Authority Sources for your Essay

Parental Authority Choice on Childhood

Parental Authority Choice on Childhood Vaccinations Should parents be permitted to opt out of required vaccinations for their children? Childhood immunization has over the years grown to attract numerous attentions both as a necessary measure and an appalling means to safeguard spread of diseases. With the growing need to make the world a disease free zone, the number of immunization shots to children has increased in double figures since 1980 (Madlon-Kay and Harper 611)

Parental Authority Choice on Childhood

Parents opposing mandatory immunization say that it goes against their religion and some basic natural laws. The argument put forth to protect the civil right of the citizens of freedom of choice looks at the parents' choice and their religious believes (Salmon, Haber and Gangarosa 45)

Parental Authority Choice on Childhood

Compulsory vaccination is advocated in order to achieve between 70 to 90% immunization and thus "herd immunity." "Herd Immunity" implies that a group has a higher resistance to disease attacks and possible infections within the group are greatly minimized (Welch 1)

Confronting Unjust Authority Case Study

All officers should be subjected to thorough vetting especially within high-risk posts and those that require special circumstances to ensure that clearance of doubts on issues of integrity and existence of conflicts of interest. The management at XY Police Agency can utilize the approach in promotion and redeployment of officers (Barker, 2011)

Confronting Unjust Authority Case Study

The site promotes access to other external sources that address such issues. Malpractice and Corruption Prevention Bulletins sourced from local occurrences can be disseminated across the website for purposes of advising officers on high-risk behavior patterns (Carter & Wilson, 2006)

Confronting Unjust Authority Case Study

The strict requirements can be outlined through police catalogs about investments within the transport and entertainment industry. Failure to adhere to the XY police agency's requirements on conflicts of interest result in outlined disciplinary proceedings (Hess, Hess, & Orthmann, 2013)

Confronting Unjust Authority Case Study

Law enforcement officers have to conform to some values when discharging their duties. The major ones include honesty and integrity; professionalism; responsiveness to change; acceptance of accountability and responsibility; and effective communication (Pollock, 2011)

Delegation of Authority to Other Branches of Government

The doctrine of non-delegation of legislative powers holds that even if Congress wishes to delegate its legislative authority to another entity it cannot do so under the constitution. The specific law at stake in Schechter v United States was the National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA) "a law passed by Congress to regulate companies as a means to combat the Great Depression" (McBride)

Housos vs. Authority

Year : 2012

There Is No Authority But Yourself

Year : 2006

Short 3: Authority

Year : 2000

Youth Authority: California

Year : 2007

WWF with Authority!

Year : 2000

Authority and Expectations

Year : 2012

Tennessee Valley Authority

Year : 1940

Brief Authority

Year : 1914

The Teacher: Authority or Automaton?

Year : 1961

Authority Figures

Year : 2012