Behavior Management Sources for your Essay

Behavior Management Discussion Questions on Behavior Management

Disruptive behaviors also make children turn against their parents. Consequently, it becomes difficult to contain children who are the level of undergoing disruptive behaviors within them (IRIS, 2015)

Behavior Management for Schools

For instance, teachers can create a chart with the names of different students and place stars next to their names after commendable academic performances or instances of behavior. Thus, students can compete with one another for stars, and possibly even get rewards for being the student with the most stars after an allotted time period (Budden, 2010)

Behavior Management for Schools

The efficacy of a positive relationship with students to the related ease of classroom and behavior management is described in the subsequent quotation: "You don't win on the strength of your argument. You win on the strength of your relationship" (Goulston, 2013)

Behavior Management for Schools

The mishaps associated with focusing on negative aspects of children and one's relationship with them are alluded to in a study by the London School of Economics that revealed, "excessive shouting and meting out hard-line punishments was counterproductive. Ignoring naughty children also appeared to lead to deterioration in discipline standards" (Paton, 2014)

Behavior Management for Schools

This fact is particularly truthful when applied to male students. Current research indicates that, "For so many of the boys, the issue was not what subject or instructional approach engaged them, but rather for whom they might risk engagement and effort" (Reichert & Hawley, 2014)