Epidemiology Sources for your Essay

Epidemiology of Tuberculosis and Epidemiology

The advantages of earlier and increased case finding on the spread of TB should be amplified in significantly high-transmission areas. Lessening the TB infection rates is elementary in attaining the long-term goal of TB control of a stable regression of the disease in succeeding generations (Cobelens et al

Epidemiology of Tuberculosis and Epidemiology

There is also a necessity to implement age-specific interventions to interrupt the transmission of TB to infants, young children, school going children and adolescents, and adults. A decrease in TB infection rates among children, and a stable decrease in the number of the children who are latently infected would indicate a decrease in the number of TB transmissions to children (Statement, 2006)

Epidemiology of Tuberculosis and Epidemiology

Although there have been topical studies to assess TB infection among young children (Shanaube et al. 2009), there are hardly any data evaluating TB infection in adolescents and older children in communities that have high TB and human immunodeficiency virus problems (Wood et al

Epidemiology of Tuberculosis and Epidemiology

First, there is a need to target reducing the high force of TB infection, particularly in high-density townships. It is paramount to understand that the benefits of enhanced case finding will depend on the existing epidemiology of TB transmission (Zhang, Jiang, and Wang, 2009)

Etiology and Epidemiology of Cardiac Arrhythmias

Patients being treated for congenital heart disease have a high risk of being impacted by cardiac arrhythmias. Children who have cardiac pathology and are on medication for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and are taking medication are at risk for cardiac arrhythmias (Elia & Vetter, 2010)

Etiology and Epidemiology of Cardiac Arrhythmias

Often when there is an emergency, patients arrive at the hospital, there is little time for an accurate diagnosis, and there is not a qualified, experienced cardiologist available to make the right diagnosis (Stellbrink, 2010). About 50% of the patients experience sudden death as a result of cardiac disease (Jaeger, 2010)

Etiology and Epidemiology of Cardiac Arrhythmias

Risk factors associated with cardiac arrhythmias One of the biggest risk factors associated with cardiac arrhythmias is it not being diagnosed properly in an emergency situation. Often when there is an emergency, patients arrive at the hospital, there is little time for an accurate diagnosis, and there is not a qualified, experienced cardiologist available to make the right diagnosis (Stellbrink, 2010)

Etiology and Epidemiology of Cardiac Arrhythmias

Who are at risk for cardiac arrhythmias? (Epidemiology) Patients with diabetes who are on dialysis are at high risk for death related to cardiac arrhythmia. Approximately 26% of patients who receive dialysis die from cardiac arrhythmia (Voroneanu & Covic, 2009)

Descartes\' Rationalist Epidemiology Rene Descartes

The clearest, and best known substance for him [thinking individual]. Upon this foundation, Descartes builds all his other knowledge claims" (Hauptli, 2008, Chapter 27)

Descartes\' Rationalist Epidemiology Rene Descartes

Meditations tells us that our faculty of reason is of paramount importance. Moreover, our faculty of reason is capable of judgment because it is rational and as epistemology would maintain, the way we should think; our proper reasoning -- it should entail logic and objectivity (Landauer & Rowlands, 2001)

John Snow Father Epidemiology Pioneering

During the so-called 'Roaring 20s' more than half of the nation lived at or below the poverty line. This was during an era where there were few available social support structures to help individuals who were struggling or destitute (Johnson 1997: 661)

John Snow Father Epidemiology Pioneering

"I have a little steel box with a key and I was thinking about taking my checking account out and putting it in there," said one elderly woman, during the height of the recent financial crisis ("Great depression colors senior's view of crisis," MSNBC, 2008) ("Great depression colors senior's view of crisis," MSNBC, 2008). During a depression, according to Keynes "people hoard money no matter how much the central bank tries to expand the money supply" by lowering interest rates to further encourage more investment and spending (Kangas 1997)

John Snow Father Epidemiology Pioneering

It wasn't a flood; it was a deluge. Everybody wanted to sell -- the man with five shares and the man with ten thousand" (Leonard 1944)

Epidemiology: Teens & Chlamydia Epidemiological

Epidemiology: Teens & Chlamydia Epidemiological findings: Teens and chlamydia Definition and description of epidemiology of teens and Chlamydia Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) that is caused by the bacteria Chlamydia trachomatis (Van Vranken 2006)

Epidemiology: Teens & Chlamydia Epidemiological

Its prevalence amongst teens is especially noteworthy. Of the "more than 650,000 cases were reported in 1999, and three of every four reported cases occurred in persons under age 25" (Witmer 2009)

Epidemiology Adolescent Suicide

Basically there are two types of epidemiological studies, namely, descriptive and analytical wherein descriptive studies are concerned with existing health-related variables and absent of a testable hypothesis and not set up to test causality in any manner. On the other hand analytical studies are designed to examine the existence of hypothesized associations and relationships, and focus on measuring the effects of a specific health related risk factor or factors (Bailar, 1997)

Epidemiology Adolescent Suicide

Not only does depression affect the way a person eats and sleeps, feels about themselves, and the way they think of the things around them but also strongly linked to teen suicide. Adolescent suicide is now responsible for more deaths in people between ages 15 to 19 than cardiovascular disease or cancer (Blackman, 1996)

Epidemiology Adolescent Suicide

Simple mathematics equates this to a completed suicide population of young people between 40,192 and 401,928 per year. As stated in the previous paragraph Every year between 4,000 teenagers between the ages of 15 and 400,000attempt suicide and approximately 5-6,000 complete the act and the number of suicides might be even higher because some families report the suicides as accidents or murders (Klagsburn, 1976)

Epidemiology Adolescent Suicide

Those pressured to excel oftentimes become overwhelmed by what is expected of them and succumb to using drugs and alcohol as a form of escape and possibly feel the only way out is that of suicide. Those teens without direction and lack of interest on the part of their parent's also increase the likeliness of drugs and alcohol activity as a means of escape (Lasko 1996)

Epidemiology Adolescent Suicide

As such the goal of epidemiological studies is to uncover the relationship that exists between exposure to various environmental conditions that can produce a certain medical illness whether the illness is neuro-biological, sociological, or psychological. Epidemiological research investigations study the distribution and determinants of various health-related states and events with respect to specified populations (Last, 1983)