Gender Issues Sources for your Essay

Gender Issues in Prison Women Now Represent

For many women inmates, the seeds are sown in childhood, as a significantly larger percentage of women than men report being sexually, mentally or emotionally abused while they were growing up. Various studies of female prison inmates consistently find high rates of abuse suffered during childhood and as adults (McClellan, Farabee and McCrouch 1997)

Gender Issues in Prison Women Now Represent

In 1999, a prison survey conducted for the American Correctional Association found that more than 2,800 babies were born to female inmates in from 1997-1999. As harsher drug measures mete out sentences for even non-violent offenses, the number of pregnant women in prisons is expected to rise (Siefert and Pimlott 2001)

Gender Issues

boys compete and perform in athletics that is evident even from an early age, including in middle school. He goes on to suggest that a better understanding of the "physiological differences" between men and women is necessary in order to develop physical education programs that address the needs of girls and boys with respect to physical education (Dollman, 2003: 37)

Gender Issues

203). Lack of sensitivity with regard to teaching approaches may also reinforce the "masculine hegemony" that currently exists with regard to male performance (Humberstone, 1990: 203)

Gender Issues

Lack of sensitivity with regard to teaching approaches may also reinforce the "masculine hegemony" that currently exists with regard to male performance (Humberstone, 1990: 203). Part of the problem lies in the fact that girls and boys traditionally enter phys-ed classes with "preconceived ideas" regarding their ability to perform and the abilities of the opposite sex (Hutchinson, 1995)

Gender Issues

Gender Issues in Physical Education: A Qualitative Analysis of Middle School Performance The purpose of this research proposal is an evaluation of the gender issues and problems that arise in physical education classes in middle school. There is a large body of evidence supporting the notion that though childhood and adolescence are critical times to lay the foundation for physical activity for an individual's lifetime, "too many girls are insufficiently active" (Olasov & Ryan, 2000:37)

Gender Issues Related to Cross-Dressing

It may be assumed that disguise works to deform or destabilize identities as defined by gender. The difference between sex and gender, as explained by feminists, is that the latter appears to be a mere social and cultural construct (Butler, 1990)

Gender Issues Related to Cross-Dressing

It is common knowledge that boy actors played women characters in the theatrical performances of the time. Puritans expressed their discontent in anti-theatrical polemic, judging it a provocation for women to appear on stage in front of male audiences (Howard, 1988:418)

Gender Issues Related to Cross-Dressing

' (1987), Rackin explains that 'the theatre provided an arena where changing gender definitions could be displayed, deplored, or enforced and where anxieties about them could be expressed by playwrights and incited or repressed among their audiences.' (Rackin, 1987:29)

Gender Issues Related to Cross-Dressing

This only proves that Viola plays the male better than men themselves play their own roles. She even wins more than she had intended: Olivia's love, 'an accomplishment that illuminates the limits to Duke Orsino's patriarchal power' (Windholz, 2004)

Gender Issues in Latin American Economic Development

"Past political changes include the 1927 revision of Article 27 of the Constitution for example where it is clearly specified that ejido members should be males or single women or widows supporting a family." (Deere and Leon)

Human Resources Gender Issues for

Thirty five percent of women have less than a high school education and even with a university education, their incomes were only 70% of those of men. Women also represent the vast majority of persons in nonstandard employment (Critoph, 2003) Women face multiple systemic barriers to labor market participation and achievement

Human Resources Gender Issues for

This includes such things as document use, numeracy, working with people and thinking skills. All professions, not just those that are entry-level or low skilled, are now in the process of being profiled in order to determine the precise mix of these essential skills that are required (Fenwick, 2006)

Human Resources Gender Issues for

On the demand side, there has been the rapid expansion of a range of service industries relying heavily on women workers, such as the retail industry, and community and health services. On the supply side, there have been the rapidly rising levels of education among women within the OECD countries, together with the widespread cultural changes occurring in the wake of the women's movement (Probert, 1999)

Human Resources Gender Issues for

They may surround contradictions and imbalances, particularly when there have been changes in the broader socio-economic environment. Some policy makers, advocates and researchers in the region identify the need to reflect on and integrate social and gender equity, predominantly as it relates to participation, inclusion and exclusion, decision making and power relations (Vernooy and Fajber, n