Bear Sources for your Essay

Beard, Hofstadter, Wood: Economic Analysis of the US Constitution

Constitution. Beard argued that the document was "not the product of an abstraction known as 'the whole people' but a group of economic interests which must have expected beneficial results from its adoption" (Beard 16)

Beard, Hofstadter, Wood: Economic Analysis of the US Constitution

Richard Hofstadter came from the first generation of historians that learned from Beard's thesis, and although his own work is more interested in political organization -- hinging on the idea of how disparate political interests manage to create consensus -- Hofstadter also manages to validate the basic elements of Beard's thesis. Hofstadter notes, for example, that (contrary to the ideas of the twenty-first century Tea Party) the founders were not interested in "freedom of trade in the modern sense" and felt that "failure to regulate [trade] was one of the central weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation" (Hofstadter 69)

Beard, Hofstadter, Wood: Economic Analysis of the US Constitution

Constitution was conservative in character, Gordon Wood emphasizes (even in the title of his book) the radicalism of the American Revolution. But for Wood, the notion of this radicalism lies in its transformative power: his notion is that the Revolution and the founding generation "released powerful entrepreneurial and commercial strategies that few realized existed and transformed the economic landscape of the country" (Wood 8)

Cave Bear Jean M. Auel\'s

'Not Clan,' the leader gestured abruptly and turned to walk away." (Auel 11)

Bull Market vs. Bear Market Bear Market

These ideas are explored in greater detail below. Bear Market may be defined as "a long-term downtrend" (Walker, 2001) which may last several months and extend into years, and typically affects the stock market

Beardshear Hall the Central Building of the

It included many classes and offices. For example, classes like mathematics, English, botany, history, and modern language departments, as well as the president's, secretary's, treasurer's, and Board of Trustee's offices were held inside it (Grund, 2009)

Beardshear Hall the Central Building of the

The construction survived two fires that same year, and was completed on schedule. It cost them a lot of money, approximately four hundred thousand dollars (Reis, 2011)

Bear Globally, There Are Eight Bear Species

Positive perceptions of bear were related to higher levels of education and knowledge about the species (Krestser, 198-205). Perception of carnivores (including black bears) were more negative for people who were older, female, worked in natural resources extractive industries, or lived in rural areas (Agee and Miller, 198-205)

Bear Globally, There Are Eight Bear Species

Bears that become comfortable around humans are called habituated as they lose their fear of humans which can make them become dangerous as they search for food. Food conditioned bears are an increasing problem in the United States and Canada (Decker and Chase, 14-51)

Bear Globally, There Are Eight Bear Species

This can create conflict between the species that are losing their habitat and humans are living in, or using the resources in this area. Rural residents are often the people most affected and those who can most affect the successful management of these species as they share the same space and resources (Heberlein and Ericsson, 213-227)

Bear Globally, There Are Eight Bear Species

There are several factors influencing perceptions toward bears. Positive perceptions of bear were related to higher levels of education and knowledge about the species (Krestser, 198-205)

Bear Globally, There Are Eight Bear Species

Black bears have large home ranges in Newfoundland and Labrador, the males 200km2 or more, and females 60km2 which has made efforts to understand and manage their relationship with caribou challenging. Throughout the winter, black bears hibernate in dens which they make in sheltered spots such as caves, brush piles, burrows or tree cavities (Powell, 1997)

Bear Globally, There Are Eight Bear Species

Rural residents are often the people most affected and those who can most affect the successful management of these species as they share the same space and resources (Heberlein and Ericsson, 213-227). In the past, the response to a human wildlife conflict has been to kill the species and destroy their habitat (Manfredo, 2008)

Bear Globally, There Are Eight Bear Species

Perception of carnivores (including black bears) were more negative for people who were older, female, worked in natural resources extractive industries, or lived in rural areas (Agee and Miller, 198-205). In contrast, other research has found males to be more negative (Teel, 2-15; Williams, 2002)

Bear Globally, There Are Eight Bear Species

Food conditioned bears are an increasing problem in the United States and Canada (Decker and Chase, 14-51). As the population of black bears increases the human-wildlife interactions will inevitably increase as well (Treves and Karanth, 383-396)

Bear Globally, There Are Eight Bear Species

This suggest that information, educational approaches about bear behaviour and methods to reduce bear contact or damage may be successful in mediating the negative attitudes (Agee & Miller, 198-205). As the human populations continue to expand further onto the natural landscape, human-wildlife interactions increase (Whittaker, 515-530)

Right to Bear Arms in

The citizens must rush tumultuously to arms, without concert, without system, without resource; except in their courage and despair. (Hamilton, Federalist 28)

Right to Bear Arms in

The citizens must rush tumultuously to arms, without concert, without system, without resource; except in their courage and despair. (Hamilton, Federalist 28)

Right to Bear Arms in

However, as political systems changed and the government was able to provide a standing militia, the English monarchs gradually began to restrict the owning of arms, which led to a revolt and ended up with Parliament granting Protestant Britons the right to bear arms. (Hardy)

Bear Witness Will Bear Witness

He and other Jews were subject to unannounced house searches by the Gestapo, sometimes accompanied by threatening words and even beatings. (Burgess) November, 1939 found the war in Europe at a standstill