Digital Sources for your Essay

Internet Privacy Issues the Digital

Internet Privacy Issues The digital revolution has already changed contemporary society in numerous ways. One of the more important emerging issues is the need to balance the privacy concerns and rights of individuals against the rights of government and private sector entities to collect, store, and share various types of digital information about individuals, especially without their consent (Stein, 2011)

Digital Media Technology Research and

Nevertheless, it is also apparent that not all digital media products will offer the same advantages for users, and many mobile apps are highly specialized in their applications (Weinstock 2010). One specialized application that has become especially pronounced in recent years has been the use of mobile apps by the hospitality industry to improve consumer interface and promote brand awareness (Cusick 2010)

Digital Media Technology Research and

The customers for the proposed digital media product will be the business owner and individual hotel managers. The hotel industry is a highly suitable market for these products because they facilitate interaction with the hotel's enterprise resource management system through a far simpler interface than trying to accomplish the same thing by interfacing a Web site or through manual efforts (Mathieson 2010)

Digital Media Technology Research and

These trends, though, do suggest that in the near future, more and more people in all walks of life will be using mobile apps in the future, and vendors continue to take advantage of these trends in a "build it and they will come" fashion. Nevertheless, it is also apparent that not all digital media products will offer the same advantages for users, and many mobile apps are highly specialized in their applications (Weinstock 2010)

Marketing Plan for a Digital Books Publishing House

In case of single channel distributor, he gives the example of Barnes & Noble's Nook Press, Apple iBookstore and Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing. In case of multiple channel-based services, he gives the example of Smashwordss and BookBaby (Friedman, 2012)

Marketing Plan for a Digital Books Publishing House

The file formats are a problem in case of Europe where companies use some particular file formats and not others. Hence file formats play a significant role in case of Europe digital market (Lipton, 2014)

Marketing Plan for a Digital Books Publishing House

List of recommended suppliers, lead times and costs per book? Mithas et al. (2013) assesses the competitive digital market and argues that the digital market certainly impacts the conventional value chain and profit models of any book market (Mithas et al

Marketing Plan for a Digital Books Publishing House

They argue that one way to prevent this situation is not to apply DRM on these eBooks. This can actually be profitable in other ways as well, as one can sell all forms of files such as Kindle and ePub files (Tian and Martin, 2011)

Marketing Plan for a Digital Books Publishing House

But some publishers think that a certain design of models can become a nuisance for attaining success. Some problems with Digital Rights Management (DRM) issues exist, which include writer's fees and sorting out other legal formalities (Trivedi, 2011)

CBS Outdoor Displays Digital Ads

External and Internal Environments External & Internal Environments Business CBS Outdoor Americas Inc. (NYSE: CBSO) leases ad space in the category known as Out-of-Home (OOH) advertising throughout the United States, Canada, and Latin America (Ross Sorkin, 2014)

CBS Outdoor Displays Digital Ads

With that potential comes a level of responsibility that CBS Outdoor has not yet met, nor does it appear that altruistic endeavors are anywhere on the radar screen fro CBS Outdoor, particularly given its recent IPO. Referencing value chain in CBS Outdoor's business processes, the primary areas in which product excellence, operations excellence, and customer excellence can be executed appear to be in the functions of research and development and the design of products, services, or processes (Hansen & Birkinshaw, 2007)

Keeping Digital Data Secure

Review and Discussion In the context of this study, the term security refers to information security which means the level of availability, confidentiality, and integrity of computer-based information (Robinson & Valeri, 2011). Information security is vitally important today given that virtually all electronic transactions are stored in one fashion or another for varying lengths of time (Datt, 2011)

Keeping Digital Data Secure

292). Generally speaking, there are two types of file storage formats currently in use: an access format and a preservation format (Park & Oh, 2012)

Keeping Digital Data Secure

Following the review, a summary of the research and important findings are presented in the conclusion. Review and Discussion In the context of this study, the term security refers to information security which means the level of availability, confidentiality, and integrity of computer-based information (Robinson & Valeri, 2011)

Keeping Digital Data Secure

2 zettabytes of data (Datt, 2011). A recent study showed that the Internet Archive already contains multiple petabytes of data (Rosenthal, 2010, p

Keeping Digital Data Secure

Other researchers might wish to evaluate or use the results of research. Stored data can establish precedence in the event that similar research is published (Westra, 2014, para

Keeping Digital Data Secure

2). Irrespective of what form data is stored, data access controls are required to assure that the distribution of the stored data is scalable, reliable, and sufficiently secure; however, the majority of large scale storage systems are non-relational key/value databases, including Yahoo's PNUTShell, eBay's Odyssey, Google's BigTable, Amazon's Dynamo and SimpleDB (Zhang & Wang, 2010)

Digital Marketing Fundamentals

Failure of obeying such rules can result to the possible decline of the firm, and subsequent losses. Therefore, the company stands advised, and uses electronic business strategies, mainly because it is the latest approach in the market today (Fruhling and Digman 13-14)

Digital Marketing Fundamentals

Consumers will have the privilege to choose the colors they want for the product, but currently, there are colors such as sunset red, cactus green, sky blue, grayish, and brown. However, the product will have the slogan or logo of the company, regardless of the mobile partners or businesses that have agreed to collaborate with the company (Goldstein and Lee 212-225)

Digital Marketing Fundamentals

The firm's product uses a collective term "Digital Phone" for valid reasons. The product's design uses an approach that allows consumers to customize the phone into what they prefer (Graves and Willems)