Cancer Treatment Sources for your Essay

Aromatherapy as a Cancer Treatment

al, 1990) and cancer pain (Ferrel-Tory and Glick, 1993). There is also some evidence to suggest that stress is reduced in patients undergoing treatments for critical illnesses (Dunn, Sleep & Collette, 1995)

Aromatherapy as a Cancer Treatment

A survey in Nursing Times revealed that aromatherapy massage is in high demand among patients and is in general a popular form of complementary therapy for patients with severe illnesses including cancer among the nursing profession (Trevelyan, 1996). Preliminary research suggests that when aromatherapy essential oils are used in combination with remedial massage, demonstrable therapeutic benefits including decreased anxiety in hospital patients is realized (Groer, et

Aromatherapy as a Cancer Treatment

Evans, 1995.) Secondary evidence also supports the idea that a majority of cancer patients utilize some form of complementary medicine when seeking treatment (Jacobson et

Aromatherapy as a Cancer Treatment

Chamomile for example has been noted for improving mood and lavender has been noted as improving insomnia to some extent (Roberts & Williams, 1992). Physiological arousal can be measured via utilization of electroencephalogram or EEG readings (Klemm et

Aromatherapy as a Cancer Treatment

The evidence collected in these instances is primarily subjective in nature, based on patient observations of their perceived well being or improvement. Other benefits cited among patients using aromatherapy include a reduction in chronic tension headaches (Puustjarvi, et

Aromatherapy as a Cancer Treatment

Some studies do provide some hope however for the scientific community. Chamomile for example has been noted for improving mood and lavender has been noted as improving insomnia to some extent (Roberts & Williams, 1992)

Aromatherapy as a Cancer Treatment

At this time the number of studies related to cancer patients is relatively few. A survey in Nursing Times revealed that aromatherapy massage is in high demand among patients and is in general a popular form of complementary therapy for patients with severe illnesses including cancer among the nursing profession (Trevelyan, 1996)

Aromatherapy as a Cancer Treatment

al, 1990). In addition lavender was shown to reduce alpha wave activity in the brain (Wartik, 1995) a sign of a more relaxed state

Cancer Treatment

Year : 2007