Arthritis Sources for your Essay

The Arthritis Foundation Proposal

Therefore, one consideration that may have not been sufficiently controlled for, is the fact that studies are only focusing on the populations that have a low-income status (Lin, Bharel, Zhang, O'Connell & Clark, 2015). Other studies have also focused on populations with individuals that were only enrolled in the Medicaid program and essentially excluded any other demographics in the research (Nielson & Barratt, 2009)

The Arthritis Foundation Proposal

The total health expenditures will include the total amount of money paid by the Medicaid and Medicare for a combination of different services including emergency department visits, hospital stays, and ambulatory department visits that are used to treat arthritis within the time frame outline in the scope of study. The sample of Medicare enrollees with either primary or secondary diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis, can also be used to estimate any trends that might be present for enrollees with a leading diagnostic assessment of either type 1 of the 2 conditions (Orizio, Merla, Schulz & Gelatti, 2011)

The Arthritis Foundation Proposal

However, there are many challenges in the healthcare system that can hinder the ability to effectively manage the symptoms related to the disease. For example, the Medicaid program has issued a restriction on prescription drugs available to treat arthritis in order to decrease and control the rising prescription drug cost trend (Ramondetta et al

The Arthritis Foundation Proposal

who are currently living with juvenile arthritis and are in need of unique and urgent care for the estimated 300,00 children that have arthritis and the organization is dedicated to manage its resources in order to assist these families and their caregivers in the most effective and efficient manner possible. Statement of Need/Objective Statement One of the main leading causes of disability in the United States is Arthritis, which contributes to this condition being one of the costliest medical conditions in healthcare if the disease and its symptoms are not taken care of (Remmes Martin, Shreffler, Schoster & Callanhan, 2012)

The Arthritis Foundation Proposal

Statement of Need/Objective Statement One of the main leading causes of disability in the United States is Arthritis, which contributes to this condition being one of the costliest medical conditions in healthcare if the disease and its symptoms are not taken care of (Remmes Martin, Shreffler, Schoster & Callanhan, 2012). People with Arthritis have twice as high spending on prescription drugs and hospitalizations on average than those people with other chronic diseases which makes it important for individuals to get diagnosed and treated as soon as feasibly possible (Roebuck, Dougherty, Kaestner & Miller, 2015)

The Arthritis Foundation Proposal

It is hypothesized that lower costs related to prescription drugs for arthritis will be correlated with a decrease in the hospitalization rate for patients suffering symptoms related to arthritis. Methods Sample selection/description of primary data sources: The methodology that will be used in the study will include a cross sectional sample that will be used for a data analysis that will included from a particular community within a specific time that will be scheduled (Reichenheim & Coutino, 2010)

The Arthritis Foundation Proposal

However, while these restrictions have decreased the overall prescription drug costs, on the other hand these measures have also worked to increase the total medical care average cost for patients with arthritis (Remmes Martin, Shreffler, Schoster & Callanhan, 2012). The restrictions resulted in people discontinuing or minimizing their prescription drug use when compared with Medicaid patients use of the medications in a study a year earlier when there were no restrictions of these drugs in place (Wilson, Axelsen & Tang, 2005)

Arthritis: A Dialogue with Pain

Year : 1981

Arthritis: An Integrated Approach

Year : 2005

The Arthritis Show

Year : 2012

Reverse Arthritis and Pain Naturally

Year : 2012

Advances in Arthritis: A National Video Seminar

Year : 1984

Health Matters: Arthritis

Year : 2013

Yoga for the Rest of Us with Peggy Cappy: Easy Yoga for Arthritis

Year : 2010