to a peer-reviewed article in the scholarly journal Critical Arts: A South-North Journal of Cultural and Media Studies (Leurs, 2011), in March, 1988, the "largest poisonous gas attack ever to have been directed against civilians" compromised the health while killing many innocent people in Halabja, Iraq

Rwanda Genocide and Stories the Majority of

In the stoning of Soraya M, the idea of stoning a person because she was not what she "should have been" comes to light. Soraya is asked for a divorce by her husband because he wants to marry a 14-year-old girl (Cannon, 2009)

Rwanda Genocide and Stories the Majority of

She refuses, so he finds a way to make it look as though she was being unfaithful to him. Even though she is innocent, women have very little say in anything in Iran (Simons, 2009)

Rwanda Genocide and Stories the Majority of

Rwanda Genocide and Stories The majority of richer, stronger countries in the world failed to intervene during the genocide in Rwanda because they were part of the United Nations. While the UN does get involved in genocide issues, it is forbidden for other countries to get involved in internal disputes if there is no genocide taking place (Nyankanzi, 1998)

Ordinary Men: Genocide and Human

To National Socialism as a 'subculture of violence,' and in particular to the SS, which provided the incentives and support for the full realization of their violent potential." (Browning, 166)