Emotional Intelligence Sources for your Essay

Emotional Intelligence and Leadership in

Transformational leaders according to Daft and Lane (2009) have a unique ability to bring about both change and transformation. This they do by not only recognizing the concerns and needs of followers but also by helping them find new and unique solutions to problems (Daft, Kendrick, and Vershinina, 2010)

Emotional Intelligence and Leadership in

Daniel Goleman is however convinced that there is a common characteristic that all leaders share. In Goleman's own words, "most effective leaders are alike in one crucial way: They all have a high degree of what has come to be known as emotional intelligence" (Goleman, 2004)

Emotional Intelligence and Leadership in

For these and many other reasons, Daft and Lane (2009) are convinced that transformational leaders are better suited to bring about change. It is also important to note that while organizational conditions are seen as being relatively stable in transactional leadership, transformational leadership not only recognizes the need for change but it also deems change as being a continuous process (Wart, 2012)

Emotional Intelligence Leadership - What Makes a

2. Discuss the question: can emotional intelligence be learnt? (EI)? (b) to succeed, do leaders need EI -- (Antonakis, Ashkanasy and Dasborough 2009, p

Emotional Intelligence Leadership - What Makes a

Leadership communication uses the full range of communication skills and resources in order to overcome distractions and to create and deliver messages that inspire and encourage others to action. Leadership communication consists of layered, increasing skills from center strategy development and effective writing and speaking to the use of these skills in more compound organizational circumstances (Barrett, 2006)

Emotional Intelligence Leadership - What Makes a

Emotional Intelligence has become a crucial part of how today's leaders meet the significant challenges they face everyday. Emotional Intelligence can help leaders in an increasingly difficult leadership role, one that fewer and fewer people seem capable of fulfilling (Childs, 2011)

Emotional Intelligence Leadership - What Makes a

Emotional intelligence Leadership - What makes a good leader? Emotional intelligence (EI) refers to the capability to recognize, manage and assess emotions. Some researchers propose that emotional intelligence can be learned and reinforced, while others claim it is an innate trait (Cherry, 2011)

Emotional Intelligence Leadership - What Makes a

Some leaders have a lifetime of small acts of leadership as extraordinary encouragers, strong organizers, good persuaders, or charismatic speakers. When it comes down to it, how a person leads is a reflection of the characteristics and values that define who they are (Dewey, 2004)

Emotional Intelligence Leadership - What Makes a

One must first determine the problem or issue. What might appear as a trouble may really be the symptom, and if one treats just the symptoms the problem will keep coming back (Finkle, 2011)

Emotional Intelligence Leadership - What Makes a

(300 words) Emotional intelligence can be taught so in turn it can be learned. This concept was shown in a study done by cognitive scientist Delphine Nelis and colleagues (Goldsmith, 2009)

Emotional Intelligence Leadership - What Makes a

Personality - Several lines of evidence show that certain personality dimensions are consistently related to rated leadership effectiveness. It has been found dominance, assertiveness, energy or activity level, speech fluency, sociability, emotional stability, conscientiousness and agreeableness are all positively related to leadership effectiveness (Hogan, Curphy & Hogan, 1994)

Emotional Intelligence Leadership - What Makes a

There are others though that believe that if it is not needed it sure helps. According to Daniel Goleman in (Maulding, 2002) emotional intelligence includes self-discipline, enthusiasm and perseverance, and the capability to motivate oneself

Emotional Intelligence Leadership - What Makes a

Consequently cross-border leaders need to be successful in terms of cultural flexibility, emotional and cultural intelligence. Successful cross-cultural leadership is a function of not only motivation and leadership behaviors but also of analytical intelligence, emotional intelligence and cultural intelligence (Sielawa, 2008)

Emotional Intelligence Leadership - What Makes a

They can motivate people to work well together. And they can communicate effectively with their team at all times (Vanino, 2011)

Emotional Intelligence Leadership - What Makes a

In order to lead and set direction a leader needs to appear sure as a person and in the leadership position. Such a person encourages confidence in others and draws out the trust and best efforts of the team to complete the task well (White, 2011)

Emotional Intelligence My Experience With

The consequences of this stress could be fatal when combined with anesthesia. Because of this, it is imperative that emotional intelligence skills be developed in order to identify and mitigate stress in patients, particularly stress that may be masked (Reginella, 1953)

Emotional Intelligence My Experience With

All emotional intelligence requires vision, as without vision emotional intelligence is simply a tool waiting to be applied. The vision supplies the direction in which the emotional intelligence is applied, to drive towards an outcome (Wall, 2008)

Emotional Labor and Emotional Intelligence

Particularly given the increasing emphasis on teamwork in the workplace, emotional compatibility has become a significant factor of consideration for employers in many hiring decisions. "Emotional intelligence (EI) refers to the ability to perceive, control and evaluate emotions" (Cherry 2013)

Emotional Labor and Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Labor and Emotional Intelligence In the book the Managed Heart: Commercialization of Human Feeling, the sociologist Arlie Russell Hochschild defined "emotional labor" as the "management of feeling to create a publicly observable facial and bodily display & #8230; sold for a wage" (Resnikoff 2013)

Psychology Testing: Psychometric Emotional Intelligence

(1998) assessment instrument for emotional intelligence signifies it may be utilized for screening to establish levels of emotional intelligence. Due to its extreme length, the one other assessment instrument, the 131-item Bar-on Emotional Quotient Inventory (Bar-on, 1996), is deemed less helpful