Arson Sources for your Essay

Arson Over Thirty Thousand Structural

By this time the adolescent arsonist uses fire as a means to express misdirected anger and boredom leading from a lack of emotional impulse control and receiving the wrong attention when younger in regards to the firesetting activity. In this group different issues, both psychological and even biological, may need to be addressed regarding intervention (Lambie, Mccardle, and Coleman)

Arson Over Thirty Thousand Structural

The troubled teen was convicted of burglary and arson in December 2005 and sentenced to 28 years in the Arkansas Department of Corrections. (Montgomery 31) Arson is also committed by someone who simply finds the fire itself to be very exciting and that is often his or her only motivation for starting it

Arson Over Thirty Thousand Structural

Other motives for arson include murder as well as suicide. And it is also utilized to conceal another crime, burning all evidence away in its wake (Peterson)

Arson Over Thirty Thousand Structural

They appear to derive a pathological excitement from, and involvement in, setting the fire, attending the scene, busying themselves at it or having called out the fire brigade in the first instance. (Prins, Fire-raisers 253) The motives for pyromania are somewhat different than that of a serial arsonist, although the two share many traits

Arson Over Thirty Thousand Structural

They appear to derive a pathological excitement from, and involvement in, setting the fire, attending the scene, busying themselves at it or having called out the fire brigade in the first instance. (Prins, Fire-raisers 253) The motives for pyromania are somewhat different than that of a serial arsonist, although the two share many traits

Arson Over Thirty Thousand Structural

(Moore 15) The economic motives have already been addressed, but arson can also be politically motivated ranging from civil disobedience to hate crimes, "The reign of terror against rural Alabama churches appears to be over. Three college men -- all honor students, and two of them students at a United Methodist school, Birmingham-Southern College -- have confessed to setting nine churches on fire" (Willimon 11) Arson is also a method of getting revenge for a jilted lover or bad partnerships of almost any kind, friends, business associates and the like

David Carson When David Carson

After graduating from SDSU, Carson went into teaching. At the age of 24 (Plagens, 1996, p

David Carson When David Carson

What McNeill did not want was "The Carson Look" -- the "wild approaches for solving problems" but rather he wanted an exclusive new tone that is unique to Digital Kitchen. "Hopefully, I am evolving as an artist and a designer, and Digital Kitchen seems to be a place that [offers me the best] chance at getting to the next level" (Remson, 2002, p

Johnny Carson

This is the way in which Carson symbolized "adultness" -- if Charlie Brown and Snoopy indicated a humor that was suitable for children, Carson made it clear that his own humor was no more suitable for children than a dry martini would be. And indeed, Carson's book is full of winking jokes about sex, told in a style that would be permissible on television in the 1960s: "Happiness is…recognizing your new secretary from a picture in an old Playboy magazine" (Carson 1968)

Johnny Carson

He was also the greatest individual star the medium had ever created." (Carter 3)

Johnny Carson

In this case, the content of the board game was actually deemed too sexual and controversial for certain markets: an executive from the Milton Bradley game manufacturer noted that "Sears didn't think it was appropriate for their catalogue." (DeMain 2011)

Johnny Carson

By this logic, Carson situated his own persona between that of an average person not unlike the viewer at home (represented by McMahon) and a visibly raffish "show biz" personality (represented by Severinsen). Ramsey Ess recently commented upon the "mystical reverence that is held for Johnny Carson's iteration of The Tonight Show" but makes it clear, through an examination of a 1981 episode, that the show was incredibly different from what late-night programming is like thirty years later (Ess 2012)

Johnny Carson

Timberg notes this of The Tonight Show, claiming that "the talk show host is as much a representative of the people as an elected official." (Timberg 402)

Johnny Carson

This is astonishing when we consider that Carson took no part in the synergistic strategies that we associate with television in 2012: he did not appear in films, or regularly promote himself elsewhere in the media, he published no memoirs (and indeed published nothing save two joke-books from the earliest years of his Tonight Show stint) and refused to cooperate with a documentary about his life. In a profile of Carson, Orson Welles was quoted as saying "he's the only invisible talk host" (Tynan 1978)

Johnny Carson

So if he found somebody sympathetic politically, as he found me, you ended up helping him express what he meant -- but which he could not say -- because of NBC's all-sides-must-be-represented-at-all-times policy." (Lacayo 2006)

HUMANITIES215 Discovering Humanities Sayre Pearson 2 9781256735007

French would be unrecognizable without Latin and as Latin continued to be 'preserved' as a medium of scholarship intact and thus it continued to influence Western language development. "There are many Latin terms in Old and Middle English, reflecting first the impact of Roman culture (wine, cheese) and then the impact of Christian Latin (vespers, trinity), Early Modern English (after 1500 or so) reveals a huge influx of words from a 'revived' classical Latin that had become once again the language of international literary and academic business in the West" and continues to be taught in modernity (Morris n

Arson on Firefighters Factors the

The judge is correct in his statement that there is an intentional act involved in every act of recklessness. (Murray) Bibliography Commonwealth vs

Silent Spring Rachel Carson\'s 1962 Book Silent

Silent Spring Rachel Carson's 1962 book Silent Spring is filled with a "hodgepodge of science and junk science," creating a "Disneyfied version of Eden," according to some modern reviewers (Tierney 2007)

Doctor/Patient Relationship Talcott Parsons Was the First

Sickness, or contrived sickness, excused people from work and other tasks, and therefore was potentially harmful to the social order if uncontrolled. Upholding the social order necessitated the advance of a legitimized sick role to manage this deviance, and make sickness a midway state back to regular role presentation (Hughes, 1994)

Doctor/Patient Relationship Talcott Parsons Was the First

About one in four patients feel that their doctors occasionally expose them to needless risk, according to data from a Johns Hopkins study published in the journal of Medicine. Other studies have shown that whether patients trust a doctor strongly influences whether they take their medication or follow up on tests and procedures (Parker-Pope, 2008)