Biography Sources for your Essay

Deviance Biography

A closer look would, however, reveal that the seeds of Susan's later behavior were, in fact, sown in her childhood with Susan's family committing an 'act of omission' in neglecting Susan's own emotional needs. This led to a marked personality fixation in Susan casting her in the typical mould of a personality who seeks 'participation' through identifying the ego with external persons and symbolic constructs and seeking to lose its separate identity through fusion (Shoham, 2000)

Walt Whitman, ADD\'l Early Life (Reference, Biography

Correspondence With the first edition of Leaves of Grass under his belt, Whitman enjoyed a letter of praise from Ralph Waldo Emerson, which Whitman subsequently published in one of the newspapers he worked on, and also in the second edition of his work. To be sure, Whitman has a number of great admirers during the years of 1855-1856, where Whitman visited and corresponded with fellow writers such as Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, and Bronson Alcott (Elliot, 1008)

Walt Whitman, ADD\'l Early Life (Reference, Biography

To be sure, Whitman has a number of great admirers during the years of 1855-1856, where Whitman visited and corresponded with fellow writers such as Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, and Bronson Alcott (Elliot, 1008). However, during the Civil War between the years of 1860 and 1866 Whitman has over 600 letter sent and received during this period, much of them preserved for modern day consumption and study (Folsom, and Price)

Cod a Biography of the Fish That Changed the World

The other important thing to note is that fishermen and scientists now work together to maintain cod levels, with the government acting like middlemen. Kurlansky describes the program saying that "a few fishermen in each community are sentries, measuring the progress of the cod stock by catching fish and reporting their findings to government scientists" (Kurlansky 4)

Ida B. Wells a Biography

Wells in 1864 (and at just 22 years of age) refused to give up her seat to a white man on a train. When she was forced off the train, she sued the railroad and thus began an active and passionate career in standing up for civil rights (Fridan, 2000, p

Ida B. Wells a Biography

279), as well as the end of the local family doctor in what had been his traditional role in the past. (the new doctors would be churned out like Henry Ford's automobiles, products of the "best schools" in the nation, and subjects to the pharmaceutical industry, their feudal overlords) (Friedman, McGarvie, 2003, p

Ida B. Wells a Biography

In fact, Wells led an anti-lynching campaign that even received attention from the international community. Her work in the States and in Britain inspired the British Women's Temperance Association to pass "a relatively strong resolution against lynching, one that had been adopted by a number of unions in the States" (Giddings, 2008, p

Ida B. Wells a Biography

Not everything in the Progressive Era centered on progress in an egalitarian sense. For example, various elitist foundations like the Rockefeller and Carnegie Foundations sponsored programs that transformed the face of society for the next century: Their "philanthropic" enterprises instigated the rise of the American Birth Control Movement, designed expressly to limit the population of blacks in America (Jones, 2000, p

Ida B. Wells a Biography

"Lynch Law" described the violent prejudice being visited on Southern blacks. As she writes, the Negro as a person has been "murdered by masked mobs for trying to vote," as well as for numerous other reasons supported by false charges (Wells, 1893)

Biography of Archaeologist Kathleen Kenyon

Having finished her diggings at Jericho in 1958, Kenyon dug in Jerusalem during the years of 1961 to 1967, focusing on the 'City of David' to the direct south of the Temple Base. Even though Kathleen really did not have any doubt that the sites that she dug up were connected to the Old Testament story she however drew responsiveness to discrepancies, closing that Solomon's "stables" at Megiddo were completely unreasonable for holding the horses (Davis, 2006), and that Jericho had fallen way before Joshua's arrival on the scene (Callaway, 2005)

Biography of Archaeologist Kathleen Kenyon

Having finished her diggings at Jericho in 1958, Kenyon dug in Jerusalem during the years of 1961 to 1967, focusing on the 'City of David' to the direct south of the Temple Base. Even though Kathleen really did not have any doubt that the sites that she dug up were connected to the Old Testament story she however drew responsiveness to discrepancies, closing that Solomon's "stables" at Megiddo were completely unreasonable for holding the horses (Davis, 2006), and that Jericho had fallen way before Joshua's arrival on the scene (Callaway, 2005)

Biography of Archaeologist Kathleen Kenyon

Having finished her diggings at Jericho in 1958, Kenyon dug in Jerusalem during the years of 1961 to 1967, focusing on the 'City of David' to the direct south of the Temple Base. Even though Kathleen really did not have any doubt that the sites that she dug up were connected to the Old Testament story she however drew responsiveness to discrepancies, closing that Solomon's "stables" at Megiddo were completely unreasonable for holding the horses (Davis, 2006), and that Jericho had fallen way before Joshua's arrival on the scene (Callaway, 2005)

Autobiography of Malcolm X As

When he is released from prison, Malcolm becomes increasingly involved in the Nation of Islam in Detroit, and this is when he changes his name to "Malcolm X," because the name does not represent who he believes he has become. He writes, "For me, my 'X' replaced the white slavemaster name of 'Little' which some blue-eyed devil named Little had imposed upon my paternal forebears" (Haley 199)

My Autobiography

Middle-class parents push their children to surpass their own accomplishments. Wealthy, well-educated parents routinely expect first-class performance from their children" (DiCanio, 2004, p

My Autobiography

"Virtually no feature of life-span development is due exclusively to either heredity or environment. Instead development is always shaped by both: Nature and nurture are mutually interactive influences" (Kail & Cavanaugh, 2012, p

Friedrich Engels Biography Friedrich Engels

Such an explanation is quite at one with that of Friedrich Engels. In Engel's explication of the anthropological record, in the most primitive state, the division of labor was sexual: males provided food for the family as well as protection for the community, while females cared for the household; each held control of the implements of their respective domains of specialization, while sharing as common property that which was the result of common production (Engels 1884, p

Friedrich Engels Biography Friedrich Engels

Such an explanation is quite at one with that of Friedrich Engels. In Engel's explication of the anthropological record, in the most primitive state, the division of labor was sexual: males provided food for the family as well as protection for the community, while females cared for the household; each held control of the implements of their respective domains of specialization, while sharing as common property that which was the result of common production (Engels 1884, p

Friedrich Engels Biography Friedrich Engels

Young Friedrich Engels Born November 28, 1820, Friedrich Engels entered the world during an era of change. Technology gave rise to an emerging world economy that meant massive movements in capital, foreign trade, and migration from and to various geographical locals around the world to accomplish the building of the necessary infrastructure to support the expanding financial infrastructure (Kenwood, a

Friedrich Engels Biography Friedrich Engels

" That Engels sees progress on the political and social fronts is less a product of the people's acceptance of communism as a political ideology, and, looking at the global debt crisis timeline in Appendix One, more a concern and unease with the economy, which, as pertained to Germany at that time, was impacted by foreign investment and prosperity or lack thereof (see Appendix One). The timeline indicates that during the year in which Engels' letter to Marx was penned, no less than twelve countries comprising twenty-two percent of the world's foreign debt, were in default on their world loans (Suter, C

Autobiography of Malcolm X The

To put things simple, the social condition of the black people was bad and the main party to contribute to the situation was represented by the whites. "Malcolm says that watching his house burn taught him one of many early lessons about being black in America"(Malcolm X, Haley) is a phrase more than relevant in order to describe the situation