Gender Inequality Sources for your Essay

Gender Inequality in Sports Has Led to Obesity Among Adolescent Girls in Saudi Arabia

Preventive strategies are critical in the fight against obesity. Such efforts are proven to be more cost-effective than intervention strategies (Cochran, 2008)

Gender Inequality in Sports Has Led to Obesity Among Adolescent Girls in Saudi Arabia

, 2010). Inadequate nutritional or dietary strategies along with training materials may be partly to blame for the knowledge deficit about proper nutrition and exercise, as many families find it challenging to engage in a learning process that lacks creativity and originality for the teenage girls in their family (Forshaw, 2009)

Gender Inequality in Sports Has Led to Obesity Among Adolescent Girls in Saudi Arabia

For instance, According to World Health Organization (WHO) statistics for 2005, at least 20 million children around the world are overweight (WHO, 2006). In the United States alone, 11% of the preschool population has been diagnosed as over weight (Johnson, Clark, Goree, O'Conner, & Zimmer, 2008)

Gender Inequality in Sports Has Led to Obesity Among Adolescent Girls in Saudi Arabia

In the United States alone, 11% of the preschool population has been diagnosed as over weight (Johnson, Clark, Goree, O'Conner, & Zimmer, 2008). Teenage obesity is currently viewed as a worldwide epidemic that exists among all ethnic groups, social categories, and economic classes (Lee, 2007)

Gender Inequality in Sports Has Led to Obesity Among Adolescent Girls in Saudi Arabia

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The statistics provided by the Ministry of Health in Saudi Arabia indicates that well over three million people in the region are obese; this translates to a ratio of 1 in 5 people being obese on average. It is also noted that a bigger percentage of these obese people are women as compared to the male counterparts, and in Saudi Arabia 66% of the women are said to be obese (Ministry of Health, 2005)

Gender Inequality in Sports Has Led to Obesity Among Adolescent Girls in Saudi Arabia

Proper nutrition and adequate physical activity are vital for the growth and development of the girls and for the establishment of a healthy lifestyle that prevents future obesity (Bellows, Anderson, Martin, & Auld, 2008). The teenage school years present optimal times to not only help establish healthy lifestyle patterns for the child and her family but also to influence family meal planning in the home (Papas, Hurley, Quigg, Oberlander, & Black, 2009)

Gender Inequality in Sports Has Led to Obesity Among Adolescent Girls in Saudi Arabia

Because perceptions, attitudes, and habits form during the preschool years and the culture thereof, school nurses and educators must try innovative instructional strategies of health and wellness education approaches to point the young girls as well as their family toward a healthy lifestyle. Hence, adequate planning, instruction, and evaluation are vital in creatively seeking to educate the young girls and their families about nutrition and exercise primarily from the school nurses and therapists (Perkins, 2009)

Gender Inequality in Sports Has Led to Obesity Among Adolescent Girls in Saudi Arabia

The pre-test will allow the groups to be evaluated for symmetry. The researcher anticipates that all three groups will produce similar results, showing that the groups are comparable (Saunders et al

Gender Inequality in Sports Has Led to Obesity Among Adolescent Girls in Saudi Arabia

, 2010). Furthermore, childhood weight problems place the youngsters in danger of persistent illnesses in their adult years (Schwimmer, 2003 as cited in Agron et al

Gender Inequality in Sports Has Led to Obesity Among Adolescent Girls in Saudi Arabia

Teenage obesity is currently viewed as a worldwide epidemic that exists among all ethnic groups, social categories, and economic classes (Lee, 2007). The rising prevalence of both overweight and obese young females has evolved into an indisputable public health concern and is placing a tremendous burden on the country's health care system (Wake, Hardy, Canterford, Sawyer, & Carlin, 2007)

Gender Inequality in Sports Has Led to Obesity Among Adolescent Girls in Saudi Arabia

