Argument Sources for your Essay

Banning Soda There Is No Real Argument

"26% of children who have access to soft drinks at school consume them. Those who consume more soft drinks at school, such as low-income and black non-Hispanic children, are more likely to consume more soft drinks overall" (Fernandes)

Banning Soda There Is No Real Argument

" The erosive potential of colas is 10 times that of fruit juices in just the first three minutes of drinking, a study last year showed. The latest research, published in Academy of General Dentistry (AGD) journal General Dentistry, reports that drinking any type of soft drink hurts teeth due to the citric acid and/or phosphoric acid in the beverages" (Lloyd)

Banning Soda There Is No Real Argument

With that in mind, there have been numerous attempts to ban sodas in various venues. Some schools have banned sodas from campus, and in New York, Mayor Bloomberg tried to ban the purchasing of soda from food stamp recipients (Seifman)

Experimental Research Argument by Examining Einstein\'s Statement

They have to use various methods to find what they want to know, and sometimes there is a great deal of trial and error involved in finding the answer to the question. Einstein believed that there were many ways in which people could discover the world around them, and it was clear by his life's work that he was dedicated to doing all he could to advance science and humanity in such a way that it would be beneficial for the entire world (Cooperstock, 2009)

Experimental Research Argument by Examining Einstein\'s Statement

Facts are thought to come from experimental research, but do they really come from that? Is it possible that they come from what is already known? That would depend on what a person considers to be a fact. Facts are provable, but what is proof? Scientific proof is not the same as religious proof, for example - meaning that not all researchers will see proof the same way (Freedman, 2009)

Experimental Research Argument by Examining Einstein\'s Statement

It is also possible that the quote was originally part of something much longer, and that it was taken out of context. Even if Einstein meant it exactly as stated, was he correct? It is possible for individuals to not know what they are doing when they begin research, but how logical is it that they will not figure out what they are doing as they go along? The truth of the matter seems to be that researchers do, indeed, know what they are doing (Hinkelmann & Kempthorne, 2008)

Experimental Research Argument by Examining Einstein\'s Statement

They really are not locating new facts with experimental research. They are taking what they already believe to be true and verifying that it is fact (Kupelis & Kuhn, 2007)

Golden Rule: The Main Argument That Is

Despite being the main source of redistributing incomes, the idea of interpersonal comparability of utilities under this principle has been generally abandoned. The concept of interpersonal comparability of utilities has been largely ignored because of the principle of lessening marginal utility efficiently applies to income that entails all the advantages an individual obtains from the use of his resources (Hayek, p

Loyalist Arguments -- a Persuasive

This could result in greater number of savage attacks to our lands, a greater financial drain upon our tradesmen because of a lack of security and access to trade routes, and, at worst, armed conflict between the mother country that would profoundly disrupt out entire economy and current way of life. Surely the aims and policy of the Congress and the patriot leaders, can be met with such adjustment as would assure to the colonies greater local self-government, but still have full recognition of English and royal parliamentary authority with reasonable representation? (Ward & Trent, VII

Validity of the Argument and the Counterargument

It was intended that more supportive and less coercive measures would be used than is the case where intervention occurs only after a child has been harmed. (Durrant, 1999, 436 -- 437) In the case of Sweden, the ban was an experiment

Validity of the Argument and the Counterargument

" Parents who refuse to use corporal punishment on children are viewed as too lenient and ineffective -- in essence, "poor" parents (Carson, 1986). Consistent with these norms, almost all parents use corporal punishment on their toddlers (Straus, 1991, 1994)

Validity of the Argument and the Counterargument

Moreover, adolescents report being physically punished at a median frequency of four times per year…A variety of negative health and behavioral outcomes suggests that acts involving physical punishment are stressful for children. (Turner & Finkelhor, 1996, 155) Thus in the U

Casual Analysis Argument About the Media

The immediate outcry over the incident led to an investigation by the government agency, the FCC, that is responsible for regulating television content for decency: the media company that broadcast the Super Bowl, Viacom, was ultimately fined $550,000 dollars for the transgression. However, subsequent appeals within the legal system ended up reversing this judgment and cancelling the fine, and the story finally ended permanently on June 29, 2012 when the Supreme Court declined to hear an appeal by the FCC to reinstate the fine, with Chief Justice John Roberts noting that the law had been clarified and codified and (in his words) "any future 'wardrobe malfunctions' will not be protected on the ground relied on by the court below" (Cherner, 2012)

Casual Analysis Argument About the Media

Instead, that celebration was tainted by a classless, crass and deplorable stunt. (Cogan 2014)

Casual Analysis Argument About the Media

The irony is that very frequently the allegorical statues of Justice in American courthouses are represented with a blindfolded woman holding scales, who is frequently depicted with bared breasts: these statues have not caused moral collapse, and it would be hard to argue that somehow Janet Jackson had accomplished what 2500 years of depiction of the nude human figure in art had failed to do. However this did not stop other political figures from making exaggerated and overblown claims for the danger posed by a partially-clothed nipple seen for nine-sixteenths of a second on television: Senator Zell Miller described it as "a show brought to us courtesy of…the pagan temple of Viacom-Babylon" (Miller 2004)

Casual Analysis Argument About the Media

I cannot praise a fugitive and cloistered virtue, unexercised and unbreathed, that never sallies out and sees her adversary…. (Milton 1644) In an era when Christian moralists have done much to discredit their cause by hysterical panic, it is worth considering Milton's memorable argument here

Researched Argument on the Jungle by Upton Sinclair

What he sees is hideous and horrifying, both to Jurgis and to the reader. In this chilling tale of exploitation and neglect, Sinclair "openly revealed the inhumane conditions of the Chicago stockyards and how the meatpacking industry operated, resulting in the passage of the pure food and drug laws within months after the books publication" (Arthur 1)

Researched Argument on the Jungle by Upton Sinclair

Upton Sinclair's The Jungle The Use of Style to Craft an Argument: Upton Sinclair's the Jungle "Sinclair uses language effectively, and in a variety of ways, to shape his characters and develop his themes" and thus effectively created a novel that outraged the public and created the beginnings of reform in American industry (Oatman 30)

Researched Argument on the Jungle by Upton Sinclair

freeze the horror experienced by the reader as more and more exploitations are uncovered. According to the research, "his descriptions of the human costs are most gripping when he avoids sentiment in favor of flatly reported horror" (Olsson 1)

Researched Argument on the Jungle by Upton Sinclair

This occurs throughout the novel, but particularly in specific scenes discussing individual workers in the injuries he incurred. There is one scene where Sinclair describes workers being turned into lard; "and as for the other men, who worked in tank rooms full of steam, and in some of which there were open vats near the level of the floor, their peculiar trouble was that they fell into the vats; and when they were fished out, there was never enough of them left to be worth exhibiting -- sometimes they would be overlooked for days, till all but the bones of them had gone out to the world as Durham's Pure Leaf Lard!" (Sinclair 120)