Economy Sources for your Essay

Hyper-Competitive, Rapidly Changing, Global Economy

The X Generation was the first generation to grow up with computers, and as such thrive on bleeding edge technology. They have also been exposed to a history of downsizing, bank failures and political scandal, making them a bit cynical and has heightened their need of self-reliance (Clement, 1999)

Hyper-Competitive, Rapidly Changing, Global Economy

They found that Generation Xers ranked good salary and steady employment in the top three of motivational forces. They noted that even when an organization was not able to increase employee pay, focusing on benefits could be very important (Leschinsky & Michael, 2004)

Hyper-Competitive, Rapidly Changing, Global Economy

They believe Social Security will not be around when they retire, therefore retirement, as well as their children's education, are their primary concerns (Clement, 1999). For this reason 401(k) plans are one of the biggest benefits to members of Generation X (Matthew, 2004)

Hyper-Competitive, Rapidly Changing, Global Economy

Professional growth, in their study, was rated more important than salary. In addition, starting salaries were tempered with future job growth expectations (Mayfield & Keating, 2003)

Hyper-Competitive, Rapidly Changing, Global Economy

S. Baby Boom that occurred during the period of 1946-1964 and accounted for the birth of nearly 77 million children (O'Donovan, 1997)

Hyper-Competitive, Rapidly Changing, Global Economy

Pensions and retirement savings are important to this demographic, as they see the current Social Security system as null and void by the time they are ready to retire. Unlike their predecessors, this becomes more important earlier on in their career (Rappaport & Di Leo, 2002)

Hyper-Competitive, Rapidly Changing, Global Economy

They want fulfillment, flexibility, a fun work environment, and bleeding-edge technology in a career, for the most part. and, they don't want to be micromanaged (Rodriguez, Green & Ree, 2003)

Hyper-Competitive, Rapidly Changing, Global Economy

They despise limits, hypocrisy, and are fed up with corporate antics. The X Generation are powerful innovators that have a real sense of independence and are extremely goal-oriented (Southard & Lewis, 2004)

Economy in the United States and the

"The New York Stock Exchange has maintained orderly archives, open to scholarly researchers since 1980, but no one yet has seen fit to exploit this resource to do a full-blown institutional history of the stock market." (Burk 176) Comparatively the results on the stock market, after nine-eleven and the Kennedy Assassination were similar in many ways namely, both event aftermaths include stock decline in many areas, and are preceded by economic recession

Economy in the United States and the

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Consumer confidence, now at its lowest point since the Persian Gulf War, has caused the engine of the economy--spending -- to sputter. (Dingle and Spruell) During he aftermath of the Kennedy Assassination there was a general overall decline in stock prices and many could argue that it might have been largely due to the only very recent recovery from a stock crash that occurred during Kennedy's white house years

Economy in the United States and the

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Fortunes are at stake. (Flynn) The hit was extreme and the financial world waited with baited breath to see what would come of this nightmarish event while the rest of the world focused on the 24/7 coverage of recovery and clean up efforts

Economy in the United States and the

Administration advisers must have felt that they had finally reached the starting point, getting the economy on an even keel while achieving the political capacity to manage the dual sorts of market stimulations deemed necessary for long-run growth, when the assassination occurred. (Harper and Krieg 179) The era was already marked with recession, just as it was on the brink of September 11th following the dot com bust and the other precarious financial states of the preceding years

Economy in the United States and the

No one could guess what would take its place." 27 / (Kolkey 155) The Economic Council says much the same thing as might have been said post nine-eleven as massive and universal meetings of the faithful and the secular took place to memorialize the deaths of so many at ground zero (just off Wall Street), the pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania

State of the US Economy: Economics

2 Relevant Economic Principles: Determinants of Demand and Supply 2.1 Summary The 2008 recession has been termed "the most severe economic contraction since the 1930s" (Elwell, 2013, p

State of the US Economy: Economics

2.6 Unemployment Level A persistently high rate of unemployment has negative consequences on citizens' well-being and also impacts negatively on the federal budget (Levine, 2013)

State of the US Economy: Economics

5% of GDP in 2010, with the federal debt shooting up from $9.01 trillion in 2007 to $14.5 trillion in 2013 (Scully, 2009, p

State of the US Economy: Economics

S. trade deficit to decrease, or lessen from August 2008 through May 2009" as imports recorded faster drops that exports (Williams & Donnelly, 2012)

Surging Oil Prices on the U.S. Economy

In addition, the increasing quantities of oil that were being imported from Mexico by the United States during this period resulted in a 15.8% increase in prices for all goods imported from Mexico (Casey & Murray, 2009)

Surging Oil Prices on the U.S. Economy

Crowding out -- since consumers' real incomes are already down 8.1% in the last decade, those higher prices will limit what consumers can spend elsewhere (Cohan, 2011, para

Surging Oil Prices on the U.S. Economy

S. gross domestic product (GDP), the percentage of oil-related expenditures was slightly less than 5% and natural gas expenditures represented another 1%; however, increasing demand throughout the 1980s resulted in increases in these categories to 14%, 8% and 2%, respectively by 1981 (Earley & Smith, 2011)