Definition Sources for your Essay

HRM One Classic Definition of

It is important therefore that employees should be managed in ways that are consistent with broad organisational requirements such as efficiency or quality. As it is in most cases, the organisational effectiveness very often depends upon people as being a good fit between business strategies and human resources (Heathfield 2012)

HRM One Classic Definition of

However, they should also ensure that the employees have (and are also aware of) the personnel policies that conform to current company regulations. These HR policies are often distributed in the form of employee manuals that all employees have access to (Mazurek 2012)

Abnormal Psychology General Definition of

It approaches these phenomena in much the same way that the mathematician or the botanist studies his subject matter. (Hollingworth 8) There are other various standpoints and perspectives on abnormal behavior

Arguments of Definition

The sheer volume of male heroes bears witness to this unfortunate lesson. Even on a show as seemingly egalitarian as "Sesame Street," all the important characters, such as Big Bird, Oscar the Grouch, and the Cookie Monster, are male (Pollitt 300)

Heroism: Definition and Explanation

He travels to far off places where he tells the tales of the challenges and exploits undertaken by him for the sake of his king. Beowulf perfectly fits in the description of a hero because he puts his own life at stake for the benefit of the other people (Hieatt)

Heroism: Definition and Explanation

There are many characteristics of heroes that have been defined above. Four of these characteristics that were exhibited by Odysseus, which in fact make him the hero, include determination, intelligence, faithfulness and bravery (Homer. et al

Technical Description - Definitions This Report Is

"Scanner Master also publishes regional frequency guides for Illinois, Florida, Virginia, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and other states." (Parnas, Bob) Other sources include book stores, the internet, the local authorities, federal pamphlets and tons of other sources including friends, neighbors and relatives

Leadership Assessment Definition of Leader

These include: the need to possess drive, integrity, motivation, self-confidence, complete and over wrapping knowledge of one's project / organization / objective; and haste to respond to and recognize the needs of others. A good leader has to be able to communicate with and understand the other from the other's perspective (Bateman & Snell, 2009, p

Leadership Assessment Definition of Leader

Leadership Assessment Definition of leader In order to know the type of skills that characterize a leader one first has to know what a 'leader' means, but, as Van Wart (2003) points out, leaders vary from age to age and from country to country and cannot be pinned down in a quantitative manner. Definitions and perspective of leadership, therefore, have transitioned through various paradigms from the great man theories that debated whether leaders were born or made, to transformational leadership that asserted that the leader was the one who not only led his follower but also changed him (Schein, 1985)

Gemeinschaft and Gessellschaft. Second, Is the Definition

Additionally, individuals who are in Gemeinschaft are controlled by the common belief system that encompasses what the appropriate behaviors and responsisbilities of members are in the association, not only towards each other, but also for the association in general. These association are marked by a "unity of will" (Tonnies, 2001, p

Learning Organization. *Consolidate Research Definitions Organization Learning.

These expense decisions could translate into delays for other investments projects and could generate more direct and indirect losses for the organization When the employees are engaged in organizational learning processes, they take time away from their core operations, meaning as such that the productivity of the firm decreases and additional costs are once again registered When applied in large size entities, it can create additional complexities at the levels of bureaucracy and slow speed of implementation (John, 2002). Still, despite these shortages and efforts to implementing organizational learning, fact remains that some organizations still embrace the concept due to the advantages it generates, with the ultimate hope that these would create competitive advantages (Appelbaum and Gallagher, 2000)

Learning Organization. *Consolidate Research Definitions Organization Learning.

The research operations at the learning hospital are complex and can fall into various categories, all revealing applications of organizational learning and development. One notable example is nevertheless represented by the conduction of experimental treatments in the teaching hospitals (Dowshen, 2010)

Learning Organization. *Consolidate Research Definitions Organization Learning.

In terms of the costs of the learning organization, these refer to the following: Financial investments required to support and implement the processes of the learning organization, which in turn come to negatively impact the organizational budgets. These expense decisions could translate into delays for other investments projects and could generate more direct and indirect losses for the organization When the employees are engaged in organizational learning processes, they take time away from their core operations, meaning as such that the productivity of the firm decreases and additional costs are once again registered When applied in large size entities, it can create additional complexities at the levels of bureaucracy and slow speed of implementation (John, 2002)

Learning Organization. *Consolidate Research Definitions Organization Learning.

Still, despite these shortages and efforts to implementing organizational learning, fact remains that some organizations still embrace the concept due to the advantages it generates, with the ultimate hope that these would create competitive advantages (Appelbaum and Gallagher, 2000). These benefits refer to the following: Improved relationship with the customers, as well as other categories of stakeholders, such as the business partners, the employees and the community (Wolper, 2004) Avoidance of organizational decline and the weakening of the competitive position as a result of decreased knowledge Support for quality improvement and integration of innovation Superior understanding of risks and increased abilities in the decision making processes Increased ability to adapt to the changing nature of micro and macro environments (Karash)

Learning Organization. *Consolidate Research Definitions Organization Learning.

Throughout the entire literature even, the definitions of the concept of the learning organization vary in terminologies, but the essence of the message transmitted is the same. Hugh Secord points out the similarities in the definitions of the learning organization and notes that all attempts to defining the concept revolve around two crucial themes, namely the theme of implementation for sustained success, and the theme of knowledge transfer across the institution (Secord, 2003)

Learning Organization. *Consolidate Research Definitions Organization Learning.

Still, despite these shortages and efforts to implementing organizational learning, fact remains that some organizations still embrace the concept due to the advantages it generates, with the ultimate hope that these would create competitive advantages (Appelbaum and Gallagher, 2000). These benefits refer to the following: Improved relationship with the customers, as well as other categories of stakeholders, such as the business partners, the employees and the community (Wolper, 2004) Avoidance of organizational decline and the weakening of the competitive position as a result of decreased knowledge Support for quality improvement and integration of innovation Superior understanding of risks and increased abilities in the decision making processes Increased ability to adapt to the changing nature of micro and macro environments (Karash)

Hate Crimes the Definition of

On May 7, 1955, Reverend George W. Lee -- with the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) was shot and killed driving his car on a highway near Belzoni, Mississippi and on August 13, an advocate for Black voter registration, was shot and killed on the law of the county courthouse in Brookhaven, Mississippi (Altschiller, 2005, p

Hate Crimes the Definition of

S. history -- has been in the White House there have been an average of "600 death threats every single day" (Bahl, 2010, p

Hate Crimes the Definition of

Byrd" (OJP, 2011). Twenty-one-year-old Shepherd, a gay college student, was "…kidnapped, robbed and pistol-whipped" and tied to a fence in Wyoming for 18 hours in sub-freezing weather (Brooke, 1998)

Hate Crimes the Definition of

Hate Crimes The definition of a hate crime, according to the United States Department of Justice (Office of Justice Programs), is a crime in which the offender is "…motivated by specific characteristics of the victim, including the victim's race, ethnicity, religion, or sexual orientation" (OJP