Fire Safety Sources for your Essay

History of Building Construction and Changes Related to Fire Safety and Prevention

" Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire One hundred years ago, government did not exert much safety control over business, so the types and extent of fire safety were freely controlled by employers (Pinkerson, 2011). For example, the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory, employing hundreds of immigrants and was insured for fire damage to benefit the owners but had little concern for its workers (Pinkerson, 2011): Triangle arbitrarily provided 27 buckets of water to extinguish fires, doors that were either locked to prevent employee theft or opened inward, an elevator that was inadequate for the weight of many individuals, and fire escapes that were also insufficient for a great number of people escaping fire at the same time (Yaz)

Fire Safety Management

Triangle Shirtwaste Factory Fire 1911 The triangle shirtwaste factory fire of 1911 is a classic example of how everything could go wrong in a fire went wrong. This fire was considered the worst factory fire to occur in the history of New York City (Jackson, 1995)

Fire Safety Management

This was exemplified in January of 2000 when a fire broke out in a freshman dormitory on the campus of Seton Hall University in South Orange, NJ. In the devastating fire three students were killed and an additional 62 were injured (Patterson, 2000)

Fire Safety

Since over half of injuries sustained by firefighters are fire-ground injuries, and most of these injuries are strains, incorporating higher levels of fitness and stretching may enable minimization of such injuries. "The leading types of minor injuries were: strain or sprain accounting for an annual average of 6,200 injuries or (26%); pain only, accounting for 3,095 injuries (13%); thermal burns only, accounting for 2,625 injuries (11%); cut or laceration, accounting for 1,985 injuries (8%)" (Carter, 2013)

Fire Safety

Train with it, use it and maintain it. Do I need to say more?" (, 2015)

Fire Safety

2.1 Fire departments should consider use of the recruiting, mentoring, and training process found in the physical performance requirements referenced in the IAFF / IAFC Candidate Physical Ability Test (CPAT) Manual" (, 2015)

Let's Rap Fire Safety

Year : 2000

Fire Safety for Kids

Year : 2014

The Stay Safe Singers: Fire Safety and Prevention

Year : 2015

Older Adult Fire Safety

Year : 2015

Fire Safety Is Your Problem

Year : 1952