Exodus Sources for your Essay

Modern Legal Interpretation of God\'s Actions in the Book of Exodus

The transformation required an entirely new mindset, and the process would not be easy. (Lewin, 1951) Rather than looking for an authority over them to direct their actions, choices, and establish their personal purpose, they were saddled with the task of developing these identities, and an organizational culture all their own

Modern Legal Interpretation of God\'s Actions in the Book of Exodus

Delegation skills would be imperative for mosses' survival, and hence his choices to delegate would affect the health of the entire organization. (Nyberg, 1999) On this same model is our national court system built

Exodus Faith Change and Learning

Earlier in the narrative, in fact, while God is convincing Moses to return to Egypt and free his people, God assures Moses that, "I will harden [Pharaoh's] heart so that he will not let the people go" (Exodus 4:21). God is creating a platform on which to demonstrate his power, and he ensures that Pharaoh remains in a position to be continuously punished, which can be for no other reason than to strike fear into others (Binz, pp

Exodus Faith Change and Learning

Other commentators have viewed this story somewhat differently, suggesting that the tale does more to weaken Pharaoh than anything else. The midwives, according to this reading of the text, manage to "outwit" the Pharaoh in a "struggle over blessing and life" in which "Pharaoh is an angel of death" (Fretheim, p

Exodus Faith Change and Learning

This sense of God's desire for man's more active involvement in shaping his future is borne out by rabbinical commentary, which states that a man named Naschon ben Aminadav, hearing the bickering all around of him of who was to test the crossing first by taking an ultimate leap of faith into the waters of the sea, jumped in and began to sink. It is at this point that God tells Moses to stop praying and to see what is going on, and it is not until Naschon ben Aminadav is "up to his nostrils that the water was actually parted" (Peretz, par

Exodus 1-14. This Will Include

This is close to the original Hebrew title which was "the Book of the Going out of Egypt." However, early on, it became know to the Jewish people as "Shemot" after "Ve-eleh Shemot"("and these are the names") (Hertz, 1966, 205)

Exodus 1-14. This Will Include

For instance, the "Feast of Tabernacles" (Sukkot) is not just for Israel. It is for all the nations and thousands of Christians celebrate it every year in Jerusalem (Richman, 1999)

Exodus: Costume Review

Times, noted that he was able to draw upon actual historical depictions of what individuals wore during this era. For example, " all the Egyptians [in the film] wear lamellar armor, which has this petal-shaped metal that's even more elaborate than chain mail" (Rottenberg 2014)

Exodus and Redemption of Israelites

Thus, it can be safe to say that the book of Exodus fits between that of Genesis and Leviticus, in both a logical and theological manner. The act of redeeming the Israelites from captivity in Egypt is God's fulfillment of one of the promises He had made to their ancestors, including Isaac and His father Abraham (DeCanio, Para 24)

Exodus and Redemption of Israelites

The action of removing shoes reflects holiness of the place. Moses was commanded to do this as he came closer to the burning bush (Minnicks, Para 1-3)

Exodus and Redemption of Israelites

One is that Moses had been educated in the Egyptian royal house, and this experience gave him the ability to write the book. There are also several texts in the book itself that support the idea that Moses wrote the book (Swindoll, Para 1&2)

Exodus and Redemption of Israelites

When Moses was born, the Egyptians - afraid that the Jews would outnumber them -- decided to murder all the boys born to the Jews. And, they also made them work harder, so as to break their resolve (Marshall, Para 6-8)

Exodus: Gods and Kings

Year : 2014


Year : 1960

Across the Line: The Exodus of Charlie Wright

Year : 2010


Year : 2007

Patterns of Evidence: Exodus

Year : 2014

The Exodus Decoded

Year : 2006


Year : 2007

Exodus: Tales from the Enchanted Kingdom

Year : 2005