Deontology Sources for your Essay

Health Nursing Healthcare Perspectives Deontology Decides What

How well ethics and morals attune to the rights of individuals as they ascribe to legal criteria and standards as they are outlined and governed by certain morals that dictate what justice is and should be according to human standards. This describes moral choices as made by examining the rights of people particularly the rights of the people involved with decision making, solution, and making decisions that will involve damage to the least number of people if that is a consideration in the issue involved (McFadden, 1996)

Health Nursing Healthcare Perspectives Deontology Decides What

Utilitarian principles on the other hand deals with the consequences of one's actions; this is a normative ethical theory that is based on the outcome or the consequence of one's action or the policies one hold true (Cowen & Moorehead, 2006). Utilitarianism is also known as consequentialism, a theory refined by individuals including Bentham and John Stuart Mill; it implies that there is no act that is inherently right or wrong, but rather, moral duty is something that is "instrumental, not intrinsic" and that morality is a way to an end, not and end in itself (Moreland, n

Health Nursing Healthcare Perspectives Deontology Decides What

Nurses may be individual decision-makers as much as they may be made by the corporate body. Care Ethics Care ethics is the idea that one has an obligation to exercise care for those with whom they have an obligation to care for; it is the idea that the aim of healthcare is to care for others, and the idea that ethics should be committed to building personal relationships and building strong community and communal ties (Slote, 2007)