Book Sources for your Essay

Nominated for the 2001 Booker

Just as there is a great deal of mystery surrounding man's relationship with God, until Briony ensures that Robbie and Cecilia have the life she robbed from them, she cannot be complete. So too the religious view that unless humans allow God to enter into their souls, life can never be fulfilling (Knight, 2009)

Book Critique of Justice Without Trial

Such unofficial pressures and the general cultural, occupational climate produce "distinctive cognitive tendencies in police as an occupational grouping." (Skolnick, 1966)

House of the Spirits Book

"I would use her letters to overcome my past and explore the terrors of my own," states Alba. (Allende, 1982, p

House of the Spirits Book

"I would use her letters to overcome my past and explore the terrors of my own," states Alba. (Allende, 1982, p

Marketing Plan for a Digital Books Publishing House

In case of single channel distributor, he gives the example of Barnes & Noble's Nook Press, Apple iBookstore and Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing. In case of multiple channel-based services, he gives the example of Smashwordss and BookBaby (Friedman, 2012)

Marketing Plan for a Digital Books Publishing House

The file formats are a problem in case of Europe where companies use some particular file formats and not others. Hence file formats play a significant role in case of Europe digital market (Lipton, 2014)

Marketing Plan for a Digital Books Publishing House

List of recommended suppliers, lead times and costs per book? Mithas et al. (2013) assesses the competitive digital market and argues that the digital market certainly impacts the conventional value chain and profit models of any book market (Mithas et al

Marketing Plan for a Digital Books Publishing House

They argue that one way to prevent this situation is not to apply DRM on these eBooks. This can actually be profitable in other ways as well, as one can sell all forms of files such as Kindle and ePub files (Tian and Martin, 2011)

Marketing Plan for a Digital Books Publishing House

But some publishers think that a certain design of models can become a nuisance for attaining success. Some problems with Digital Rights Management (DRM) issues exist, which include writer's fees and sorting out other legal formalities (Trivedi, 2011)

Book as it Relates to Education

Bush, by John W. Dean (Little, Brown, 2004) has as its central theme the excessive secrecy of what Dean calls the "Bush-Cheney presidency (xi) or the "Bush and Cheney presidency" (21)since, according to Dean, Cheney, not Bush, often makes key decisions

Importance of the Slave Dancer Book

His father is dead, and he has few resources other than his own wiles. (Fox, p

Censored Books

" I'm a bit surprised at the sexually explicit content charge since nothing even remotely sexual happens besides a kiss, which was even detailed. I'm guessing this claim was raised when Martha's 13-year-old brother makes an offhand comment that his parents are exhibiting "morning sex behavior" (Aasi, 2011)

Censored Books

According to the ALA, the complaints filed against the Captain Underpants books cited the series' anti-family content, unsuitability for the age group, and violent content. Captain Underpants series has been banned in some schools for insensitivity and being unsuited to age group, as well as encouraging children to disobey authority (Beerman, 2006)

Censored Books

This book is developmentally appropriate for children that are 7 and up. This book was removed from the Pinellas, Florida school district's Battle of the Books program in 2006 for inappropriate behavior, although the book is on the Sunshine State Young Reader's Award list of books for third- through fifth-graders (Belew, 2007)

Censored Books

The book was previously challenged in 1994 in the same school district because of graphic violence, examples of inappropriate parenting and because it was too frightening for elementary students. The book has won awards from the International Reading Association, the Children's Book Council, and the American Library Association (Doyle, 2010)

Censored Books

The book was previously challenged in 1994 in the same school district because of graphic violence, examples of inappropriate parenting and because it was too frightening for elementary students. The book has won awards from the International Reading Association, the Children's Book Council, and the American Library Association (Doyle, 2010)

Censored Books

They are number 1 on the ALA's Top 100 Banned/Challenged Books: 2000-2009. Those who are against this series claim that the books are evil and promote an interest in the occult since the hero, Harry Potter, is a wizard (Kennedy, 2012)

Censored Books

Themes in the series include horror, humor and the supernatural. This series is listed at number 16 on the American Library Association's most challenged books of the 1990's due to its violence (Sager, n

Mediumship in His Trade Book

Schwartz's research began after some promising findings regarding the connection between love and health. Some early findings indicated that "men who perceived themselves as coming from the most loving parents had the lowest rates of physical diseases," (Schwartz 21)

Role of Facebook in Today\'s

Facebook is a forum for people to find what they think they are missing in real life: community. But Facebook appears to have even more advantages: "Plenty of people use Facebook as a tool for managing their careers as well as their social lives" (Abram, Pearlman, p