Domestic Terrorism Sources for your Essay

Domestic Terrorism. In What Ways

Mao saw political violence as necessary in repressing the non-Communists during the Chinese revolution. He saw violence as a means to an end, and felt that the peasant needed to rise up against the capitalist elite to create a communist country and social system (Valentino, et al

Domestic Terrorism on Policing Since 911 Criminal

This may be against property or persons, with an aim of coercing or intimidating the government, and/or the civilian population. Therefore, terror activities commonly share social or political objectives (Davis, 2004)

Domestic Terrorism on Policing Since 911 Criminal

Nonetheless, no crime has ever been close to the terror activities or attacks of 9/11 in the dimensions of scope, impacts and loss of human lives. As a result, governments of diverse nations have been at the war front in fighting against terror activities within their areas of jurisdictions, as well as combating terror activities within the entire globe (Innes, 2006)

Domestic Terrorism on Policing Since 911 Criminal

As a result, governments of diverse nations have been at the war front in fighting against terror activities within their areas of jurisdictions, as well as combating terror activities within the entire globe (Innes, 2006). This has been achievable through the criminal justice and policy reforms targeting the deterioration of criminal deeds and terror activities (Pickering, McCulloch & Wright-Neville, 2008)

Domestic Terrorism on Policing Since 911 Criminal

The changing priorities of policing and law enforcement brings in a question on the way in which traditional terror crimes were dealt. For instance, in America, the FBI has been at the forefront in playing crucial roles with both local and state law enforcement agencies, which aim at fighting against bank robberies and other financial crimes, drug trafficking, and organized criminal attacks (Richardson, 2006)

Domestic Terrorism on Policing Since 911 Criminal

This paper thereby explores the impacts of domestic terrorism on policing, especially the terror attacks since 9/11. The American department of justice delineates domestic terrorism as unlawful usage of violence or force by two or more individuals or groups (Spalek, El Awa & McDonald, 2009)

Domestic Terrorism on Policing Since 911 Criminal

This paper thereby explores the impacts of domestic terrorism on policing, especially the terror attacks since 9/11. The American department of justice delineates domestic terrorism as unlawful usage of violence or force by two or more individuals or groups (Spalek, El Awa & McDonald, 2009)

Domestic Terrorism

They use Guerilla warfare tactics in their quest to halt destruction of the ecosystem (Parson, 2008). These tactics include destroying expensive and important infrastructure like power lines and businesses (Ackerman, 2003)

Domestic Terrorism

The JTTF is comprised of police officers, federal agents, analysts, linguists, SWAT experts, and other terrorism and terrorism related crime investigative specialists. These more than 600 officers are drawn from state and local agencies and 50 federal agencies (Barker & Fowler, 2008)

Domestic Terrorism

He confessed to bombing two abortion clinics and a gay night club. Another domestic terrorist organization in the United States is the Animal Liberation Front (Best & Nocella, 2004)

Domestic Terrorism

The Sovereign Citizens have a weird system of beliefs that advocates for perpetration of violence and anarchy amongst the populace. Members of this organization believe that although they live within the United States territory they are sovereign from the government and should therefore not pay taxes, acknowledge law enforcement officers, or abide by the government laws (Fitzgerald, 2013)

Domestic Terrorism

White protestant Christians were deemed superior to other ethnicities and races. Public life was supposed to reflect this hierarchy (Freilich, Chermak & Caspi, 2009)

Domestic Terrorism

They are also known for attacking fast food locations like the McDonald's. They once destroyed a laboratory in Michigan University because the laboratory was used to create genetically modified organisms funded by Monsanto (Grubbs, 2010)

Domestic Terrorism

Domestic terrorist activities have claimed lives of many Americans including Presidents and the Congressmen. Remember the right wing terrorist John Wilkes who shot President Abraham Lincoln in April 14, 1865 (Johnston, 2013)

Domestic Terrorism

The federal government has been a little bit reluctant in coming up with official and public list of domestic terrorists organizations and individuals. However, the following organizations can be classified as domestic terrorist organizations (Masters, 2011)

Domestic Terrorism

Extremism is often applied to homegrown actors whether they are domestic terrorists or adherents of jihadist ideologies. Law enforcement agencies have reportedly viewed extremism as something that is synonymous with terrorism (Smith, 2011)

Domestic Terrorism

They call themselves the Elves. They use Guerilla warfare tactics in their quest to halt destruction of the ecosystem (Parson, 2008)

Domestic Terrorism

Domestic Terrorism America is home to people with varied cultural backgrounds who have been confined into one political and geographical territory. These people may have issues and conflicts but still find themselves living together because of shared territorial borders (Zalman, 2013)

Domestic Terrorism Research Reports Over the Last

The NYPD report attempted to address the reasons behind a spate of attacks, successful or simply planned, which were not conducted by foreign terrorists or otherwise led by al-Qaeda, but were rather executed and planned by residents or citizens of the target country, often with little to no contact or instruction from foreign sources. In order to examine "the radicalization process in the West that drives 'unremarkable' people to become terrorists," the study compared a number of cases of radicalization in other countries before testing their conclusions against situations in the United States, and finally the cell responsible for the 9/11 attacks (Silber & Bhatt, 2007, p

Domestic Terrorism: Difficult to Define

PETA and Greenpeace are two famous examples of this controversy. PETA, or People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, recently waged a lawsuit, with other groups, against the FBI for unwarranted monitoring (Hsu, 2005)