Constitutional Law Sources for your Essay

Death Penalty in the Constitutional Law

According to the Section 1 of Virginia Bill of Rights, "That all men are by nature equally free and independent and have certain inherent rights, of which, when they enter into a state of society, they cannot, by any compact, deprive or divest their posterity; namely, the enjoyment of life and liberty, with the means of acquiring and possessing property, and pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety." (Centre, 2007) Furthermore, where United States is a land of opportunity it is also a land of justice

Death Penalty in the Constitutional Law

This is known as "institutional racism." Institutional racism occurs when the working and procedures of an institution are impersonal but the decisions or the outcomes flowing out from it are biased as has been the case with the American judicial system (Gibson, 1978, p

Death Penalty in the Constitutional Law

Such type of behavior was typical of white juries trying accused black men in the South. Lastly, despite Rise's argument of a lynch free environment, it is hard to believe that the ruling decided on by the jury committee was not influenced by sentiments of white supremacy prevailing in the community (Holden-Smith, 1996, p

Death Penalty in the Constitutional Law

The peiod of Jim Crow segregation and slave era. For example, during the slave era in Virginia, black could be sentenced to death for seventy three difffernt offenses as compared to one for whites (Kennedy, 1997, p

Death Penalty in the Constitutional Law

Georgia the Court approved new statutes pertaining to death penalty, but with some reservations. The "modern era" of death penalty rulings had begun in the United States of America (Lynch & Haney, 2000, p

Death Penalty in the Constitutional Law

McAdams uses the concept "mass market" to explain the racial discrimination that has infected the American judicial system. According to this argument, criminal system is not only tougher on the black community or the black defendants but is likely to execute more black defendants than the white ones (McAdams, 1998, p

Death Penalty in the Constitutional Law

Human Rights Watch report of 2000 indicates that black male drug users are more likely to be sentenced to jail than a white male drug user. Though scholars agree that racial discrimination is present, they are more divided when it comes to what causes this racial discrimination (Mitchell, Haw, Pfeifer, & Meissner, 2005, p

Death Penalty in the Constitutional Law

" He contends that race was not the sole or the most significant factor behind the court's verdict; factors and values other than race were into play as well. These values he points out are "due process, crime control, community stability, judicial restraint, and domestic security" (Rise, 1998, p

Death Penalty in the Constitutional Law

In the post Gregg era, race still stands out as one of the significant factors that affects the death penalty decisions. Bowers and Pierce, Radelet, Paternoster, Keil and Vito, Aguirre and Baker, Baldus, Woodward, and Pulaski have all concluded that race has a strong bearing on the prosecutor's decision to seek the death penalty against defendants and for imposing the death penalty respectively (Sampson & Lauritsen, 1997, p

Constitutional Law Religious Freedom and

In this case, however, the hanging of the Ten Commandments in every classroom without a corresponding curriculum and as mandated by law did not properly honor a country that professes no establishment of religion. These court cases have gone on to inspire similar rulings, such as those that took place in 2005 regarding the presence of the Ten Commandments outside of courthouses (Lane 2005)

Constitutional Law Religious Freedom and

A law that mandates the display of the commandments, however, without mandating the display of other contributions to Western law does seem out of place in a country that does not honor an established religion. Furthermore, the court decided that the purpose for the display "was plainly religious in nature," despite the fact that the law contained a clause stating a secular reason for displaying the commandments (Simon 1996)

Constitutional Law - Rights the

During the same general period, the Churches also enacted a campaign of terror in many lands in the West during which they compelled innocent members of diverse religions to bear false witness against themselves and to recant their own religious traditions through excruciating physical torture and under the penalty of death for resisting. The Institution of Human Slavery in the New World: Despite the fact that one of the most fundamental reasons that settlers left the shores of Europe for the uncertainties of the New World in the 16th and 17th centuries was to establish a society free from the religious excesses and state-mandated religious affiliation and freedom, those earliest societies in the Free World succumbed to some of the worst human failings in the realm of respect for diversity and the human rights of all people (Equiano, 1789)

Constitutional Law - Rights the

" In time, that same society eventually recognized the errors of its ways and with great pains that included a devastating Civil War that pitted brother against brother, finally rectified the abominable situation, although it required nearly another century and a half to fully resolve the remaining social inequalities and injustice caused by American Slavery. Today, even as that great society celebrates the election of a black African as its president, significant elements of that society still reflect problems whose roots are traceable to the historical period it now considers an utter embarrassment (Friedman, 2005; Nevins & Commager, 1992)

Constitutional Law - Rights the

Today, even as that great society celebrates the election of a black African as its president, significant elements of that society still reflect problems whose roots are traceable to the historical period it now considers an utter embarrassment (Friedman, 2005; Nevins & Commager, 1992). Religious Persecution in the Modern Era: In the middle of the 20th century, the modern world experienced the worst episode of horrific abuses of political power and mass social manipulation that enabled a nation that had established itself as the world's center of art, music, and culture to devolve into a murderous society in which an entire nation of people either stood by passively or (more frequently) ravenously supported policies that called for the literal extermination of an entire race of peoples, nearly succeeding after destroying approximately half the world's Jewish population in approximately half a decade (Guttenplan, 2001)

Constitutional Law - Rights the

In that regard, perhaps nothing illustrates the absurdity of racial prejudice than the fact that the world's greatest savior during that period still fielded a segregated army in which black soldiers were prohibited from fighting with white soldiers. After that great war, the black soldiers of the very nation that liberated Europe and Asia from murderous dictatorships returned home to social rules that prohibited their sharing water fountains and food services next to the white majority (Nevins & Commager)

European Law Constitutional Law

The draft constitution was written between February of 2003 and July of 2003. (Lucier 2003) An article found in the magazine Insight on the News explains that the new constitution would finally create a centralized superstate, which many in the Union have sought for fifty years

Constitutional Law Debate: The Legislative Branch the

Discussed here will be some of those decisions, along with how they apply to the "real world" and how they are viewed by people who have to live with the decisions that the Legislative Branch makes. The Legislative Branch is the one that levies taxes (Trethan, 2011)

Constitutional Law Bilingual Education the

Poverty has many repercussions for educational achievement. Parents' educational attainment mirror income levels, and parents' educational achievement is highly linked to that of their children's (Baker and Hakuta, n

Constitutional Law Bilingual Education the

These programs consist of children being taught standard school subjects in both English and Spanish. The advantages of educating in this manner include: for those students who only speak Spanish this allows them not to fall behind in their subjects during the time that it takes for them to learn English and it also allows for those students who are learning English to not loose the proficiency that they have in their native language (Delgado, Perea and Stefancic, 2008)

Constitutional Law Bilingual Education the

This is usually done in structured English Immersion programs that are designed to last not more than a year. After that the students are mainstreamed into English-language classrooms (Effects of the Implementation of Proposition 227 on the Education of English Learners, K-12, 2006)