Ecotourism Sources for your Essay

Eco-Tourism and Community Development Ecotourism

International influence aggravates the problem by undermining the government ability to monitor or enforce these measures (Pat). Case Study: Ecotourism in India One of the 12 mega diversity countries in the world is India (Bora 2011)

Eco-Tourism and Community Development Ecotourism

The proclamation of the National Ecotourism Policy in 1998 and the National Ecotourism Action Plan for 2002-2006 in 2001 reinforced this initiative (Khanal & Babar). Thailand The country has a well-developed infrastructure, a fertile free-enterprise economy, pro-investment policies and stable exports (CIA 2011)

Eco-Tourism and Community Development Ecotourism

The forest department, in particular, should strictly adhere to the code of conduct of ecotourism (Bora). Ecotourism in Thailand The six Greater Mekong Sub-region countries entered into a program agreement of sub-regional economic cooperation in 1992 for the purpose of enhancing economic relations among themselves (Khanal & Babar 2007)

Eco-Tourism and Community Development Ecotourism

It is the most progressive in terms of policy and planning and enjoys cooperation among all the stakeholders in the industry (Boonyanate). Community Participation Community participation is the key element in ecotourism in Thailand, which receives large consideration among developers (Leksakundilok 2004)

Eco-Tourism and Community Development Ecotourism

It will enable Thailand to lead further lead by adopting the principles of responsible tourism (ITB). Sentiments of Local Communities They objected to the establishment of coal, nuclear or gas power plants (Nattayai 2011, Heinrich Boll Stiftung 2011)

Eco-Tourism and Community Development Ecotourism

They plan their travel wisely so that they help minimize the production of carbon as a consequence (TIES). Advantages and Disadvantages of Ecotourism The formal objective of ecotourism is to reduce human impact on the planet's fragile ecosystem, cultures and economies of the destinations (Paige 2011)

Eco-Tourism and Community Development Ecotourism

The lines of responsibility and accountability among these agencies and bodies involved in the management and administration of tourism and the protected areas should be clearly defined (Boyd 2000 as qtd in Stone). Case Study 2: Ecotourism in Belize The Belize Tourism Board reported in 1999 that tourism contributed 18% of the Gross Domestic Product of the country (Pat 2001)

Eco-Tourism and Community Development Ecotourism

These are to minimize impact; build environment and cultural awareness and respect; provide positive experiences for tourists and hosts, financial benefits for conservation as well as empowerment for the local community; and to increase sensitivity to the host country's political, environmental and social climate (TIES). Nature Tourism, Sustainable Tourism, Responsible Tourism Nature-based tourism is simple travel to natural place (TIES 2010)

Ecotourism and Community Development

Ultimately, poor management of this kind will often damage the area's overall marketability as an ecotouristic destination. Planning that considers both local ecology and effective education of tourists is more likely to conserve the key environmental resources for the long-term, allowing a community to benefit both socially and economically (Buckley, 2009)

Ecotourism and Community Development

In the case of the Kamchatka Peninsula visitors are arriving from Central Russia, France, the United States and Canada, bringing financial resources and investments into a very rural area, which will gradually help spurn the development of local economy. In many cases, economic development of manner that would likely be impossible without the popularization of ecotourism, and thus many potentially popular destinations are developed in order to take advantage of economic gains (Watson et al

Business of Ecotourism, and the Ethics of Marketing

Some of what seems to be emerging from research includes demographic information. Environmentally-friendly tourists tend to be "more educated, earn more money, and are interested in learning," (Dolcinar, Crouch, & Long, 2008, p

Business of Ecotourism, and the Ethics of Marketing

For example, wealthier people have more access to recycling facilities vs. poor people (Haanpaa, 2007)