Animal Rights Sources for your Essay

Animal Rights - Pet Licenses

Another conceptual difficulty is defining abuse in the context of animal ownership, when we routinely raise and process animals for human consumption. Granted, some animals (like dogs and cats, for example) are not consumed in this country, but they are in others (Tangley, 2000)

Animal Rights Ethics and Morality

An ecocentric theory makes no ontological distinction between 'nature' and 'humanity'. This theory basically asserts that humans hold no more value than other living beings (Hettinger)

Animal Rights Ethics and Morality

A represents an animal that is less sophisticated on a psychological level (a rabbit) and B. represents the more psychology sophisticated animal (a human being) (Peffer)

Animal Rights Ethics and Morality

Differences in intelligence, race, and gender are not valid criteria to exploit other humans; to Singer, a creature's species is equally irrelevant. He claimed that "From an ethical point-of-view, we all stand on an equal footing -- whether we stand on two feet, or four, or none at all" (Singer, 1985, p

Animal Rights Ethics and Morality

Differences in intelligence, race, and gender are not valid criteria to exploit other humans; to Singer, a creature's species is equally irrelevant. He claimed that "From an ethical point-of-view, we all stand on an equal footing -- whether we stand on two feet, or four, or none at all" (Singer, 1985, p

Animal Rights Mammals

Fish and Wildlife Service's import of 10 close cougar relatives from Texas two years ago. (Bogo and Motavalli, 1999) The move was controversial, but most observers say the panther would have disappeared without such intervention

Animal Rights Mammals

Peterson's decision to fight back - he stabbed the lion in the head with a small knife and poked it in the eye with his thumb - probably saved his life. (Crowder and Vaughan, 1998) Protected Species vs

Animal Rights Mammals

Game status and the elimination of state-supported bounty hunters helped." (Hansen, 1995) Encounters between humans and mountain lions, including some attacks, are on the increase throughout the West

Animal Rights Mammals

"From Patagonia to British Columbia, mountain lions are the most successful large predator in the western hemisphere." (Lyons, 1996) Maurice Hornocker, the founder of the Hornocker Wildlife Institute and, for the past three decades, the dean of mountain lion research, points to two reasons for their success in this age of vanishing ecosystems and species: The first, he says, is the resurgence of deer and elk, the main staple of any lion's diet

Animal Rights Mammals

Even deadlier than hungry miners were the domestic sheep that were brought to graze the high Sierra pastures and which passed on deadly respiratory bacteria to their country cousins. Though bighorn hunting was banned in 1878, by the end of the century few wild sheep were left in the high Sierra Nevada's (Rauber, 2001) The reclusive mountain lions typically choose their prey from packs of mule deer

Animal Rights Mammals

' (Endangered Species Act)." (Souza, 2001) Many War veterans were originally invited to the Klamath basin as homesteaders to raise families and farm, and they remain on family property today

Animal Rights in Laboratory Experiments

Some are even researched for their ability to donate tissue and vital organs to human beings. This concept is referred to as "xenotransplantation" (Mani)

Animal Rights and Moral Philosophy Most Philosophy

As we can clearly see these goods are qualified by something." (Bukowski "Kant's Theory of Morals") Though symbiosis has not always been understood it is clear that the effects of the universal destruction of interrelated beings would be at the detriment of the human condition

Animal Rights and Moral Philosophy Most Philosophy

In virtue of his intelligence and free will, man is master of his conduct." (Fox, "The Catholic Encyclopedia: Online") As humans with free will, according to Immanuel Kant and many other thinkers we do not always do what we ought to do and even though, according to natural Law Theory the moral answer is accessible to us through reason we do not always either reason it through or choose the right action

Animal Rights Ethics

However, the law is not on the accusers' side, and therefore, they quibble that researchers unnecessarily and illegally move to levels of research in violation of the Animal Welfare Act. For the author's part (Ingram, 2001), he presents both sides of the debate

Animal rights - Wikipedia

Animal rights is the idea in which some, or all, non-human animals are entitled to the possession of their own lives and that their most basic interests ...

Animal Rights Facts and Resources - ThoughtCo

Use these resources to learn important facts about animal rights, laws, issues, and activism focusing on the treatment and mistreatment of animals worldwide.

BBC - Ethics - Animal ethics: Animal rights

The case for animal rights. Philosophers have usually avoided arguing that all non-human animals have rights because: the consequences are so limiting for ...

Animal Rights legal definition of Animal Rights

Animal Rights. Protection of animals from cruelty through requirements of humane treatment. Laws protecting animal rights proscribe certain forms of brutal and ...

Animal Rights Debate |

History and Debate of Animal Rights. Animals are used for research in a variety of settings, including tests to determine the safety of drugs, cosmetics and other ...