Biblical Sources for your Essay

Crisis Intervention, Using Biblical Intervention

The primary intervention is educational -- explaining that certain changes have, or will, take place and exploring why these are necessary and/or part of life's maturation process. Self-help groups are often used in this type of issue once the initial crisis point has been diminished (Wainrib, 2006)

Biblical Interpretation

This enables them to live up to these ideals and abide by these behaviors. (Aaron, 2006) (Lehman, 1995) Golden Calves and the Decalogue Throughout the Bible, the concept of Decalogue is continuing to shift

Biblical Interpretation

" (Holly Bible New International Version, 2006) This is illustrating how God wants everybody to worship, respect and follow the ideals he set forward. (Hoffman, 2010) (Greenman, 2012) (Janzen, 1994) In Exodus 32, the golden calves are the classical example of worshiping other deities

Biblical Interpretation

" (Holly Bible New International Version, 2006) This is illustrating how God wants everybody to worship, respect and follow the ideals he set forward. (Hoffman, 2010) (Greenman, 2012) (Janzen, 1994) In Exodus 32, the golden calves are the classical example of worshiping other deities

Biblical Interpretation

" (Holly Bible New International Version, 2006) This is illustrating how God wants everybody to worship, respect and follow the ideals he set forward. (Hoffman, 2010) (Greenman, 2012) (Janzen, 1994) In Exodus 32, the golden calves are the classical example of worshiping other deities

Biblical Interpretation

These principles relate to Adam, Eve, Cain and Able by showing how humankind is supposed to act and attitudes that should be embraced. (Lehman, 1995) In Genesis 1-4, it is illustrating the way this is influencing how God looks at humans and his purpose for them

Biblical Archaeology - Jericho the Story of

Kenyon's superior method of excavation has been verified by additional scientific methods of analysis that were not available to her in the 1950s and 1960s. For example, Herz and Garrison offered in 2007 the results of carbon-14 isotope dating methods to determine number of years before present (BP) which could be determined from artifacts capable of undergoing radiocarbon dating from differing levels: these found an age of Jericho's Pre-Pottery levels between "8540 ± 65 years BP" (for level B) and "9582 ± 89 years BP" (for level A) -- the Natufian period of settlement at Jericho was estimated at "11,090± 90 years BP" (Herz and Garrison 93)

Biblical Coexistence of Dinosaurs and Man

It may well be the case, for example, that some of those being counted by scientists are water or air creatures, which get a passing by the Bible since it talks about God's creating land beasts. But even this gets difficult to accept if one has to address the issue of evolution (Ranganathan, n

Biblical View on Poverty, Social

Most of the Christian virtues given by Jesus and the latter seem to be favoring the poor. The prayer that Jesus gave His disciples to recite gives the insight for the need of social justice in the society: "…love your neighbor as you love yourself…" Mark 12:28-34 (Grassi, 2003)

Biblical View on Poverty, Social

The biblical version of poverty Views in the Old Testament The Hebrew Bible mainly uses the Israelites as the subjects to poverty. Due to lack of justice from the Egyptians, the Israelites are oppressed and made to serve the former making them to be poor (Malchow, 1996)

Biblical View on Poverty, Social

This could come because of the rise of the stratified society composed of the merchants and the poor. The merchants acquired much land thereby leaving the other group, which consisted of families without land and were unable to trade, in a poor situation (Tighe 1989)

Biblical World View. Contrast the

In this way, it has a consistency since, not measuring itself against fluctuating essences such as physics, biology, psychology, and the other sciences; it asserts that existence can be gauged only by the human's reaction and response to his own existence. And that each human has to work out for himself how to live his life (Flynn, 2006)

Biblical World View. Contrast the

That all is God. That there is nothing outside of God (Harrison, 2004)

Biblical World View. Contrast the

In this way, it has a certain consistency since its adherents need only open the Bible, read the words and apply them to their situation taking the Writ as said. Its consistency, moreover, is not only universal but also inter-generational since, unlike science which is a subject that changes and undergoes paradigmatic change (Kuhn, 1962); the Bible possesses a certain authority that outlasts age

Biblical Counseling Human Physiology Is

Using this theory, the idea of reinforcement helps us understand several aspects of addiction. For instance, why individuals react so differently to the same substance/drug? How the individual's unique relationship with the environment determines drug reactions? And finally, how individuals are able to modify their reactions through sheer force of will (Bandura, 1977; Castle & Hensley, 2002)

Biblical Counseling Human Physiology Is

5. The primary role of the Biblical counselor is to help the individual through the process and, through Biblical teaching, provide wisdom and guidance to alleviate the sinful addiction and accompanying behaviors (Belzman, 2010)

Biblical Counseling Human Physiology Is

.] adolescent suicide and suicide attempts include abnormally low levels of serotonin metabolite 5 HIAA; reduction in presynaptic 5HT receptor density; increase in post synaptic 5HT receptor density"(Cohen, et

Biblical Counseling Human Physiology Is

Instead, the template focuses on the vision that the behavior and self-expression of the individual will markedly improve through open communication with God, acceptance of Jesus Christ into their lives, and the use of Christian dogma to help frame their lives. One might ask -- "How might Jesus have responded to the situation," and then move more aggressively into a solution based therapy designed specifically around Biblical wisdom (Cook, 2006)

Biblical Counseling Human Physiology Is

Entwistle believes, "Everyone has a worldview -- a window through which he or she views the world, assumptions, and beliefs that color what he or she sees." But it is through this worldview that affects the individuals' paradigm that Entwistle believes is not so much chosen as what is learned from experiences, education and culture that are more or less ingrained, not really analyzed (Entwistle, 2004, 67)

Biblical Counseling Human Physiology Is

This is also true for humans in that if there are other alternatives to addictive behavior, the individual is more likely to redirect their focus. Thus, the psychological approach combines acculturation with psychological needs and factors the environment into the equation as well (Goode, 2011) Christian theory, however, tends to focus more on a fundamental change in both the therapist and client based on the situation