Annotated Bibliography Sources for your Essay

School Buildings Annotated Bibliography What

These methods primarily are defined by on-site construction techniques. However, using this method and constructing new buildings with higher material standards could suggest that many of the new LEED buildings might not prove as environmentally friendly as they might need to be (Altan & Popovic-Larsen, 2012)

School Buildings Annotated Bibliography What

S. Green Building Council (USGBC) that was created with the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) building rating system which serves as the primary sustainable assessment for buildings (Beckrich, 2012)

School Buildings Annotated Bibliography What

However, many of the older existing buildings remain a challenge and can be characterized by poor quality. The energy retrofit of existing school buildings in recent years is part of the policies of the European Union and, consequently, of the Member States and rarely do these measures consider aspects other than energy (Dali'O, et al

School Buildings Annotated Bibliography What

School Buildings Annotated Bibliography What factors pertain to good school design and how can these factors support health, well-being, and the educational attainment of students? Schools for the twenty-first century: school design and educational transformation The importance of school building design is receiving increasing attention as the importance of design can be a moderating factor in educational attainment. The Building Schools for the Future programme represents the biggest single UK government investment in school buildings for over 50 years and as a result investors want to ensure that the design is world-class (Leiringer & Cardellino, 2011)

School Buildings Annotated Bibliography What

On the borderline of "sick" and "healthy" buildings and schools: the concept of sustainability problematized. Indoor air in our homes, workplaces and schools is a global concern, an issue in policy and science, and part of the World Health Organization's programme on environmental awareness (Sandstedt, 2009)

School Buildings Annotated Bibliography What

Yet the aesthetics of buildings, especially schools, is a factor that is not as salient as some of the factors associated with sustainability. Aesthetics is the branch of philosophy concerned with art, beauty, and taste, with emphasis on sensory values, including an attraction to all that is alive and vital; aesthetic spaces and places having ample natural light ensure a constructive influence on myriad human behaviors (Tanner, 2013)

Hamid's "Reluctant Fundamentalist" / Annotated Bibliography

This recent and fascinating study approaches the question of cross-cultural encounters in literature via a theoretical framework followed by the close analysis of two English-language novelists of foreign ancestry -- the British-Pakistani novelist Salman Rushdie and the Russian emigre turned American novelist Vladimir Nabokov. Trousdale offers a more optimistic and appealing account of the way that cross-cultural encounter in fiction can transcend the sorrows of post-colonial oppression, by examining the way in which "transnational fiction" can "create communities that replace national cultures" and "use the rhetoric and epistemology of nationalism to enlist readers and writers into a new kind of group identity" (Trousdale 2)

Brief Practice of Preparing an Annotated Bibliography

The rhetorical information is that this is an editorial review in a printed literary journal, examining The Best American Stories 2008, including Russell's short story, directed at readers of American short stories and essays. The content is a broad, sweeping assessment of The Best American Stories of 2008 and a very brief assessment of particular stories that caught Minus' attention, including Russell's work, which Minus claims will "either divert you or make your teeth ache" (Minus)