Corporal Punishment Sources for your Essay

Corporal Punishment as it Is

However, students that feel more comfortable about who they are and what they are learning, and students that feel as though their instructor is genuinely concerned for them and attempting to take care of them appropriately will be more likely to feel comfortable with who they are and what they are doing (Getty, 1985). One type of class that is attempting to utilize these management techniques and make them work deals with arts and dance (Gilbert, 1992)

Corporal Punishment as it Is

The idea then becomes to figure out exactly how to create management ideas and principles that help these teachers and students get along and foster positive attitudes and a good learning environment within the classroom. One of the problems that these individuals face is that the socioeconomic levels and cultural backgrounds of students throughout the country are so different that it is very difficult to find one method that works with all students (Glasser, 1992)

Corporal Punishment as it Is

The idea then becomes to figure out exactly how to create management ideas and principles that help these teachers and students get along and foster positive attitudes and a good learning environment within the classroom. One of the problems that these individuals face is that the socioeconomic levels and cultural backgrounds of students throughout the country are so different that it is very difficult to find one method that works with all students (Glasser, 1992)

Corporal Punishment as it Is

The current situation in many schools is that students are often not punished for many of the transgressions that they undertake (Urbonya, 2001). Punishment, or negative reinforcement as it is sometimes called, often describes discipline practices which are both experienced by the teachers during childhood and passed on to the children that they now teach (Adams, Treiman, & Pressley, 1998)

Corporal Punishment as it Is

Other states have abolished the practice entirely. There is so much concern anymore about whether or not something is abusive to a child that actual discipline such as spanking has been entirely removed from many school districts and states (Block, 2000)

Corporal Punishment as it Is

It is for this reason that appropriate management techniques must be used within the classroom setting. Educators must look at having both healthy environments and safe environments if they want their students to enjoy their learning experience and if they want the programs that they utilize to be effective (Brophy, 1982)

Corporal Punishment as it Is

Love without discipline is harmful for children because they do not learn the boundaries that they need, but disciplining a child without love can also be very harmful because children then begin to feel that they are worthless and that their parents do not love or even like them (Illingworth, 48; McIntosh, 112). Once a child has been punished it is also important to ensure that the child is reassured that he or she is valued as a member of the family and that he or she has been forgiven for the misbehavior (Gardner, 231)

Corporal Punishment as it Is

However, students that feel more comfortable about who they are and what they are learning, and students that feel as though their instructor is genuinely concerned for them and attempting to take care of them appropriately will be more likely to feel comfortable with who they are and what they are doing (Getty, 1985). One type of class that is attempting to utilize these management techniques and make them work deals with arts and dance (Gilbert, 1992)

Corporal Punishment as it Is

The idea then becomes to figure out exactly how to create management ideas and principles that help these teachers and students get along and foster positive attitudes and a good learning environment within the classroom. One of the problems that these individuals face is that the socioeconomic levels and cultural backgrounds of students throughout the country are so different that it is very difficult to find one method that works with all students (Glasser, 1992)

Corporal Punishment as it Is

The idea then becomes to figure out exactly how to create management ideas and principles that help these teachers and students get along and foster positive attitudes and a good learning environment within the classroom. One of the problems that these individuals face is that the socioeconomic levels and cultural backgrounds of students throughout the country are so different that it is very difficult to find one method that works with all students (Glasser, 1992)

Corporal Punishment as it Is

If parents reject their children or are cold to them the punishment that they make will often not be very effective. When sympathetic, caring, and loving parents punish their children the effect is often better (Illingworth, 58)

Corporal Punishment as it Is

Many people confuse this abusive type of parenting, however, with corporal punishment, both in families and in schools. The best test that parents and educators can utilize for punishment is to determine whether that punishment conveys the idea that the behavior in question was unacceptable and that the individual is not happy about being required to punish the child (McIntosh, 114)

Corporal Punishment as it Is

Because of this, many of these teachers utilize the management techniques that have been mentioned above. This is especially true of fostering an environment that is appropriate and safe (North, 1973)

Corporal Punishment as it Is

The lack of corporal punishment in many schools is only a symptom of a system that has leaned away from disciplining students. The current situation in many schools is that students are often not punished for many of the transgressions that they undertake (Urbonya, 2001)

Corporal Punishment and Child Rearing

It was because of this reason Dr. Kenneth Dodge, researching a correlation between spanking and aggressive behavior, found that among whites more spanking led to greater aggressive behavior, while among African-Americans "the spanked black kid was all around less likely to be in trouble" (Bronson & Merryman, 2009, p

Corporal Punishment and Child Rearing

In the seventeenth century, John Locke argued that nurture had a greater influence on child's behavior than nature. "I think I may say that of all the men we meet with, nine parts of ten are what they are, good or evil, useful or not, by their education," he said (Cleverley and Phillips, 1986, p

Corporal Punishment and Child Rearing

38). By the end of the second half of the twentieth century, Rousseauean model has become a dominant one in Western Europe and North America, and in many of these countries corporal punishment has been criminalized (Hyman, 1997; Durrant and Smith, 2011; Straus, 1994)

Corporal Punishment and Child Rearing

Even such a practice as spanking on buttocks, accepted by so many parents, may instill a notion in a child that physical aggression is an acceptable way of solving problems. Spanking can also become addictive as it offers a temporary relief for an angry parent, and the frequent use of spanking a child may turn the parent-child relationship into one centered on power issues, which may eventually lead to aggression against parents by the child when he or she grows up (Pearson, 2006, p

Corporal Punishment it Seems That

In addition, using the term "hit" in a discussion of spanking is pejorative and shows that even in research, researchers can allow personal feelings or emotion to color their conclusions. Other studies claimed that their research demonstrated that corporal punishment causes an increase in antisocial behavior among children spanked (Bauman, 1996)

Corporal Punishment it Seems That

Corporal Punishment It seems that everyone holds an opinion on what they call "corporal punishment," and everyone seems to know exactly what they mean by "corporal punishment. Technically, corporal punishment means "the infliction of punishment on the body" (Benatar, 1998), meaning that everything from one swat on the behind of a toddler to torture to death by electrocution or lethal injection is "corporal punishment