Baseball Sources for your Essay

Cooking Baseball Hobbies, Concerned Water Shortages, a

At its beginnings, cooking was nothing more than a survival element. It appeared as humans discovered fire (Wrangham 2) and was used in order to transition from raw food to cooked meals; thus, Homo sapiens became "the cooking animal" (Symons 46)

Cooking Baseball Hobbies, Concerned Water Shortages, a

It appeared as humans discovered fire (Wrangham 2) and was used in order to transition from raw food to cooked meals; thus, Homo sapiens became "the cooking animal" (Symons 46). A very rudimentary process, it ensured the evolution of the human species (Dell'Amore); for example, some scholars have claimed that cooked meat is much beneficial for the development of the human brain than raw meat, supporting the idea that humans acquired the habit of cooking as a way to evolve as a species (Reuell; Mann)

Cooking Baseball Hobbies, Concerned Water Shortages, a

It appeared as humans discovered fire (Wrangham 2) and was used in order to transition from raw food to cooked meals; thus, Homo sapiens became "the cooking animal" (Symons 46). A very rudimentary process, it ensured the evolution of the human species (Dell'Amore); for example, some scholars have claimed that cooked meat is much beneficial for the development of the human brain than raw meat, supporting the idea that humans acquired the habit of cooking as a way to evolve as a species (Reuell; Mann)

Latino Baseball Player

"In his first season he was assigned to play on a team in Lake Charles, Louisiana, but was forced to leave after only five games due to racial segregation. In 1963 he wrote an article in Sport magazine detailing the prejudice Latin players faced in the United States" (Partin et al

Latino Baseball Player

S. By the 2002 World Series, Latinos were such a hit in baseball; the series was broadcast in 14 languages to 200 countries, including number Spanish-language stations (Pi-Gonzalez)

Latino Baseball Player

Fernando Valenzuela, a native of Mexico, made a sensational debut with the Los Angeles Dodgers in the early 1980s. In 1993 Wayne Huizenga of the Florida Marlins launched his expansion team in the National League with a marketing strategy aimed at Miami's sizable Hispanic community (Singer et al

Latino Baseball Player

Luis Rodriguez Olmo became a popular outfielder for the Brooklyn Dodgers in 1943, winding up his big league career in 1951 with the Boston Braves. But they were light-skinned Latins who had passed through the game's color bar" (Wagenheim 33)

Baseball Research Attendance in Baseball

Team performance is another major factor. For example, Tampa Bay saw its attendance increase early in the 2010 following its pennant win in 2009, while Toronto saw a steep decline in attendance as fans took a negative view of the team's prospects in the same division as Tampa Bay, Boston and the Yankees (Nightengale & Boeck, 2010)

Baseball Research Attendance in Baseball

The closer a team is to other teams, the lower the attendance will be. It is worth noting that ticket prices are not a major factor in baseball attendance demand -- demand is relatively price inelastic (Winfree, McCluskey, Mittelhammer & Fort, 2004)

Fences Baseball as Symbolism in

Troy is against the idea of Cory playing any type of sport or even going to school instead of learning a good working trade; he remembers the way that baseball and the world treated him because of his color, and he thinks it is foolish for Cory to think that things have changed. Critic Sheri Metzger notes that, "Troy has become blind to the changes of the past ten years," and remains trapped in his own perspective (Metzger pp

Wooden vs. Aluminum Baseball Bats

The NCAA has consistently refused to switch permanently to wooden bats. According to them, "there are risks in all sports and that pitchers and infielders are aware of those risks" (Bloomberg, 1998)

Wooden vs. Aluminum Baseball Bats

Adjusting the swing in relation to the pitch is easier when more time can be given. Once a wooden bat is swinging, adjustments to that swing are difficult (Calder, 2000)

Wooden vs. Aluminum Baseball Bats

The largest change is that of the type of wood. Early bats used hickory for the bat material, while modern bats use ash and maple as well (Conley, et al

Wooden vs. Aluminum Baseball Bats

net, 2002). While some tout the safety of the wooden bat (Kelly, 2002), others point to evidence of increased performance of the aluminum bat (Crisco, Greenwood, 2000)

Wooden vs. Aluminum Baseball Bats

net, 2002). While some tout the safety of the wooden bat (Kelly, 2002), others point to evidence of increased performance of the aluminum bat (Crisco, Greenwood, 2000)

Wooden vs. Aluminum Baseball Bats

The National Federation of State High School Associations followed in 2003, creating the same mandate for high school leagues, adding that an aluminum bat must now have a minus-3 weight-to-length ratio. For example, if a bat is 33 inches long, it must weight at least 30 ounces (Garcia, 2003)

Wooden vs. Aluminum Baseball Bats

The debate over which type of bat is better has raged since the introduction of the aluminum bat. Currently, the NCAA uses only aluminum bats (Kelly, 2000), while the professional leagues use only wooden bats (Baseball-bat

Wooden vs. Aluminum Baseball Bats

His studies found swing speeds of around 65 miles-per-hour for 28- ounce bats and about 63 mph for those weighing 30 ounces. According to the research, even this slight reduction can vastly increase a pitcher's ability to react to a ball hit in their direction (Koenig, 1999)

Wooden vs. Aluminum Baseball Bats

com, 2002). From their one-piece aluminum bat to the stronger grade aluminum of the Easton bat in the late 1970's, the aluminum bat began to gain popularity (Mitsuda, 2002)

Wooden vs. Aluminum Baseball Bats

For aluminum, compensation for length or diameter can be made by making the aluminum shell thinner. Without having to add weight, the balance of the aluminum bat can be maintained without added burden, which is a definite advantage for aluminum (Nathan, 2002)