Atom Sources for your Essay

History of Atomic Theory Atomic

Greek antiques were the first to claim that matter was composed of indivisible units, but their approach was not based on experiment as it was rather a philosophical attempt to explain the universe. The Greek word atomos means indivisible and the theory of atoms was clearly defining that matter was composed of units obtained once you divide matter until no further division is possible, as presented by the Greek philosophers Leucippus and Democritus (History of atomic theory)

Anatomy and Physiology Organ Systems

Anatomy and Physiology Organ systems are "composed of two or more different organs that work together to provide a common function," (Carpi 1999)

Anatomy and Physiology Organ Systems

One of the body's first lines of defense, and thus one of the primary means of maintaining homeostasis, is the integumentary system. The integumentary system is critical for maintaining homeostasis via "protection, temperature regulation, sensory reception, biochemical synthesis, and absorption," (Farabee 2001)

British Petroleum Workshop Agenda Atom Process Analysis

In this case, we have a productive oil refinery that had paid off its initial investment long before. As we can see in the BP case, the Active Threats and Opportunities Management (ATOM) process is rarely implemented correctly (Hillson & Simon, 2007, 23)

British Petroleum Workshop Agenda Atom Process Analysis

Just in terms of financial losses, BP agreed to pay some $370 million in fines for the Texas City disaster and resulted in the changeover in CEOs. The Texas City explosion is illustrative because it does not involve other contractors and companies such as the Deepwater Horizon (Mouawad, 2010)

British Petroleum Workshop Agenda Atom Process Analysis

There was a history of safety issues at the plant, even before the 2005 fire. This ATOM analysis will concentrate on those reports because the reports after the disaster are predisposed to blaming John Browne and the upper management at BP, though this may be justified since the refinery was a BP asset from 1999 on (Trevor, 2007, 4) Therefore, the Telos Report of 2004 should yield some good objective information for the ATOM process

Anatomy and Physiology of Tetanus

This is caused by the muscle stiffness and rigidity in this disease which can complicate coughing and the process of swallowing. As one study notes; "Aspiration pneumonia occurs as a result of inhaling the secretions, or contents, of the stomach, which can lead to a lower respiratory tract infection" (Tetanus Complications)

Atomic Bomb Historians Like Gar Alperovitz and

In May 1945, Truman also told Joseph Davies, a former ambassador to the Soviet Union, that one reason he was delaying the Potsdam Conference with Stalin was that "the test was set for June, but had been postponed until July," indicated that he wanted to know that the atomic bomb worked before meeting with the Soviets (Davies Diary, May 21, 1945). At Potsdam, Truman and Byrnes were openly excited by the successful test of the atomic bomb and the possibility that it would "a master card" and "royal straight flush" in diplomacy to coerce and restrain the Soviets (Alperovitz 31)

Atomic Bomb Historians Like Gar Alperovitz and

And Britain, calls for the total extermination against the Japanese were routine, at both the popular and elite levels, as were depictions of the Japanese are monkey-men. In this theater of the Second World War "it is easy to forget the visceral emotions and the sheer race hate that gripped virtually all participants" with led to the conflict becoming literally merciless and remorseless (Dower 55-56)

Atomic Bomb Historians Like Gar Alperovitz and

government documents that Japan was going to surrender in 1945 even if the atomic bombs were no dropped and that no invasion would ever have been necessary. Their only condition was that the United States "guaranteed the safety of the Emperor Hirohito," and in the end the Truman administration agreed to this rather than prosecuting him as a war criminal (Sherwin xviii)

Atomic Bomb Historians Like Gar Alperovitz and

Stimson had written that "there was as yet no indication of any weakening in the Japanese determination to fight rather than accept unconditional surrender. If she should persist in her fight to the end, she had still a great military force" (Stimson 9)

How Our Anatomy Affects Human Culture and Behavior

Because people have large brains (certainly as compared to most of the other animal and insect kingdom), they are imbued with an intellectual capacity that enables them to transcend mere physical desire and its needs and to pursue various facets of intellectual pursuits. In fact, one of the theories regarding the large size of human brains posits the viewpoint that, "the evolution of the human brain was driven by our increasingly complex social relationships" (Balter)

How Our Anatomy Affects Human Culture and Behavior

Our respiratory systems are considerably different from those of amphibians and from conventional sea-dwelling creatures such as fish and whales. Because of the way our bodies are designed to intake oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide (Johnson), we are land dwellers whereas the other mentioned species have anatomies that make them adaptive to water

Zoning and Development Case Study: The Natomas

I. Identify potential stakeholders: I have identified eight stakeholders in the Natomas situation (Callihan, Kleiman, & Tirnauer, 2009, p

Zoning and Development Case Study: The Natomas

What is the decision problem involved in this case and what are the relevant factors necessary to understand the situation? There are several competing interests and concerns: I. "County South" wants to urbanize part of the Natomas property, is frustrated with the lack of progress and has considered breaking with the "Memorandum of Understanding" (MOU) (City of Sacramento, CA Planning Department, 2009, p

Zoning and Development Case Study: The Natomas

Unfortunately, the Study failed to definitively conclude where growth should occur and where the land should be left undeveloped. The Study lacks a clear pattern, partly due to pressures and opposition from both developmental and environmental interests (Newell, 2008, p

Zoning and Development Case Study: The Natomas

It tries to force capitulation of the other party and can use acceptable means such as majority vote, judicial ruling or leader authority or more odious means such as threats, innuendo and secret strategies according to the principle that the end justifies the means. The valued outcome in Win-Lose is winner-takes all (Stark & Flaherty, 2003)

Anatomy Is the Branch of

His folio of hand-colored anatomical plates are a true combination of art and science, and follow the manner in which the Greeks studied anatomy, the Renaissance (Da Vinci) looked at proportions, how the Classicists used realism to project tone and timbre, and now how the drawings of his own unique view of the human form combine with an artistic endeavor to become less macabre and more aesthetically pleasurable. Interesting as well is that the artistic contribution of this piece actually had a remarkable influence on the way anatomy was viewed in the 19th century (Eimas)

Anatomy Is the Branch of

It is interesting that both fields sometimes influenced each other -- the more detailed medical science became, the more detailed and specific art followed anatomical issues. And, it was not just the study of nude models or cadavers that inspired artists, but simply watching people move, and in the modern world cross sections, CT scans, and MRI imagining (Goldfinger)

Anatomy Is the Branch of

One of Rembrandt's gifts was the suggestion of movement, and this clearly shows, not only in the balance of the audience, but the thrust and focal point of the cadaver's hand. This also combines art and science, who could imagine such a gory scene as part of their living room art, yet the gory nature of the subject was really more about a new way of looking realistically at the body than the topic itself (Heckscher; Iipma)