Even though, a large extent of research has focused on and been devoted to obesity as it relates to young females, there have nevertheless been limited efforts made from the domain of teenage girls in Saudi Arabia and in helping them overcome their obesity problems as well as sustain a healthy lifestyle through engaging in sports activities through their academic years. This paper will hence conduct a risk assessment of teenage girls in Saudi Arabia suffering from issues of obesity across generations and assessments will be done on the patterns of nutrition and sports activities in order to break the habit of unhealthy lifestyle choices (Yujin & Dong Sik, 2007)

Philanthropy and Gender Inequality

This approach recognizes the differently subordinate position and nature of women with respect to race, class and colonial history and economic situation of the country even while accepting the assumption of the fact of inequality between mane and women in general. While admitting that granting of power to women as important to strike a balance and to reduce the inequality in the society between men and women, this approach however does not believe that the power to be given to the women needs to be essentially taken away from men (Achieving Gender Equality, Women's Empowerment and Strengthening Development Cooperation, 2010)

Philanthropy and Gender Inequality

The economic autonomy of women was generally linked to or though given equal value as equity of women. This approach entailed that women would gain some of the equity or benefits of economy and societal gains whereas that gain would come from the gains made by the men who would stand to lose the gains to the women (ANTONOPOULOS & KIJONG, 2011)

Philanthropy and Gender Inequality

The basic concept of gender equality is based on the human rights principle of equal rights. The human rights principle on equal rights says that every individual should get equal right sot be treated equally (, 2015)

Philanthropy and Gender Inequality

Philanthropy in Gender Equality Efforts The Approaches to Gender Equality The Welfare Approach The Equity approach Anti-poverty Approach The Efficiency Approach The Empowerment Approach Scenario Philanthropic budget of $500,000 Scenario Philanthropic budget of $10,000,000 Scenario Philanthropic budget of $100,000,000 The protection, survival and development of girls and boys on an equal basis and the eradication of discrimination on the basis of sex in all walks of life especially in education, work and society is the basic meaning of gender equality. It also refers to the equal rights of girls and boys and women and men (, 2015)

Philanthropy and Gender Inequality

Philanthropy in Gender Equality Efforts The Approaches to Gender Equality The Welfare Approach The Equity approach Anti-poverty Approach The Efficiency Approach The Empowerment Approach Scenario Philanthropic budget of $500,000 Scenario Philanthropic budget of $10,000,000 Scenario Philanthropic budget of $100,000,000 The protection, survival and development of girls and boys on an equal basis and the eradication of discrimination on the basis of sex in all walks of life especially in education, work and society is the basic meaning of gender equality. It also refers to the equal rights of girls and boys and women and men (, 2015)

Philanthropy and Gender Inequality

Ultimately such discrimination can lead to a sense of helplessness and may even be viewed as a form of torture by the individual being discriminated against. Thus sometimes discriminations on the basis of sex also often is also compared to and becomes topics of debate about the possible violation of human rights for the persons discriminated against (Johnson, 2001)

Philanthropy and Gender Inequality

The target of the anti-poverty approach to women equality were primarily the women from the low income group. there was realization of the fact that projects that were formed and implemented with inclusion of the women did not provide much benefit to the society and thus it was concluded that the women were the important for the successful implementation of the projects and policies and women were chosen to be the target of the approach (McGovern, 2013)

Philanthropy and Gender Inequality

The Equity approach This was the approach that was primarily introduced during the Women's Decade announcement and observation by the United Nations during the period from 1976 to 1985. The concept of the equity approach rose from the lack of representation of the contribution of the women in the national economy and the statistics of nations at the national level and the role of the women in the society's economy w=even as more and more women began to play important roles in the societal economy as well as in the national economy of countries (Mukoro, 2013)

Philanthropy and Gender Inequality

The subordinate position of the women can be changed through the bottom up organizations. The structures that sustain inequality need to be transformed in order to change the position of women in the society and this change and transformation need to happen in a bottom up flow and not a top to bottom flow of directions through legislations and regulations (STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK FOR GENDER EQUALITY, RIGHTS AND DIVERSITY IN DANISH DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION, 2014)