Environmental Ethics Sources for your Essay

Environmental Ethics: From Philosophy to

Accordingly, we are guided by the definition offered in the text by Brennan & Lo (2002), which establishes that "environmental ethics is the discipline in philosophy that studies the moral relationship of human beings to, and also the value and moral status of, the environment and its nonhuman contents." (Brennan & Lo, 1) in other words, prior to the inception of a popular environmental movement, the notion that we as a species have a responsibility to live in harmony with rather than in dominion over our surroundings would be broached in the philosophical context first

Environmental Ethics: From Philosophy to

In the town the doctors had become more and more puzzled by new kinds of sickness appearing among their patients." (Carson, 2) That the correlation between these collected symptoms and the use of pesticides in our predominantly agricultural towns had yet to be recognized at this point in history is important to consider

Environmental Ethics: From Philosophy to

Ideologies may surge and flow across the face of these realities, but environmental issues cannot be argued or deconstructed away." (Peritore, 30)

Environmental Ethics: From Philosophy to

This morass of conditions denotes that "while we should not necessarily be sanguine about environmental protection in developing countries, we need not be pessimistic either." (Warshawsky, 114) This is to say that the international community is increasingly drawing to a consensus on the need to curb behaviors which have are causing trauma to the environment, with the leadership change from Bush to Obama in the United States promising significant new level of improvement in regulatory enforcement

Environmental Ethics: From Philosophy to

The simplest solution to any suspect change is, of course, to stop it, or better yet, to revert to a romanticized past: make those ugly gasoline stations look like Anne Hathaway's cottage or (in the Far West) like ghost-town saloons." (White, 2) This point of focus is a useful one for beginning to understand the orientation of such nations as the U

Environmental Ethics: From Philosophy to

The increase is a demonstration of how unreliable oil is not just in terms of its lack of sustainability but in terms of its negative economic implications, which associate it to dangers of economic inflation. (Whitehall, 1) This denotes that the ecological effects of America's poor orientation toward environmental ethics have clearly identifiable economic consequences as well

Ethics Environmental Ethics/Humans and the

Another issue that has been dominant in the news in recent years is the problem of sourcing the Alaskan oil reserves. This refers to the National Petroleum Reserve of Alaska (NPR-a), which is situated between the foothills of the Brooks Range and the Arctic coastline, and is about 120 miles from the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) (Rosen, 2003)

Ethics Environmental Ethics/Humans and the

The 2010 disaster in particular has had widespread ecological consequences, which includes a negative impact on the ocean environment, as well as on the sensitive coastal areas and ecological wetlands in the region. For example, the fish in the area of the oil spill developed skin ulcers (Spinner, 2012)

Environmental Ethics Environmentalism vs. Animal

had printed a document where he criticized the rigid Judeo-Christian traditions and blamed those traditions for the numerous environmental hazards that the world was facing at the time. He believed that to live in a peaceful and nurtured world, everyone needed to embrace the concealed and sequestered imminence of our traditions and oust the traditions that were prevalent at the time (White, 1967)

Environmental Ethics Environmentalism vs. Animal

By the end of 1980, authors like those mentioned above and Colin McGinn, Cora Diamond, Donald VanDeVeer, Joel Feinberg, Mary Midgley, Thomas Auxter and Timothy Sprigge had already laid down the basics and philosophies behind the animal rights and their violations. Callicott, in his document wanted to introduce a third player, "land ethic," into the game where decisions were made on the environment, and its effect on humans and animals were analyzed thereof; he wanted to dismiss what was believed to be humanitarian and moral when making these decisions and make the whole process a three-way story (Jamieson, 1997)

Global Warming Subject Environmental Ethics... Use Guide

Northcott as reviewed by the Anglican Theological Review depicts the Christian ethics on global warming. He argues that this process is "a message from the planet and clear evidence that our global economic system is on collision course with Earth's biophysical limits" (Smith, 2009)

Global Warming Subject Environmental Ethics... Use Guide

Lastly, it would be interesting to consider the problematic ethics of global warming through an economic correlative approach translated in public policy choices. Leslie Paul Thiele as paraphrased in Ethics & International Affairs points out that "environmentalism is essentially about extending one's moral concern across time, space, and species" (Wapner & Willoughby, 2005), a position which may be seen as clashing with the generally endorsed, unmitigated capitalism

Environmental Ethics Evaluation of Effort

The author point out that "almost all of these extraordinary, generous people agreed to write, setting aside their own projects, diverting energy from their political campaigns or their own climate actions or their fight against illness." (Moore and Nelson xviii)

Environmental Ethics and Morality What

By 1987, there were only eight California Condors in the wild, so a decision was made to capture the remaining birds and begin a captive breeding program to try and save them from extinction. The Endangered Species Bulletin (Behrens, et al

Environmental Ethics and Morality What

Congress Shows Environment Ethics The "National Environmental Policy Act" (NEPA) was signed into law by President Richard Nixon in 1970. The law represented a "fundamental shift in the United States federal government policy from a primary focus on economic development" toward a far more conservation and environmentally balanced approach (Felleman, 2008)

Environmental Ethics and Morality What

Kennedy backed up his assertion that Bush was eliminating budgets for research into environmentally-based science by noting that "Some 60 scientists issued a statement accusing the Bush Administration of deliberately distorting scientific fact to advance policy goals" (Kennedy). Bush "claimed to preserve 5 million acres of wetlands but did not mention the 20 million acres of wetlands from which he stripped protection" (Lehner, 2009)

Environmental Ethics and Morality What

, son of the late Senator Robert Kennedy, an attorney for the NRDC wrote in 2004 that President George W. Bush and the Republican Congress have "gutted scientific research budgets and politicized science within the federal agencies" (Kennedy, 2004)

Environmental Ethics and Morality What

The condor fed on the carcasses of big creatures that roamed the land then, like mastodons and giant sloths. The giant birds, with 9 and 1/2-foot wingspans, also fed on the carcasses of marine creatures like sea lions, whales and elephant seals, according to the book Raptors of California (Peeters, 2005, p

Environmental Ethics and Morality What

" The EPA under President Obama has sought to change or eliminate many of the regulations that the Bush Administration put in place that are both harmful -- like rat poison -- and against the environmental ethic of the United States government. The Obama Administration, unlike the Bush Administration, is fully cooperative with international efforts to curb carbon emissions; indeed, Obama is going to Copenhagen in December, 2009, to attend the United Nations meeting on climate change (Zeleny, 2009)

Ecofeminism Environmental Ethics

The Power and the Promise of Ecological Feminism" by Karen Warren argues that "the promise and power of ecological feminism is that it provides a distinctive framework both for reconceiving feminism and for developing an environmental ethic which takes seriously connections between the domination of women and the domination of nature." (Warren) The book begins by explaining oppressive patriarchal conceptual frameworks and the effect that they have on the dominance of nature and women