Educational Leadership Sources for your Essay

Educational Leadership Framework Leadership in

Take a break, and have some fun instead. Or try and turn a situation around with a humorous perspective some fun instead (Lancaster and Stillman, 2002, p

Educational Leadership Framework Leadership in

If managers are unable or unwilling to develop the skills [staff] need to perform effectively, the latter will set lower personal standards than they are capable of achieving, their self-images will be impaired, and they will develop negative attitudes toward jobs, employers, and - in all probability - their own careers. (Livingston, 1988, p

Educational Leadership Framework Leadership in

I believe that sometime the only thing you really learn from mistakes is how to make those mistakes again. There is no building on deficits you can only build on strengths and skills that are already in place; this helps shore up the weaknesses that everyone has (Raffoni, 2002)

Educational Leadership Framework Leadership in

In order to become a successful coach one has to learn to develop an open mind and to be able to see things from other people perspectives. "Effective coaching requires a balanced discussion in which the leader first tries to understand before trying to be understood" (Stowell, 1988)

Educational Leadership Framework Leadership in

Options and alternative strategies for the desired outcomes. What is to be done, when, by whom, and the will to do it? (Whitmore, 2002) However, there are some drawback to having had a military background as leader, I can come on to strong, and as mentioned previously, be too much of a know it all

Educational Leadership

This ensures that the findings are similar and supporting the general trends. (Choo, 2010) Evidence of this can be seen with Choo saying, "We distinguish three styles of understanding intersectionality in practice: group-centered, process-centered, and system-centered

Educational Leadership

This is when different studies are examined to understand various trends and support issues for further clarification. (Darling, 2009) Once this occurred, is when comparative analysis was conducted

Educational Leadership

If this does not occur, there is the possibility of everyone going back to their old routines. (Gandara, 2010) The study that was conducted by Gandara (2010) is focused on understanding how various groups of stakeholders respond to continuing leadership

Educational Leadership

When conducting any kind of research, it is important to understand the various limitations and the impact it is having on respondents. (May, 1997) For instance, May (1997) concluded that there are many factors which can impact the quality of education students are receiving and the attitudes of teachers

Educational Leadership

The result is that an increasing number are retiring early or going into other career fields with more promise. (Merrill, 2010) The research problem is concentrating on how these trends can be reversed over the long-term

Educational Leadership

This is when the findings will be more accurate and the validity can be used to address a host of challenges impacting others. (Paris, 2010) A good example of this can be seen with a study that was conducted by Paris (2010)

Educational Leadership

This is designed to reduce the amounts of time involved and it is mirroring the results from previous studies. (Pennycock, 1996) These issues are problematic, as plagiarism will undercut the moral position of the individuals who did it

Educational Leadership

When this happens, everyone is more interested in the material and has an open mind to the concepts that are presented. (Pieterse, 2010) A study that was conducted by Pieterse (2010) is supporting these conclusions

Educational Leadership

This will make certain that all personal information is protected and only accessed when it is absolutely necessary. (Resnik, 2010) Evidence of this can be seen with observations from Resnik (2010)

Educational Leadership

These areas will enable the person to remember these ideas and have them readily available. (Rosen, 2011) At the same time, students could use these solutions to enhance their ability to remember and retain key ideas

Educational Leadership

This is when they will be provided with information about the responses and some facts on the background of the subject. (Sharp, 2010) The basic idea is to prevent them from overly relying on specific pieces of data and ignoring the findings from others

Educational Leadership

Hence, the resistance to adaptive challenges will always be there and it is the duty of the true leader (who may be just a teacher or counselor) to allow those progressive changes to have a chance to work for the betterment of all. "Level 5 Leadership" (Collins)

Educational Leadership

Leading through learning means more than practicing the technical aspects of running a school or heading a department; it means "changing habits of mind and behavior" of others by being persistent in developing a "generosity of spirit" of your own to show the way. "Stress, Politics Take Toll on Superintendents" (Kelley)

Educational Leadership

"Leading Through Learning…" Sparks Dennis Sparks presents case that the leaders in education with constructive characteristics and positive attitudes tend to get the job done more effectively. It may sound old fashioned to talk about speaking with "kindness," respecting the opinions of others, and disagreeing with grace while at the same time being candid about one's viewpoints, but these are the qualities that a true leader needs to show while interacting with parents, students, and teachers / staff members (Sparks, 2009)

Educational Leadership

The point of this article is that superintendents must set realistic goals, and some of those include: a) creating "their own personal learning networks"; b) developing a "courageous" and "forward looking team"; c) hire teachers that are excellent and have the right skills to lead students; d) promote professional development / training in technologies; e) constantly evaluate ways to help teachers grow in their skills; and f) create a practical learning environment where students become "independent self-directed global learners." "Educational Leadership" (Wagner) Author Tony Wagner asserts in his book that students must master "seven survival skills" in order to thrive "in the new world of work"; if they wish to become productive citizens and face up to the challenges they will face in the 21st century, they should follow those seven survival skills