Fda Sources for your Essay

FDA and the Fifth Amendment

Just as physicians experience bombardment of lay knowledge about medicine gleaned from the Internet, pharmacists can expect consumers to make requests for drugs and devices that have been popularized outside of conventional scientific bounds. Taking it a step further, how can the pharmaceuticals industry police itself in the product development stage where research and clinical trials extend for years on end, and where potential profit is a key driver of decisions made at every level? Competition among pharmaceutical companies escalates when a drug patent is about to expire, and may well press decision-makers to forgo options that are best for patients for options that are best for stockholders (Ofek & Laufer, 2008)

FDA and the Fifth Amendment

The influence of the digital age on commerce and communication cannot be overstated. The strength of this influence is particularly evident in the article on off-label promotion (Berman, 2012) and the case of 23 andMe (Quelch, 2014)

FDA and the Fifth Amendment

The influence of the digital age on commerce and communication cannot be overstated. The strength of this influence is particularly evident in the article on off-label promotion (Berman, 2012) and the case of 23 andMe (Quelch, 2014)

FDA: A History

Year : 2010


Year : 2010

FDA Approved

Year : 2013