Drugs Sources for your Essay

Correctional Issue of Drugs

There has been a continuous increase in offender numbers, which has led to overcrowding and this makes it difficult for the few wardens to identify prisoners who are using drugs. The continuous growth in the number of prisoners has not gone hand in hand with that of wardens (Exum, 2010)

Correctional Issue of Drugs

This will ensure that there are enough wardens to oversee the prisoners, and they are not overwhelmed. Reducing prison overcrowding would ensure that the facilities are not running beyond capacity, which is a contributor to drug usage within the facility (MacDonald, Greifinger, & Kane, 2012)

Correctional Issue of Drugs

Drugs in Federal Corrections Corrections issues One of the issue faced by the criminal justice system is offenders with drug problems. Research has indicated that almost 70% of criminals entering the correctional institutions have injected drugs 12 months prior to their incarceration (Ruiz, Douglas, Edens, Nikolova, & Lilienfeld, 2012)

Legalizing Drugs

Key parallels can be drawn between drug prohibition and the now seemingly ridiculous alcohol prohibition movement in the early twentieth century: "The same type of violence came with the Eighteenth Amendment's ban of alcohol in 1920. The murder rate rose with the start of Prohibition, remained high during Prohibition, and then declined for 11 consecutive years when Prohibition ended," (Ostrowski)

Why the FDA Should Prohibit the Direct Advertising of Prescription Drugs to the Consumer

DTC prescription drug ads interfere with spending that could be channeled into research and development of new products; an exorbitant amount of money is spent on drug advertisements. The drugs that are promoted in DTC ads become best-sellers (Collins et al

Drugs and Alcohol Effects on College /

1% of them experienced attempted rape cases. However, this did not account for variations of semesters (Mohler-Kuo, Dowdall, Koss, & Wechsler, 2004)

Drugs and Alcohol Effects on College /

The report further indicates that young women are considerable at risk of becoming victims. In addition, statistics according to the National College Women Sexual Victimization state that one in every 36 women experience attempted or complete sex by the end of a college school year (Marshall, Roberts, Donnelly & Rutledge, 2011)

Drugs and Alcohol Effects on College /

Implication includes the following: A wealthy alumna may offer scholarships on the condition that only African-American students get admission: a faculty member accused of sexually harassing a student. A student may want his religious organization or, on the other hand, a member of the faculty in the university or college may challenge promotional procedures or other activities (Kaplin & Lee, 2011)

Drugs and Alcohol Effects on College /

About 1700 college students aged an estimate between 18-24-year die unintentionally because of alcohol and drug abuse. Most of these deaths are a result of motor vehicle accidents or injuries from assault (O'Malley & Johnston, 2002)

Legalization of Drugs Laws Against

For example, articles will make comparisons based on time frames that are too short to be completely relevant or make fluffy statements that are not based on any factual drug use data such as "The majority of Americans do not see the nation's illegal drug problem getting any better after years of increases in national spending." (Cromie, 1998) Or, articles will throw out the number of Americans that use drugs, 15

Legalization of Drugs Laws Against

While the $80 billion figure for the war on drugs seems high, it pales in comparison to the social costs of drug use and the overall federal and state budgets. Drug and alcohol abuse already costs taxpayers in the United States $143 billion in preventable health care costs, absenteeism, premature deaths, increased insurance and health care costs, accidents, crime and lost productivity (Farley, 2004)

Legalization of Drugs Laws Against

" (Cromie, 1998) Or, articles will throw out the number of Americans that use drugs, 15.9 million in 2001, to gain credibility, and then make unsupported statements that drug use is on the rise (Haines, 2004)

Legalization of Drugs Laws Against

In addition to distorting the facts regarding actual drug use trends, foes of the war against drugs fail to discuss the proven results of legalizing drugs. After the Netherlands decriminalized drugs in the 1980s, drug use skyrocketed there (Solomon, 1995)

Women Drugs Drug Use in

2008). Substance abuse screening is an obvious first step in the treatment of substance abuse issues, and often the identification and acknowledgement with the patient of the substance abuse problem presents a major step forward in the patient's own acknowledgement of the issue and practice of self-care (Cox et al

Women Drugs Drug Use in

This leads to other more persistent issues. Substance abuse by women often stops dramatically during a pregnancy, and studies have shown that the cessation of substance abuse and drug use usually persists into the first few months of pregnancy for the vast majority of women, even those with a long-standing history of substance abuse (Dowdell 2008)

Women Drugs Drug Use in

2009). Early screening and detection of substance abuse problems in pregnant women can be highly effective, but such programs are not as widespread as they could be and thus do not reach the full number of women that could benefit medically and socially from such programs (Goler at al 2008)

Women Drugs Drug Use in

Findings and Discussion: Nursing Implications Drug use among pregnant women and women of child bearing age has many implications for the practice of nursing, and these implications are not limited to the direct medical needs of substance abusers once they are identified. The actual identification of substance abusers can be very difficult, and has been the source of much scholarship and increased education efforts in many institutions and nursing bodies (Neushotz & Fitzpatrick 2008; Cox et al

Women Drugs Drug Use in

The direct medical implications of substance abuse among women in general and pregnant women in particular is also, of course, a major issue in nursing. The rates of many pregnancy complications, stillbirths, and birth defects and other ongoing medical problems for children are all increased dramatically by substance abuse during pregnancy (Watson-Moss et al

Health / Science in Regards to Drugs and Alcohol

The DARE officials have found it very difficult to accept that the program was not effective, however this is true, something that has delayed the change of the curricular. Much of this is attributed to the loss aversion strategies (Ennett S.T., et al

Health / Science in Regards to Drugs and Alcohol

America currently spends five times more money in jailing drug dealers than it did towards the end of the 20th century. It is pointless taking low-ranking street corner dealers to prison where they are going to spend three years and get released (Fareed Zakaria, 2012)